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War an Anatomy of Madness


Submitted By jvljr
Words 751
Pages 4
War: An Anatomy of Madness
James V. Lewis Jr.
October 19, 2011

War: An Anatomy of Madness Contrary to past wars, Americans are not asked to conserve on gas, or consume less sugar. No draft to protest as during the Vietnam War, and the air raid drills of cold war years are a thing of the past. Still the consequences of wars, even though at times necessary, are social and political trauma, the impact on society and the morality of war is inconsistent with the ideas of ethical decency and good common sense. Politically; in a democratic society like America the fallout from war makes it hard to govern and impedes the ability to fight and win wars. Body Paragraph 1 The impact of war on society For most American families with loved ones in harm’s way the consequences of war are traumatic. The strains on a spouse waiting for news from a husband or wife immersion in situations in which the possibility of death is ever present, is a familiar yet heartbreaking scenario. To anyone who has had a loved one or friend serve in a combat zone the stress can be detrimental to relationships as well one’s health. According to Huus (2007), “the uncertainty and fear felt by family members in this war are amplified by how few people are being called on, and to what extent”(The guessing makes you crazy section, para. 9). Our current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are being waged by an overworked military. American soldiers are subject to frequent deployments and dwindling downtime. Families are fast becoming exhausted and feeling the anxiety of long recurring separations (Huus, 2007). This country’s military has been stretched to the limit: two war in places it cannot possibly make a difference, more than 900 military bases in 150 plus countrys around the world (Dufour, 2007, para. 1), and a political structure that has cut manpower, moral

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