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Submitted By shyblonde
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A Comparison of Educational Approaches Students favorably take in and process data in different ways: by reflecting and acting, seeing and hearing, reasoning logically and subconsciously analyzing and visualizing. Learning styles varies with the person’s personality and style from person to person. The most popular used learning tools is the VARK model (Visual, Aural/Auditory, Read /Write and Kinesthetic) by Fleming.
The VARK concept is centered on 4 core learning preferences that the students have. VISUAL- students who like to actually see it on the charts, whiteboard and pictures. They’re most likely the imaginative students. They like to use varies colors when writing in their notebooks. AUDITORY-will sit back and listen. READ/WRITE- need to read the information, theses ones prefer to take a lot of notes. KINESTHETIC- do not like to sit still. They want to be participating in their education. According to the VARK, this author has kinesthetic learning style. These kinds of learners prefer to learn by touching, moving, experience, and by doing experiments, science projects, etc. Students with high tactile and kinesthetic styles are called doers. In a class of pupils, you will see these students because they stand out. They are constantly moving, they become agitated do to their increase energy level, kinesthetic learners' long and short term memory is reinforced by their use of their body’s movements.
According to (Barman, et al. 2009), for kinesthetic learners it helps them to move around as this increases the pupils understanding, The kinesthetic learner usually does well in classes such as, sports , art, chemistry and drama. Focusing on two things at once is common for kinesthetic learners. . They also have very good hand-eye coordination. They remember things easier when going back over events in their minds and what their body was doing at the time. Since this author is a kinesthetic learner, she has a strong sense of timing. A reasonable schedule would be 15 to 25 min of studying and 3 to 5 min of relax time. When it comes to remembering material, she tries shutting her eyes and writing the information with her finger on a surface. She has a capability to determine the meaning of someone’s words by listening to audible signs, like change in tone. Taking oral exams is an auditory learner preference, writing responses to lectures, as well as telling stories. They can solve problems by talking through them. This author will become more effective in her studying strategies using this newly found information. The author has both kinesthetic and aural learning styles she can absorb the material the if it is offered in an auditory way. It will be valuable for this author to listen attentively to lectures while taking notes, all so reading notes out loud helps. Many aural learners tape lessons and play back the tapes as a study method. The writer of this essay is also a kinesthetic learner who enjoys using tools, which include active involvement. It easier for her if she can be shown with hands on to remember how to do things. With a combination of these skills, the author can improve her learning and thus receive a better grade in her classes.

Learning preferences refers to one’s choices of a specific learning situation or environment. A specific instructional method may work well for an individual learner but may not produce similar achievement in others. Visual learners need to have visual techniques in their notes then they will have a better chance to remember key information , auditory learners learn best by listening and kinesthetic learners learn best through doing therefore by identifying what kind of learner each student is, this can help teachers design learning instruction for better outcomes of the student. It has been researched that students do better on exams if they know their own personal learning style and change their study habits accordingly. When these are combined into the students learning behaviors it will improve the student’s thinking and learning skills and they can achieve better results in class.

Barman, A., Jaafar, A., & Rahim, A. (2009). Medical students learning styles in university Sains Malaysia. International Medical Journal, 16(14), 257-260. Retrieved from CINAHL Plus with Full Text database.
Edelman, C., & Mandle, C.L. (2002) Health Promotion Throughout the Life Span, Seventh Edition St. Louis Mo: Mosby.

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...VARK Learning Style Grand Canyon University December 16, 2012 What does VARK stand for? The acronym VARK stands for Visual, Aural/Auditory, Read/Write and Kinesthetic sensory modalities that help an individual discover their own learning preference. Neil Fleming and Mills created the VARK learning system in 1992, which includes questionnaire that allow people to choose multiple answers and assessment tool will evaluate the person best learning skills (Neil Fleming). Why is it important for an individual to understand their own learning style? Understanding and knowing learning style can help student be more effective, perform better on tests, learn information quickly and mostly likely to be successful. Various learners prefer various methods of learning, some prefer visual learning, while some choose to read textbooks and others prefer to take notes to learn. This paper will be focusing on more about preferred learning strategies and compare these strategies with identified strategies and lastly conclude with evaluating the modifications necessary for better studying habits. VARK focusses on four categories (Visual, Aural/Auditory, Read/Write and Kinesthetic) that reveal the understandings of student. Visual preferences are illustration of information in the form of diagrams, images, graph, map etc. that professor use to represent information than using words. Aural or Auditory preferences are when information is described through hearing and speaking. Read or write preferences...

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