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Vietnamese People Leaving Home Analysis

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The area where I live is inhabited by people belonging to different trade and professions. Some of them are the government servant. The others are school and college teachers, doctors, etc. However, the majority is blue-collar workers. They are all patient and hardworking. They are working hard to meet the needs of their family and trying to build a better future for themselves and their children. I remember too well a five-year-old little boy with wide eyes and curly hair living next to my door for a very long time. I once asked him what he wanted to be when he got older, he said he would be a good doctor because his mom told him he could help the poor when they were sick. I was amazed because kids his age would rather want to be a superman or hero and it kept me thinking for so long. It is what parents teach their son that affects his life and attitude towards surrounding people, and he can be a better man if he learns to love others instead of being competitive and superficial. That is how Vietnamese people raise their kids, not only to introduce how hard life is to them but also teach them how to survive and be helpful to the society In the other hand, Viet Nam has close family ties. Each and every family often gets together even when their children have their own family. We hold reunions during …show more content…
In addition, I understand that many people out there need help as my family used to and in order to build a better society, it is essential that each and everyone cares for others. It’s hard to deny that life in another country, with another language, significantly changes a person. However, my character, my personality trait would not change. Being who I am is not make me less adaptive to a new environment since I do not want to forget my own origin or lose all of the memories that raised me. Moreover, being new does not mean letting go all of the old things, and somehow being who I am makes me unique and

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