...The simulation was performed to study the performance of both IPTV and VOIP over the LTE networks. We used the OPNET simulator 17.5 Modeler to examine the behavior of IPTV and VOIP over LTE networks in the real time domain with reasonably accurate emulation of multiple network topologies. Different thirty of scenarios have been designed in our simulation as shown in Tables 1 up to 4 and their simulated results were accumulated to analyze the effect on overall performance and all of results are monotonically and stable without any resonance. 7.2 Network Topology The network topology consists of application configuration that we accessed our application of video and voice transmission through it, profile configuration that we defined our simulated application to each LTE mobile node, LTE configuration that we accessed all required network parameters through it (i.e. In our simulation it will use physical layer mode as an efficiency mode) and seven cells in each cell LTE mobile SS nodes are located at a certain distance from LTE BS as shown in Fig.6. This network will receive a video and voice streaming signal over IP networks such that LTE BS can access it at a certain transmission power and distance between it and the other base stations and SS in the network in the same coverage area through the accessed network. 7.3...
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...Introduction Issues in Mobile Computing • There are several characteristics of wireless networks and mobile devices that give rise to issues that do not pose a problem in fixed, wired infrastructure. – Adaptive behaviour p – Battery power – Limitation on local resources – Small display size – Disparity in the availability of remote services – Unpredictable variation in QoS. 1 WRES3405 (3) 2 WRES3405 (3) Adaptive Behaviour • Adaptability is critical to support pervasive computing. • Pervasive computing extends the problem domain: – – – – Effective use of smart space space. Invisibility. Localised scalability. Masking uneven conditioning. • Adaptive behaviour arises due to a significant mismatch between supply and demand for resources. – Often in low level systems, e.g. bandwidth, memory. • As a mobile user moves, services and resources may become available or disappear. • Mismatch may occur even when the user is static static. • The system has to handle the variation in a way that minimises inconvenience to users and does not abruptly interfere with the task the user is trying to accomplish. WRES3405 (3) 3 WRES3405 (3) 4 • Other reasons for a mismatch: – The availability of compute servers or data-staging server is location-dependent and affects techniques such as cyber foraging. – In case of mobile code, low-level resources and interactive resources may vary widely between the source and destination systems. As time elapses, the resource level may...
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...even though they are not specifically from a standards body. A protocol must be implemented to enable effective, efficient communication by using a set of rules. Protocols are also described as hardware or software components that carry out the OSI model guidelines for transferring information on a network In short - if we don't have a protocol we won't be able to communicate between different devices. Identify the protocols in your design and provide rationale for your decision Define the overall network architecture. The design of a communications system, which includes the backbones, routers, switches, wireless access points, access methods and protocols used May refer only to the access method in a LAN, such as Ethernet or Token Ring Network architecture is the design of a communications network. It is a framework for the specification of a network's physical components and their functional organization and configuration, its operational principles and procedures, as well as data formats used in its operation. In telecommunication, the specification of network architecture may also include a detailed description of products and services delivered via a communications network, as well as detailed rate and billing structures under which services are Explain the usefulness of a traffic analysis Its very important to analyze the traffic that comes to your website because it can really...
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...Cedric Clinton NETW320 Professor: Steve Gonzales Lab Report week2 1. On the Results Browser, make sure you are on Current Project so you have both sets of results. Expand DB Query and Select DB Query Response Time (sec). Hit the Show button. Zoom into the last half portion of the graph for better granularity and to avoid start up oscillation time to stabilize. Copy and label this graph to your lab report and answer the following: 1.) Which run has a better (lower) DB Query Response time? The scenario that runs the silence suppression (red line on my lab) has the best DB query response time. 2.) In regard to your answer to part a, approximate how much faster (in seconds or milliseconds) of a response time the better scenario has. The faster scenario that runs silence suppression is approximately 0.2 seconds faster. 2. Expand E-mail and select Download Response Time (sec). Select Show and zoom into the last half portion of the graph for better granularity and to avoid start up oscillation time to stabilize. Copy and label this graph to your lab report and answer the following: 3.) Which run has a better (lower) e-mail Download Response time? The scenario that runs the silence suppression (red line on my lab) has the lower email download response time. 4.) In regard to your answer to part a, approximate how much faster (in seconds or milliseconds) of a response time the better scenario has. The scenario that runs silence suppression is approximately...
