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Venezuela (Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)) GDP Per Capita (PPP), US Dollars Statistics

Venezuela GDP per capita PPP (

The GDP per capita, adjusted by purchasing power parity, in Venezuela was last reported at 12233 US dollars in December of 2010, according to the World Bank. Previously, the GDP per capita PPP in Venezuela standed at 12513 US dollars in December of 2009. The GDP per capita PPP in Venezuela is obtained by dividing the country’s gross domestic product, adjusted by purchasing power parity, by the total population. Historically, from 1980 until 2010, Venezuela's average GDP per capita PPP was 8192.61 dollars reaching an historical high of 12899.71 dollars in December of 2008 and a record low of 5517.44 dollars in December of 1980. This page includes a chart with historical data for Venezuela's GDP per capita PPP.


Venezuela GDP Growth Rate (

The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Venezuela contracted 0.00 percent in the third quarter of 2010 over the previous quarter. Historically, from 1997 until 2010, Venezuela's average quarterly GDP Growth was 0.69 percent reaching an historical high of 22.70 percent in June of 2003 and a record low of -15.30 percent in March of 2003. Venezuela is the fifth largest national economy in Latin America. Venezuela is highly dependent on oil revenues, which account for roughly 90% of export earnings, about 50% of the federal budget revenues, and around 30% of GDP. In recent years, President Hugo Chavez has been systematically increasing the government's control of the economy by nationalizing firms in the cement, steel, petroleum, communications, and electricity sectors. This page

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