Premium Essay

Vivid Imagery In Grendel's Mother

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Vivid imagery of Grendel’s mother’s home is developed through the use of repeated alliteration and word choice, ultimately creating an eerie and haunting tone. Hrothgar speaks of the path to the swamp she inhabits, saying that the “welter of water washes up wan to welkin when winds besir evil storms,” (line 1377). The repeated usage of words beginning in W darkens the tone, as Ws tend to sound ominous when spoken, as they slowly drag on like the sound of an eerie wind. Then Hrothgar goes on to describe how “the heavens weep,” (line 1380) over this place, and “evil storms,” (line 1379) brew. The word choice used here is significant, as it emphasises even more how treacherous this place is. The used of the word evil is a clear and direct description

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