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...Indranil Gupta‡ , William Gropp§ Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 201 North Goodwin Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801-2302, USA Email: ∗ vivek@illinois.edu, † mukherj4@illinois.edu, ‡ indy@illinois.edu, § wgropp@illinois.edu Abstract—The small performance variation within each node of a cloud computing infrastructure (i.e. cloud) can be a fundamental impediment to scalability of a high-performance application. This performance variation (referred to as jitter) particularly impacts overall performance of scientific workloads running on a cloud. Studies show that the primary source of performance variations comes from disk I/O and the underlying communication network [1]. In this paper, we explore the opportunities to improve performance of high performance applications running on emerging cloud platforms. Our contributions are 1. the quantification and assessment of performance variation of data-intensive scientific workloads on a small set of homogeneous nodes running Hadoop and 2. the development of an improved Hadoop scheduler that can improve performance (and potentially scalability) of these application by leveraging the intrinsic performance variation of the system. In using our enhanced scheduler for data-intensive scientific workloads, we are able to obtain more than a 21% performance gain over the default Hadoop scheduler. I. I NTRODUCTION Certain high-performance applications such as weather prediction or algorithmic trading require...
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...phone companies’ customers from Khulna city. Total 200 customers (100 customers of Grameenphone and 100 customers of Robi) were surveyed through the judgmental sampling method with questionnaire from March to June 2011. The questionnaire consisted of 25 questions. After collection of primary data, hypotheses were formulated and paired samples T-test was used to test the hypotheses with 0.05 level of statistical significance. The statistical computer package SPSS version 16.0 was used to analyze the data. The recommendations were provided based on the findings and analysis. Key words: Performance, Telecommunications sector, Grameenphone, Robi, Customer satisfaction, Network, Hypotheses. Introduction The people of Bangladesh are now dreaming of a digital Bangladesh. Faster development of telecommunications network coupled with improved quality of service in line with the national development is a must for the fulfillment of the vision and...
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...widely utilized to reroute the result of one command to the input of the subsequent command. UNIX deals with most command in a consecutive order (first in first out) but the procedure may be overridden by making use of variables and alternatives (ADD). This lets commands to be installed collectively and implemented without storing all the results to an output file. UNIX utilizes commands that include: Echo - shows text on monitor Grep - looks files for pattern data and returns all lines in which the pattern is located Cat - concatenates and prints file or used to pipe input to other procedure Additional commands - UNIX also utilizes additional file command which allow users to organize file materials, evaluate files and show variations line by line by line, and show search result in the shell one...
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...Premise Linux was created as a variation of UNIX by Linux Torvalds in 1991. He created it as open source with a GNU (GPL) General Public License and a lot of coders began downloading the source code and creating their own programs with it. They created patches and fixes for bugs to improve the Linux OS use experience. Security Advantages and Disadvantages Linux and Windows Server share logical security mechanisms that work similar in principle. Both are advantages in their own right using different techniques to secure a network. The importance of network security and how users have access to a network can be maintained not only through best practices but, a strict policy as well. Linux and Windows Server use security mechanisms directly manipulated by the OS, called account privileges. The key advantage with this mechanism is how it assigns a user account privilege to folders and files within the operating system. Linux users are not assigned “root “privilege as default instead the user is assigned an account with low-level privilege. Setting read, write, and execute permissions for owner, group, and other users to give them access control to specific files and folders is usually controlled through the Command Line Interface (CLI) yet some distributions of Linux may also have a Graphical User Interface (GUI) that allows an administrator to change permissions. Windows Server is similar in the way is too assigns account privileges to users. The client/server architecture...
