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Visions of Change


Submitted By 1ifraj
Words 615
Pages 3

Visions of Change
Managing Organizational Change HR587OH
February 6, 2011

The Philadelphia Housing Authority is the fourth largest authority that identifies the need and brings together all kinds of resources and services for the low income population.
1. Leads a collaboration of programs to provide their clients with the help of community organizations to self-sufficiency.
2. Collaborates with and makes referrals to other high-quality service providers for homeownership.
3. Leads many advocacy efforts to ensure services are provided either by The Philadelphia Housing Authority or other providers. The strategic direction and goals included in this plan are The Philadelphia Housing Authority response to its understanding of what its client’s value most about the organization, and current opportunities and challenges for offering a high quality system of support in the community for people in need of affordable housing. The five-year period of this strategic plan will be a time of assessing and deepening the Philadelphia Housing Authority’s approaches to its work. Concurrently, The Philadelphia Housing Authority will take more of a leadership role in working with a broader array of community resources, and it will explore actively engaging more time in helping with the needs of their clients. With a fresh perspective on its mission, understanding what it does well, and the environment in which it operates, The Philadelphia Housing Authority will pursue the following strategic direction:
1. The Philadelphia Housing Authority will review and deepen its existing direct supports and, services over time to ensure that they have the state-of-the art tools to work effectively with the low income population.
2. The Philadelphia Housing Authority will further assess their clients, and community needs to
Identify the need

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