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Wannsink And Khullar Essay

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Pages 3
Wansink, Payne and Khullar all address the leading problems of obesity. Some of those problems consist of unhealthy eating habits, lack of portion control, and a variety of environmental factors. These three elements are essential to being healthy because they control body weight, which is controlled by calorie intake.
The health and wellness of a persons being depends on portion size and calorie intake. To help fight obesity, U.S. social norms need to change, especially in regards of portion size. Wansink and Payne examined The Joy of Cooking closely and came to conclusion that over the years all but one recipe had an increase in calories and serving size (115). At one point the calories had increased by 43.7% and the portion size increased by 32.5% (Wansink and Payne 115). In comparison to Wansink and Payne, Khullar states “portion sizes are bigger than ever” (135). With that being said portion sizes and calories both need to be reduced “to counteract growing waistlines” (Wansink and Payne 115). One way to do so is change the high calorie ingredients in a recipe, to something that is lower in …show more content…
It is very hard for people to eat healthy when they are mainly surrounded by unhealthy food. For instance, Khullar works in a hospital where he tells his patients to eat healthier, but his only food options were fried chicken, four-cheese pizza, popcorn shrimp and curly fries in the cafeteria (135). Another things is low income areas do not have a wide variety of healthy foods because they are more expensive, which results in the people who are living there to be more likely to be obese (Khullar 136). It is cheaper and easier to go to a fast food restaurant and get a 2,000 calorie meal then it is to go find something healthier to eat (khullar 137). If healthier foods were easy to access, and more affordable more people would eat healthy and obesity would slowly

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