Premium Essay

Venture Capital


Submitted By bluesky317
Words 19304
Pages 78

Charles J. Spies III Chief Executive Officer

Timothy P. Agnew Principal Author

The Finance Authority of Maine and Masthead Venture Partners would like to acknowledge and thank Governor John E. Baldacci, former Governor Angus S. King, Jr. and the Maine Legislature, who have consistently supported the efforts of Maine entrepreneurs, and the programs and services of the Finance Authority of Maine. Through their determination and support, Maine has developed perhaps the best array of programs and services for financing fledgling technology-based businesses of any state in the nation

Copyright  2003 Finance Authority of Maine. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form by any electronic or mechanical means without the prior written permission of the Finance Authority of Maine. Finance Authority of Maine, 5 Community Drive, P.O. Box 949, Augusta, ME 04332-0949 Tel: (207) 623-3263 or (800) 228-3734 TYY: (207) 626-2717 Web Site:

April 2003



INTRODUCTION .................................................................................. 1

WHAT VENTURE CAPITAL IS (AND IS NOT)...................................... 3

HOW VENTURE CAPITAL INVESTORS WORK ................................... 6

HOW TO APPROACH VENTURE INVESTORS .................................... 12

ARE YOU READY FOR VENTURE CAPITAL? A SELF-ASSESSMENT ....................................................................... 15 INVESTMENT STRUCTURE AND VALUATION ................................... 18 SOURCES OF VENTURE CAPITAL IN MAINE .................................... 23


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