...Impact of derivative trading on the volatility in the stock market of India -Abhinav Barik Abstract This research paper focuses on the impact the derivative trading has had on the stock market of India. The impact is judged by the change in the volatility after the introduction of the derivative trading. In this paper 5 stocks are taken on which derivative trading was introduced and 4 stocks on which derivative trading was not introduced. The daily closing price of those stocks was taken for two periodspre derivative period and the post derivative period. These were analyzed using GARCH model to find the variance equation and then the GARCH coefficients from this equation were compared using the Wald test to check if the volatility has actually changed. The study suggests that the volatility has decreased for 4 companies, increased for 2 and two other companies did not show any significant change in the volatility. * Keywords: volatility, derivative, correlogram diagram, unit root, GARCH, Wald test *MBA student (2010-12), ICFAI BUSINESS SCHOOL, Hyderabad barik.abhinav@rediffmail.com 1. Introduction Derivative trading was introduced on the individual stocks of the Indian market in the year 2001 by SEBI. This was with a view to decrease the risk taken by the investors and to increase the investment opportunities. Since the derivative market and the spot market are linked so that the risk can be transferred, therefore the investors if want to transfer their risk...
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...University Savar, Dhaka FNB209: Financial Institutions and Markets | Executive Summary Submission of the Report on : Efficiency Analysis and Volatility Effect of Bangladesh Stock Market Submitted by:Sariful Islam(Student ID: 610)Ashfaq-ul- haq oni(Student ID: 621)Jafrin Siddique (Student ID: 1922)Zunaid Hossain (Student ID: 1928)K. M. Zeman Adnan (Student ID: 2128)William Masterson Shah (Student ID: 2129) | Submitted to:Dr. Sheikh Abu TaherLecturer,Department of Finance & BankingJahangirnagar University | August 2, 2012 Term Paper Topic: Efficiency Analysis and Volatility Effect of Bangladesh Stock Market Executive Summary: This paper empirically examines the behavior of stock returns in the Bangladesh stock market namely Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE), the efficiency of the market in pricing securities and the relationship between stock returns and conditional volatility and the impact of some institution factors such as lock-in, circuit breaker, and caretaker government on volatility, using best known three different daily price indices DSEG, DSI and DS20. The results of autocorrelation function, results of ADF and PP tests and also the results of ARIMA models do not support the hypothesis of weak-form of market efficient of DSE. The results of GARCH (p, q)-M models indicate significant departure from the hypothesis of weak form efficiency; the tendency for returns to exhibit volatility clustering; and a significant positive link between risk and returns...
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...ACADEMY of MANAGEMENT JOURNAL of ACCOUNTING and FINANCE THE IMPACT OF DERIVATIVES ON STOCK MARKET VOLATILITY: A STUDY OF THE NIFTY INDEX T. Mallikarjunappa1* and Afsal E. M.2 1 Department of Business Administration, Mangalore University, Mangalagangotri – 574199, Mangalore, DK, Karnataka, India 2 School of Management and Business Studies, Mahatma Gandhi University, P.D. Hills, Kottayam – 686560, Kerala State, India *Corresponding author: tmmallik@yahoo.com ABSTRACT This paper studies the volatility implications of the introduction of derivatives on stock market volatility in India using the S&P CNX Nifty Index as a benchmark. To account for non-constant error variance in the return series, a GARCH model is fitted by incorporating futures and options dummy variables in the conditional variance equation. We find clustering and persistence of volatility before and after derivatives, while listing seems to have no stabilisation or destabilisation effects on market volatility. The postderivatives period shows that the sensitivity of the index returns to market returns and any day-of-the-week effects have disappeared. That is, the nature of the volatility patterns has altered during the post-derivatives period. Keywords: conditional volatility, heteroscedasticity, volatility clustering, market efficiency INTRODUCTION The modelling of asset returns volatility continues to be one of the key areas of financial research as it provides substantial information...
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...The failed Washington Consensus of the 1900’s produced suboptimal results for the emerging markets in which it was adopted, which lacked sustained improvements to economic growth and also saw no benefit to market volatility. Subsequent to the Washington Consensus, three main alternative approaches have emerged. Of these, the most logical appears to be adopted a target approach, which focuses on the specific context of each country and alters variables gradually. This approach seems to best address the problems encountered with the Consensus. The Washington Consensus, codified by John Williamson (1990) and informed by neoliberal theory, outlined ten specific economic policies aimed at stabilising, privatising and liberalising developing economies. It was believed that that this was the pathway to modernity for these nations (Rodrik, 2006). Specifically, Williamson (1990) recommended fiscal discipline, reorientation of public expenditures, tax reform, financial liberalisation, unified and competitive exchange rates, trade liberalisation, openness to direct foreign investment, privatization, deregulation, and secure property rights. The recommendations were heavily supported by The International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the US Treasury. Indeed, nonconforming developing nations were put under significant pressure by the World Bank to adopt the recommendations (Rodrik, 2006). Whilst the reforms advocated by the Washington Consensus have been widely implemented, the results...
