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Roman Legions Research Paper

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The Roman Legions: March Towards Empire For many centuries Rome stood as the dominant power in the Mediterranean world and at the heart of its power lay the strength of the Roman Legion. It was through the strength of the legions that Rome began to exert its dominance, and in turn found itself dominated by those same legions. The story of the rise of Rome then is a story of its legions. Evolving from simple citizen levies to the most successful professional army of the ancient world, the Roman Legions were instrumental in shaping Rome from Republic to Empire. Thus it can be argued that the evolution of the Roman Legion not only impacted its military superiority, but directly influenced the evolution of Rome. In the pre republican …show more content…
As the enlistment of soldiers began to expire, and they were released from military duty, rather than having to return to their homes in Rome, they now found they had money in which to buy lands in the provinces they found themselves in. Additionally, as permanent standing armies, they would be garrisoned allowing towns and settlements to spring up around their encampments. With the soldiers retiring in the provinces and towns springing up around forts this hastened the process of Romanization throughout the territories, the spreading of Roman culture and civilization throughout the ancient world as idle legions would also embark on great civic projects through road and aqueduct building. Yet despite all these impacts the Marian reforms brought to both the military and Rome, its greatest impact would have a resounding effect throughout the Republic: Civil War and the rise of an …show more content…
Consuls now had the power to raise and maintain their own armies without the money oversight that had previously been held by the Senate. As professional soldiers, the legionnaires now looked to the army for food, supplies and income. Upon leaving the army, many soldiers relied upon land grants provided by the Consuls from newly conquered territory. This began a shift in loyalty from the Senate and state to powerful and wealthy generals. It was this fierce loyalty to ambitious generals and Consulars that would lead to civil war and eventual transition to Empire under the leadership of both Gaius Julius Caesar and his heir apparent and nephew Gaius Octavius. Under Octavius, now Augustus Caesar, the military would make its final transition into the Roman Imperial Legion, mirroring the transition from Republic to

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