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Wal-Mart Financial Health 2012


Submitted By stingaj
Words 1962
Pages 8
Business Analysis Part II
The following business analysis considers the financial health, technological advantages, the effects of globalization, and a benchmarking analysis of Wal-mart in comparison with comparable organizations in their industry segments using United States companies. Competitors in the supercenter market are Target and Meijer, whereas Costco is a key competitor in the member warehouse-style market. Only Costco (Costco Annual Report, 2011) is currently competing in the international marketplace.
Financial Health
Wal-Mart Stores Incorporated (WMT), Target Corporation (TGT), and Costco Wholesale Corporation (COST) are public held companies with stock traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and required to file an Annual Report on forms 10-K annually with the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) (Stock Quotes, 2012). Meijer’s is a family-owned private company and not subject to SEC filings of their performance and is excluded from analysis because their financial data is not available (At 75, Meijer family still controls retailers destiny, 2009).
Income Statement The latest income statements submitted by Wal-Mart, Target, and Costco to the Security and Exchange commission all reported millions in profit (Stock Quotes, 2012). Wal-Mart’s consolidated net income for its fiscal year ending January 31, 2012 is $15,699 million (Walmart Annual Report, 2012), which equates to a $4.54 net per share income, and resulted in $1.46 paid in dividends for each common share (Walmart Annual Report, 2012) ). By comparison, Costco latest annual report for fiscal year ending August 28, 2011 reported $1,462 million in profit with a net income per share of $3.35, and $.89 in per share dividends (Costco Annual Report, 2011). Target’s annual report for their fiscal year ending January 28, 2012 is $2,929 million in profit, equaling $4.31 per

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