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...Derivatives Trading and Its Impact on the Volatility of NSE, India GEL : G10, G14, G20, G19 ABSTRACT This article examines the impact of introduction of financial derivatives trading on the volatility of Indian stock market (an emerging stock market). It examines the theme that the introduction of derivatives in the stock market in India would reduce the volatility (risk) in the stock market. NSE Nifty 50 index has been used as a proxy of stock market return. ARCH/GARCH technique has been employed in the analysis. The conditional volatility of interday market returns before and after the introduction of derivatives products are estimated with the (GARCH) model. The Finding suggests that derivatives trading has reduced the volatility. Executive Summary Derivatives trading in the stock market have been a subject of enthusiasm of research in the field of finance the most desired instruments that allow market participants to manage risk in the modern securities trading are known as derivatives. The derivatives are defined as the future contracts whose value depends upon the underlying assets. If derivatives are introduced in the stock market, the underlying asset may be anything as component of stock market like, stock prices or market indices, interest rates, etc. The main logic behind derivatives trading is that derivatives reduce the risk by providing an additional channel to invest with lower trading cost and it facilitates the investors to extend their settlement...
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...(715) 346-2537 | | | | Stock Market Volatility: Measures and Results Gary E. Mullins, Ph.D. University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point | | IntroductionVirtually everyone who is interested in financial markets seems to agree on two things: that markets are now more volatile than ever, and that volatility causes many problems. Let's look at some recent and not-so-recent articles concerning volatility. This week turned out to be slower than expected on the IPO market, as intense volatility on U.S. exchanges prompted many companies to put off much-anticipated debuts. I am writing to you today to address my concerns about trading in a fast market, a current issue of extreme importance to me. I want to give you my perspective and let you know the steps we at Schwab are taking to support investors during this time of market volatility. In recent months, there has been a marked increase in price volatility and volume in many stocks, particularly of companies that sell products or services via the Internet (Internet issuers). In the above quotes, there are two implicit assumptions: that volatility is higher now than it has been in the past, and that this volatility is somehow bad. In the first article, it assumes that (obviously) increased volatility has caused firms to delay their Initial Public Offerings (IPO's). Next, Schwab believes that investors need special support because of the high volatility inherent in today's market. Finally, Barrett appears to be...
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...On Spot Market Market Volatility: A Study Of CNX Bank Nifty. Mallikarjunappa And Afsal E.M. This Paper Studies The Volatility Implications Of The Introduction Of Derivatives On Stock Market Volatility In India Using The S&P Cnx Nifty Index As A Benchmark. To Account For Non-Constant Error Variance In The Return Series, A Garch Model Is Fitted By Incorporating Futures And Options Dummy Variables In The Conditional Variance Equation.The Introduction Of Derivative Trading On Spot Market Volatility Of Nifty And Concluded That Price Sensitivity To Old News Is Higher During Pre Future Period Than Post Future Period And With Introduction Of Future, Market Volatility Is Determined By Recent Innovation. They Also Explored Effect Of Future Trading On Spot Market Volatility By Using Garch Model On Cnx Bank Nifty And Found That There Is No Impact Of Future Trading On Spot Market Volatility. However, Impact Of New News Increased And Persistence Effect Of Old News Decreased In Post Future Period. 2. Impact Of Derivative Trading On Stock Market Volatility In India: A Study Of S&P CNX Nifty. Ruchika Gahlot, Saroj K. Datta, Sheeba Kapil The Purpose Of The Study Is To Examine The Impact Of Derivative Trading On Stock Market Volatility. The Sample Data Consist Of Closing Prices Of S&P Cnx Nifty As Well As Closing Prices Of Five Derivative Stocks And Five Non Derivative Stocks From April 1, 2002 To March 31, 2005. The Study Uses Garch Model To Capture Nature Of Volatility Over Time...
