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Nafta Pros And Cons

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Throughout the coarse of time, NAFTA had resulted in a variety of both, benefits and costs to Canada, Mexico, and the United States. NAFTA, also known as the North American Free Trade Agreement, is an agreement among the United States, Canada and Mexico designed to remove tariff barriers between the three countries. This 1994 agreement had resulted in benefits to the countries such as: increased wages, reduction of tariffs, and more trade. Regardless of NAFTAs benefits, it also has several negative impacts such as: excessive pollution and little changes to limit trade. Both, these benefits and costs have impacted the everyones lives within Canada, Mexico, and the United States after 1994, when the agreement was established. After NAFTA was …show more content…
An increased amount of pollution is one cost to NAFTA. NAFTA, results in more trade between countries, due to the decrease in taxes on imports and exports. With more trade, there is an increase in transportation of goods. This results in more trucks, airplanes, and ships who will transport the goods from one country to another. Additionally, more factors would be opened to support the high demand of specific products. An increase in factories and transportation results in pollution to the environment. The ozone is being destroyed at a quicker pace due to the increase of greenhouse gasses within the area. Changes within the ozone zone lead to major worldwide problems tat are irreversible. Another cost is that there are no changes made to the regulations. Customs and border protection still limit a lot of trade between Canada, Mexico and the US. Taxes on imports and exports (tariffs) were eliminated custom regulations continue to suppress trade. Several NAFTA regulations have reduced trades and companies that break procedures may face civil, criminal or administrative consequences. Overall, NAFTA has a multitude of negative impacts that counteract the agreements

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