...PINOY INTERNET: PHILIPPINES CASE STUDY March 2002 INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION GENEVA, SWITZERLAND This report has been written by Michael Minges, Esperanza Magpantay, Lucy Firth and Tim Kelly of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). The report is based on field research carried out between 1 5 October 2001 as well as articles and publications sourced in the document. The National Telecommunications Commission provided incalculable support; without their assistance, this report would not have been possible. Equally, the report would not have been possible without the cooperation of the many from the Filipino public and private ICT sector who offered their time to the reports authors. The kind hospitality of Philippine Electronics and Telecommunications Federation (PETEF) is also acknowledged. We would also like to thank N. Santiago of Globe and A. Bengzon, Undersecretary for Communications, for their insightful comments. The report is one of a series of case studies examining the Internet in South East Asia carried out in 2001. Additional information is available on the ITUs Internet Case Study web page at http://www.itu.int/ITU-D/ict/cs/. The report may not necessarily reflect the opinions of the ITU, its members or the government of the Republic of the Philippines. The title refers to the Filipino (Tagalog) word Pinoy meaning Filipinos by Heart. The SMS message appearing on the mobile phone screen (Kmusta txt k nman) is also in Tagalog and means...
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