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...companies’ customers from Khulna city. Total 200 customers (100 customers of Grameenphone and 100 customers of Robi) were surveyed through the judgmental sampling method with questionnaire from March to June 2011. The questionnaire consisted of 25 questions. After collection of primary data, hypotheses were formulated and paired samples T-test was used to test the hypotheses with 0.05 level of statistical significance. The statistical computer package SPSS version 16.0 was used to analyze the data. The recommendations were provided based on the findings and analysis. Key words: Performance, Telecommunications sector, Grameenphone, Robi, Customer satisfaction, Network, Hypotheses. Introduction The people of Bangladesh are now dreaming of a digital Bangladesh. Faster development of telecommunications network coupled with improved quality of service in line with the national development is a must for the fulfillment of the...
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...United States of America Social network and social class: Toward an integrated sociolinguistic model1 LESLEY MILROY AND JAMES MILROY Departments of Speech (L.M.) and English Language (J.M.) University of Newcastle upon Tyne Queen Victoria Road at St. Thomas' Street Newcastle upon TyneNEi 7RU, United Kingdom ABSTRACT In sociolinguistics, approaches that use the variables of socioeconomic class and social network have often been thought to be irreconcilable. In this article, we explore the connection between these variables and suggest the outlines of a model that can integrate them in a coherent way. This depends on linking a consensus-based microlevel of network with a conflict-based macrolevel of social class. We suggest interpretations of certain sociolinguistic findings, citing detailed evidence from research in Northern Ireland and Philadelphia, which emphasize the need for acknowledging the importance of looseknit network ties in facilitating linguistic innovations. We then propose that the link between network and class can be made via the notion of weak network ties using the process-based model of the macrolevel suggested by Thomas Hejrup's theory of life-modes. (Sociolinguistics, sociology, quantitative social dialectology, anthropological linguistics) One of the most important contributions of Labov's quantitative paradigm has been to allow us to examine systematically and accountably the relationship between language variation and speaker variables such as sex...
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...Dec 2013 Eric Xing Hongzhi Yin jjyao@cs.ucsb.edu Bin Cui Machine Learning Department Carnegie Mellon University Department of Computer Science,Peking University Department of Computer Science,Peking University epxing@cs.cmu.edu bestzhi@pku.edu.cn bin.cui@pku.edu.cn ABSTRACT quick-updated texts, exhibiting rich temporal dynamics. Understanding these dynamics provides important insights into people’s changing online behaviors. Extensive research is devoted to uncover the temporal dynamics of online content [11, 26, 23]. However, most of these existing work only explores global temporal variation, or the overall trends of topics. This ignores an important aspect of social media—the communities. A community is a collection of users with more or/and better interactions amongst its members than the rest of the global network [10]. Communities play a crucial role in social media, and provide the basis for user participation and engagement. Members in the same community typically bear similar content preferences and often communicate on shared topics [21, 20]. Given that the content of social media is so dynamic, it is expected that different communities tend to have different temporal dynamics of topics. One example from our experiments on the microblog data is illustrated in Figure 1, where we show the temporal distributions of topic “food security” in a community interested in “food”, and another community mainly focusing on “law”, respectively...
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...MPEG-4 Part 2 simulation result, there is no packet jitter value for the first three minutes. This is because of scanning and processes involved when streaming the video contents. The next 13 minutes, packet jitter for MS_1 increased to 0.55 us and remained constant at 0.5 us for the next interval. As for MS_2, the graph increase to 0.15 us for the next minutes and remain the constant at 0.11 us for the one hour interval. Figure 4.3d: Packet delay variation versus time for MPEG-4 Part 2. As for H.264/AVC simulation result, there is no packet jitter value for the first three minutes. This is again because of scanning and processes involved when streaming the video contents. Then, the packet jitter severely increased from 15 ps to 27 ps and decreased drastically for the next minutes. For MS_2, there is almost null jitter since the speed of data transmission rate is very high. However, all packet jitter results are approximately equal to zero for H.264/AVC video codec application in Mobile WIMAX. Figure 4.3e: Packet delay variation versus time for H.264/AVC. Table 4.2: Summary of resultant packet dropped. Video Encoder Maximum Jitter...
