...nge, then your Youth Allowance payment may be delayed, or you may be paid the incorrect amount. If you are paid too much, this could result in a debt, which you will have to repay. In some circumstances you may also have to pay an additional recovery fee. Note: to tell Centrelink about any changes as soon as possible, and for more information about how your payments may be affected, call 13 2490, or visit a Centrelink Customer Service Centre. How to contact us To find out more about the payments and services you may be eligible for, visit www.centrelink.gov.au or contact us in any of the following ways. By phone Planning to study or undertake training (or currently studying or undertaking training) 13 2490 Looking for work (under 21) Youth Allowance Austudy Pensioner Education Supplement ABSTUDY 13 2317 Payments for Australian Apprentices 13 3633 Assistance for Isolated Children 13 2318 Indigenous Call Centre 13 6380 Looking for work (21 and over) 13 2850 Are you a farmer or self-employed Needing help in a crisis Recently moved to Australia Planning for or needing help in retirement 13 2300 Needing help after someone has died Someone who is ill, injured or has a disability 13 2717 Caring for someone who is frail aged, ill or who has a disability Parent or guardian 13 6150 Drought Assistance 13 2316 Murray-Darling Basin Assistance and Referral Line Freecall™ 1800 050 015 TTY* enquiries Freecall™ 1800 810 586 Centrelink International Services...
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