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Vivid Dreams During Pregnancy

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As beautiful and fulfilling as pregnancy is, you’ve gotta admit, it can be a rather nightmarish experience. And, even though it is considered a time of vivid dreams during pregnancy, sometimes, you end up experiencing nightmares during pregnancy? As if a pregnancy isn’t scary enough? Forgive our indignation, but if these scary experiences have kept you awake during the day, don’t panic because you are not alone. Nightmares during pregnancy are quite normal. Read all about it here and soothe those jangling nerves.

What Are Dreams?

Dreams have long mystified humans. Why do we dream? What do our dreams convey to us? Do our dreams have meanings or are these simply ethereal visions just gibberish? We’ve …show more content…
Cortisol levels rise as the pregnancy advances and can reach high levels at the time of labor. Cortisol levels rise during REM sleep when we have vivid dreams.
So, with cortisol levels at their peak during pregnancy and REM sleep period, pregnant women can likely have dreams that signify a whole range of their emotions through scary imagery.
Handling Nightmares During Pregnancy:

Don’t lose sleep (literally) over your nightmares during pregnancy. Don’t read too much into them unless they begin to interfere with your well-being.

Your bad dreams or nightmares during pregnancy may be a representation of your emotional and mental state at this crucial time in your life. Your nightmares may just be projections of your anxiety, fears, and concerns.
Bad dreams during pregnancy may become a concern for you if they interfere with your sleep to an extent that it affects your health. In such a case you can talk to your doctor about any health concerns. Talk about your dreams and the corresponding anxiety with your partner. A good exchange of thoughts between you and your partner can go a long way to alleviate your fears. Once the fears go away, the bad dreams may disappear too.
Tips For Better Sleep During Pregnancy:

Here are some measures that can help you sleep better during

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