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...Protocols in Mobile Ad hoc Networks A. Sravani, G. Srinu, and A.Venkataramana Abstract— Mobile Ad hoc Network is an emerging area. Its standards are defined by IETF. MANET is a self generated, self organized and self handled network consisting of collection of independent nodes. MANETs Presents several desirable properties like dynamic topology, Easy of deployment and robustness, which are qualify them as an attractive topic for the research community. Providing QoS routing is a major issue in MANETs. Media Access Control layer plays crucial role in Ad hoc networks. Several routing protocols have already been proposed for MANETs. This paper describes the impact of MAC layer protocols like 802.11 and CSMA on the various routing protocols like AODV, DSR, ODMRP and Fisheye. Numbers of simulation scenarios were carried out by using Glomosim-2.03. The QoS parameters used are Throughput, Delay and PDR. Simulation results found that AODV performs better in 802.11 and CSMA, DSR and ODMRP performs better in only under 802.11. Keywords— MANET, AODV, DSR, FSR, GloMoSim, ODMRP I. INTRODUCTION Wireless communication networks are basically two types as shown in Fig.1. One is infrastructure based and other one is infrastructure less. Infrastructure based is cellular communications whereas infrastructure less is ad hoc networks. Fig.1 Classification of wireless communication networks A. Cellular Networks A Cellular Network is a wireless network distributed over areas called...
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...Home Network Speed Name Wilmington University INTRODUCTION- The Speed test was carried out for my home network through the period from 8/31/15 to 10/13/2015. Various screen shots were taken, and with the help of them, the graph was plotted. The different type of the network pattern was seen. The different changes were found while performing these tests. The jitter shown variations from 17 to 175 ms. One of the reason for this cause is network congestion. It can be at the router interfaces or in a provider or carrier network if the circuit has not been provisioned correctly. There is a variation in ping from 11 to 14 ms. As the there is inadequate bandwidth a ping becomes variable. In addition, the speed claimed by Comcast is 100mbs but it showing minimum speed of 4.60 mbps and maximum of 13.25 mbps. ANALYSIS: With the graph's assistance, I can watch the general pattern of net index and unpredictable values of ping and jitter for my home system. My ISP is Comcast. As indicated by this chart, I can say that Comcast is not ready to satisfy the speed that was guaranteed for my agreement. Variations of Ping and Jitter prompts lessened reaction both for upload and download speeds. I have utilized different devices, for example, Smartphone, three tablets to the same modem/switch that made the heap on my home system. Particularly amid evening time and late evenings, I have seen a drop in the speed. I think my plan ought to be checked that will help me to get great speed for what...
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...Benefits of using IPv6 in Distributed Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) Introduction The many advantages of improving and corporation's network, particularly its Virtual personal Networks (VPNs) from IPv4 to IPv6 create the expenses related to the move recoverable from increased network steadiness, auto-configuration, security, mobility, increase and quality-of-service and multicast capability (Cisco 2007). First, in phrases of quantitative, address varies for an IPv6-based network is 128-bits, providing the company lots higher security, likewise (Fink, 1999). Secondly, the safety concerns with regards to utilizing DHCP to assign information science addresses victimization IPv4 these days will be mitigated with the homeless reconfiguration capability of IPv6 (Lehtovirta, J 2006). With several of the systems throughout the company administered remotely exploitation IPsec-based VPNs, the opportunity to maneuver to more secure VPNs attributable to IPsec-mandated end-to-end security exploitation IPv6 also adds in greater levels of security moreover. The increasing use of wireless connections by members among the IT employees to observe and maintain IT systems also can currently be potential exploitation Mobile IP with Direct Routing (Cisco 2007). The redoubled support for protocols specifically for multicast routing are also supported in IPv6, that may build marketing’s’ several webinars and on-line initiatives additional expeditiously delivered, moreover. Most vital concerning...
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