Premium Essay

Walt's Perception Of Older People In Gran Torino

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Pages 3
While watching Gran Torino I was on my knees the whole time observing Walt because of the relation he had to my grandad. This movie character could have been modeled by y granddads beliefs and personality at the first half of the movie. Walt utilized characterizes that I use to see on a day to day basis with my grandad such as having a stubborn mind and being stuck in his beliefs just because of the events that occurred in his life. Unlike Walt my granddad carried these beliefs to his grave. Walt was meet with his beliefs and prove wrong by a young boy that was named Thao. These stubborn beliefs came from both of their past experience with people that they had encountered in their life. Also both of them were super stubborn and thought their way was the right way, and they …show more content…
Walt did not have family or anybody that he really enjoyed to be around with at the first of the movie, but he had his Gran Torino which was his prize possession. Walt may not have anything else, but he kept his hobby of working on the Gran Torino and kept it clean. If I was an older person in this generation I would not mind the way they portray older people in the movies because you have movies that have older people jumping out of air planes and on the other extreme older people being a burden to their families. I think if young people only watched this movie and they grab their perception on older people it would be a bad expression at first, but as the movie progressed it would show that even though older people have their values and beliefs they have reason for it and can be persuaded if someone has time to do so because they are just like us just have an older number in their age. It really did not change or impact my perception because I have seen it all in real life when it comes to older people. I have seen elder people that are worldly and just as easily acceptable to everybody as me, and I have seen people that are stubborn and would not be persuaded if their

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