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Vu477 Unit Assessment

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Words 1192
Pages 5
Name: Yee Kang Xian
Student ID: GEC00000F5
Subject: VU21477 Unit Assessment
Task 1:
1. Instructions.
2. First Aid for snake bites in Australia.
3. To give people know hot to handle after snake bites.
4. All Australia would be read this to prevent or the firs aid for snake bites.
5. 10 steps in the instructions.
6. Step by step, list of things need to done immediately, the emergency number and the picture show how to bandage.
7. Movement, immobilization, survivability.
8. Step 4, first aid must be start when suspected the snake is venom.
9. Do no ignore a small bite, do not interfere with the bite in anyway, do not remove any clothing, be careful not to apply the bandage too loosely.

12. Yes, it can stop the venom not flow to other body part. …show more content…
2. Final copy: How to wash your hands when working in a restaurant. Keep hands clean through improved hand hygiene is one of the most important steps we can take to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to other. All employee must wash their hands after handle trash, cleaning tables, dirty dishes, touching soiled aprons, sneezing, coughing, eating, using restroom and touching anything that may contaminate the hands. Step of hands washing: 1. Use warm water and liquid soup. By using warm water to wet both of your hand, then apply some soup on your hands. 2. Wash your hands at least 20 seconds. Rub every fingers, wrists, hand thumbs, finger nails and between the fingers. 3. Rinse and dry your hands. Rinse the soup off your hands and dry them thorough, using towels or tissues, not your shirt, pants or apron. Effective cleaning gets rid of bacteria on the hand, equipment and surfaces, helping to stop bacteria from spreading to foods.
I. How to wash hand when working in restaurants, the step of washing hands.
II. Why we need to wash hands, steps to wash hands, stop bacteria spreading to

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