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...362 Stock Return Volatility in Emerging Equity Market (Kse): The Relative Effects of Country and Global Factors Mohammad Faisal Rizwan* and Safi Ullah Khan** This paper focuses on the role of macroeconomic variables and global factors on the volatility of the stock returns in an emerging market like Pakistan. The paper uses two multivariate models, multivariate EGARCH and Vector Auto Regressive (VAR) models to investigate the effect of exchange rate, interest rate, industrial production, money supply, Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) World Index and 6-months LIBOR on stock prices in Pakistan’s equity market. The estimate shows that domestic macroeconomic variables have varying degrees of importance in explaining the relationship between stock returns and volatility in Karachi Stock Exchange. The empirical results also show that the two global factors, MSCI World Index and 6-months LIBOR, variables used in this paper explain the stock returns in KSE. An important conclusion drawn from the results is that macroeconomic variables exhibit asymmetric effects on returns volatility. Overall, the results show that Pakistan’s stock market is partially integrated as shown by the significant role of both country and global factors. Field of Research: Finance 1. Introduction Studies on the link between macroeconomic variables and stock returns are broadly divided into two groups based on the level of market integration. The first strand promotes the view that markets are generally...
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...Occasional Papers Vol. 24, No. 3, Winter 2003 Derivatives and Volatility on Indian Stock Markets Snehal Bandivadekar and Saurabh Ghosh * Derivative products like futures and options on Indian stock markets have become important instruments of price discovery, portfolio diversification and risk hedging in recent times. This paper studies the impact of introduction of index futures on spot market volatility on both S&P CNX Nifty and BSE Sensex using ARCH/GARCH technique. The empirical analysis points towards a decline in spot market volatility after the introduction of index futures due to increased impact of recent news and reduced effect of uncertainty originating from the old news. However, further investigation also reveals that the market wide volatility has fallen during the period under consideration. Surrogate indices like BSE 200 and Nifty Junior are introduced to evaluate whether the introduction of index futures per se has been instrumental in reducing the spot market volatility or the volatility has fallen in line with general fall in market wide volatility. The results using these surrogate indices show that while the ‘futures effect’ plays a definite role in the reduction of volatility in the case of S&P CNX Nifty, in the case of BSE Sensex, where derivative turnover is considerably low, its role seems to be ambiguous. JEL Classification: G1, G14, G15 Key words: Derivatives, index futures, stock markets, volatility, ARCH-GARCH Introduction A derivative is financial instrument...
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... The Voices of Influence | iijournals.com Pursuing the Low Volatility Equity Anomaly: Strategic Allocation or Active Decision? ERIK KNUTZEN ERIK K NUTZEN is the chief investment officer at NEPC LLC in Cambridge, MA. eknutzen@nepc.com FALL 2013 JOI-KNUTZEN.indd 75 I n the past several years, asset managers have built investment strategies based on historical evidence that lower volatility stocks earn superior risk-adjusted returns. These approaches are being called low volatility, managed volatility, minimum variance, or similar names. They seek to exploit what has been identified in studies by academics and practitioners alike as an equity pricing anomaly. This anomaly joins previously identified persistent stock market inefficiencies associated with low price-tobook and smaller company shares. This article evaluates the low volatility anomaly, its potential causes, whether it is likely to persist, and the role, if any, of low volatility equity investing in long-term investment programs. Based on historical information, we conclude that the low volatility equity anomaly appears to exist and can be explained by certain behavioral and structural biases of investors. But its continued existence into the future is less certain. We also observe that even well-documented anomalies experience multi-year periods of outperformance and underperformance relative to broad market benchmarks such as the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index. These episodes ...
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...The Concepts of Beta in the Stock Market Week Nine Research Paper Principles of Managerial Finance MGT3310 Instructor Wade Sherry Curtis “Beta is the measure of the volatility, or it can be a systematic risks of a security or portfolio that comparison to a market as a whole. Volatility is the amount of uncertainty or risk in the size of changes in a security's value. The higher the volatility means that the price of the security can change dramatically over a short time period in either direction. The lower volatility means that a security's value will not fluctuate as dramatically as higher volatility, but will change in value at a steady pace over a period of time. Beta is calculated using the regression analysis. Regression analysis is a statistical process that estimates the relationships that are among variables. It helps to understand how the typical value of the dependent variable changes when independent variables are varied and the other independent variables are fixed. It is used for prediction and forecasting.” (Investopedia US, A Division of ValueClick, Inc;, 2013) (Investopedia US, 2013) “A beta of one will indicate that the security's price will move with the market, thus a beta with less than one means that the security will be less volatile than the market. A beta that is greater than one will indicate that the security's price will be more volatile than the market. An example of a stock with a beta value of 1.3 has moved 130% for every 100%...
