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Warehouse Club Competition


Submitted By bigant
Words 586
Pages 3
Case 4 Competition among the north American warehouse clubs
Competition is extremely high in the north American warehouse club industry. Every wholesale club wants sell top-quality merchandise at consistently lower prices than others to draw customers. They have low labor costs and don't spend much on ads and customer service. Competition of like terms is the strongest because all warehouse clubs sell similar products, but they try to compete by lowering the price of them. The threat of substitutes is extremely high because there are many substitutes with zero differentiation. Many products are commodity based. Rivalry among competitors is high with the main driver being low prices. With such large economies of scale and lack of distributors, warehouse clubs are able to offer direct discounts on items. With low prices being the driving force of the industry, each warehouse club must differentiate itself in some way to create an advantage over its competitors. Suppliers have large input in supply but lack the ability to enhance products.

All three of these warehouse industries have similar strategies in a way in which all three try to sell top quality products for the lowest price possible and in big bulks. Costco and Sam’s club share common features in their distribution technique. Costco’s strategy is to sell mostly private label products at significantly lower costs than branded items. Sam’s club features lowest membership costs out the top three warehouse clubs in North America and sells mostly branded products. Low membership costs attract customers since basically al top three warehouse clubs sell the same products. The strategy of BJ’s wholesale differs from Costco and Sam’s Club in a way that BJ’s focus is more customer service based with emphasis on express checkouts and aisle markers. A lot of people want to shop and checkout as fast as possible and

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