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Violence Against Women


Submitted By liebeliane
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Violence against Women
Liane Phillips
Bryant & Stratton College
ENGL 305: Research and Writing III
Mrs. Andrea Stapleton June 25, 2013

Violence Against Women
My psychology class meets every Thursday morning. It is a small class of five students and one instructor. Being in such a small class was unsettling at first because I felt I could not be overlooked by the instructor. I have gotten accustomed to bigger classes where I would blend into the crowd and just be a name in the instructor’s book. Over the last three weeks, I have observed my classmates and my instructor and have learned a thing or two about them. I have also realized how being in a smaller class is actually much more pleasant than previously anticipated.
Our classroom is fairly big considering the size of the class. There are eight tables with four chairs at each table. The walls are tasteless, showing only one poster advertising Bryant & Stratton’s impeccable ability to create the world’s best workforce. The teacher’s corner sits at the front of the room while the projector screen hangs on the left wall. Because this is a small class, this poses no problems but I can imagine the seating dilemma if the room were actually full while using the projector system.
Mr. Streett is the instructor for this class, a recent graduate from Radford University with a Master’s of Art in Experimental Psychology. He speaks quickly repeating short sentences rephrased but implying the same meaning to help his students grasp the concept being taught. Though he seems to know his stuff, he comes to class unprepared, taking the first 30 minutes of class to make copies of PowerPoint’s and other class paperwork and prepare his wake-up routine which consists of a fresh cup of coffee and a half dozen of glazed donuts. Since week three, class has not started before 9:15 am even though the schedule states that class should begin at 8:45 am. He has a disregard to cleanliness, coughing without covering his mouth, licking his fingers in between donuts during lectures, and walking around the classroom in his socks. Though he may be socially awkward with his lackluster jokes and unusual habits, he is talented at breaking down tough information so the students can understand and relate it to the real world. Considering he is the only male in the class, this is even more impressive. All five of the students, including me, are females.
Chandra has two children and takes care of her mother who no longer can live on her own. My first impression of Chandra is my only impression of her for I have only met her once. Her life must be extremely busy for her to miss so much class. Mr. Streett is very understanding and I would not be surprised if there was an understanding between the two. She comes to class dressed in stylish pants and free-flowing tops; she looks comfortable and eager to learn. She takes notes while the instructor lectures and asks questions to help clarify any confusing concepts. She is quiet but not as quiet as some of the other students.
Brandy works in a juvenile facility. She is working towards her Bachelor’s degree in criminal justice. She often arrives late to class either because of her job or because she was putting her children on the school bus. Normally, she is dressed in her work uniform, but when she is not coming to class straight from work, she is very casually dressed. Brandy is very quiet and only speaks when the class is working on an activity together. She takes some notes but mostly sits back and listens to the instructor during his lectures. When class is let out, Brandy is the first one out the door. She must be exhausted from working through the night, only to come to class and listen to a guy speak for two hours. Kachina comes to class very early and is usually on her cellphone while the other students are arriving. She is also working on her Bachelor’s degree in criminal justice. Kachina keeps to herself. She takes little notes and steadily interacts with her cell phone during the instructors lecture. Though I originally thought she did not take this class seriously, I realized that she was very smart and it seems this information may not be challenging her. Lately, she has not been to class because she finds her time is better used elsewhere.
Danielle works in customer service and is currently working towards her Bachelor’s degree in general management. She takes notes and works on assignments during lectures. She does not talk very much in class but I feel she has a wall up. I sense that she is very different when she is not in class. She dresses very “fashion forward” and her hair and make-up are always done neatly. She is engaged to a very nice guy because the ring on her finger says it all; it is not flashy but you can tell that he really cares for her. From the little talking that she did do in class, I feel she has a big heart. She talks about her job as if she really enjoys her work when most people in customer service tend to focus the worst aspects of the job.
For the most part, the class works well together. We all have the same objective, to get through class with a passing grade. Discussions are short and limited because no one really wants to be there. All the students have a busy life outside of school and it seems that every other class has taken precedence over this one. I wish I had more time to observe my classmates but unfortunately, during the last class, I was the only student to attend class. I have a feeling that the instructor has something to do with the lack of attendance. Even though he is really educated, the study guides given before each test does not compel students to read or really learn the material. There is no real reason to come to class. I also believe that his behaviors are turning students away. Who really likes to be around a person who coughs without covering their mouth?

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