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...MEASURING TIME VARYING VOLATILITY OF USDINR CURRENCY FUTURES IN INDIA *Suhashini.J ** Dr.Chandrasekar.K *Suhashini.J, Faculty Research Scholar, PSNA College of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul, Tamilnadu.Suhashinij@gmail.com **Dr.K.Chandrasekar, Assistant Professor, Alagappa Institute of Management, Alagappa University, Kariakudi. MEASURING TIME VARYING VOLATILITY OF USDINR CURRENCY FUTURES IN INDIA Abstract This paper examines the volatility of USDINR currency pair. USDINR currency pair was introduced in regulated stock exchange of National Stock Exchange in the year 2008. USDINR currency stated to trade as a future instrument on 29.08.2008. Though it’s a delayed decision undertaken in India to introduce currency futures in regulated exchange within the three years of its introduction 10 times of volume traded has increased. The pricing of currencies is supposed to be dependent on volatility of the markets. Therefore it’s important to know the volatility implications of currency market to trade in futures market. To understand volatility implications it is examined using ARCH, GARCH, and GARCH (1, 1) model in this paper. The study finds the evidence of time varying volatility of futures. The study finds an evidence of time varying volatility, which exhibits clustering, high persistence and predictability of currency futures in Indian Market. Key words: Time Varying Volatility, currency futures, USDINR and GARCH Introduction Currency Futures has been...
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...Capital Market of Bangladesh: Volatility in the Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) and Role of Regulators Md. Tariqur Rahman (Corresponding author) Senior Research Associate, Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD) House No. 40/C, Road No, 11 (New) Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka-1209, Bangladesh Tel: 880-2-812-4770, 9141734 Ext-146 E-mail: rahmantariqdu@gmail.com Khondker Golam Moazzem Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD) House No. 40/C, Road No, 11 (New) Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka-1209, Bangladesh Tel: 880-2-812-4770, 9141734 Ext-147 E-mail: moazzem@cpd.org.bd Received: December 17, 2010 Accepted: February 27, 2011 doi:10.5539/ijbm.v6n7p86 Abstract Over the last few years, the capital market of Bangladesh has witnessed a haughty growth which is not in line of development in the real sector of the economy. Although, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of Bangladesh has tried to correct the irregular behavior observed in the market, very often it is argued that lack of proper and firm decisions from the regulator’s side has contributed to make the market more unstable rather than to reduce it. The paper attempts to identify the casual relationship between the observed volatility in the country’s major bourses namely the Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) and the regulatory decisions taken by the SEC empirically. Using Vector Auto-regressive (VAR), statistically highly significant relationship was found between decisions taken by the regulatory authority and market volatility...
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...India Stock Market Volatility – An International Comparison M. T. Raju, Anirban Ghosh April 2004 Working Paper Series No. 8 Stock Market Volatility – An International Comparison M. T. Raju, Anirban Ghosh Working Paper Series No. 8 The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Securities and Exchange Board of India. We sincerely thank Shri G. N. Bajpai, Chairman, SEBI for his unlimited support and encouragement in conducting research work. But for him, it would not have been possible to bring out this paper timely. We also thank many of our colleagues for their comments and suggestions. Contents Foreword Acknowledgement SEBI Abstract 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Stock Market Volatility: An International Comparison Methodology Analysis of Results Inter and Intra-day Volatility Intra-day Volatility and Developed Capital Markets Emerging Capital Markets Indian Market High and Low Volatility (Volatility Transmission) Extreme Volatility Analysis (India) Return Squared Volatility Return Squared Analysis Conclusion and Recommendation References SEBI Working Paper Series (i) (iii) (v) (vii) 1 4 8 11 12 13 13 14 15 15 16 17 19 Foreword During the past few years Indian Capital Market has undergone metamorphic reforms. Every segment of Indian Capital Market viz primary and secondary markets, derivatives, institutional investment and market intermediation has experienced impact of these changes. Our market, today...
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...Slow Diffusion of Information and Price Momentum in Stocks: Evidence from Options Markets Zhuo Chen∗ Andrea Lu† September 6, 2014 Abstract This paper investigates the source of price momentum in the equity market using information from options markets. The empirical results provide direct evidence of the gradual information diffusion model in Hong and Stein (1999). Consistent with their theory, we show that a successful identification of stocks’ information diffusion stage helps explain momentum profits. We are able to enhance momentum profits by longing winner stocks with higher growth (and shorting loser stocks with larger drop) in call options implied volatility. Our empirical strategy generates a risk-adjusted alpha of 1.8% per month for a hedged winner-minus-loser portfolio over the 1996–2011 period, during which the simple momentum strategy fails to perform. The results are stronger and clearer if we use call options compared with put options, which are consistent with managers’ tendency to reveal good news and hide bad news. Our results are robust to transaction costs, choice of options’ moneyness, elimination of implied volatility persistence, and choice of options’ time-to-maturity. Finally, our results are not driven by existing stock-level characteristics, such as size, trading volume, and analyst coverage. JEL Classification: G10, G11, G12, G13 Keywords: Momentum, Implied Volatility PBC School of Finance, Tsinghua University. Email: chenzh@pbcsf.tsinghua.edu.cn...
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