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Victims with Disabilities


Submitted By winterstorm2016
Words 2591
Pages 11
Victims with Disabilities

Victims of crime can experience many problems, financial, emotional, physical, and psychological trauma to name a few. When Victims suffer from disabilities the problems driving from being a victim become extreme. For the purpose of this paper I will be focusing on victims of crime with disabilities., namely the case of Mr. Krochmaluk the Union Beach, N.J. man with learning disabilities who was enticed to a party by a group of people he thought were his friends only to be tormented for hours. Why people commit crimes against people with disabilities and the need to educate people suffering from disabilities and their care givers on their rights and the laws as victims or family member/care givers of said victims.

The case of Eric Krochmaluk takes place in New Jersey and according to the article may be the first time a bias-crime law was pragmatic to a case concerning a victim with disabilities/mental retardation “According to their confessions, the group used promises of "meeting a pretty girl" to lure Eric Krochmaluk, who was 23 years of age, to a party on January 30, 1999. Over the next three hours, they stripped him, then forced him to wear women's clothing, kiss his tormentors' feet, and drink urine. They also tied Krochmaluk to a lawn chair, burned him with cigarettes, shaved his head against his wishes, choked him, whipped him, and beat him shower curtain rods, a toilet brush and a string of beads. Finally, they abandoned the young man in a wooded area.” (Reynolds, 2001)
There are many theories as to the reasons why people choose to commit crimes against other people one theory is Differential identification theory, going on the premises that people may participate in criminal or deviant behavior because they identify with a real or imaginary person, i.e. Movie and book characters, music lyrics, stories and plots etc., from

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