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Watchtowers Research Paper

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The Watchtowers started in the 1880’s, it is to be considered to be also a guardian, to bless someone’s workings that are involved in ceremonies that help represent the north, south, east along with the west. The Watchtowers also means to observe or to guard. The Watchtowers is said to mean those who watch, they are said to be magic, along with they never sleep, they are always awake, they can also represent the elements which are earth, air, fire, water along with spirit.The term The Watchtowers mean to me when someone is performing a practice that includes the elements of earth, air, fire, water also the spirit which means the four quarters. The Watchtowers also mean to me to use it to represent the directions of the earth along with the …show more content…
The Watchtowers also mean to me to always be alert along with to always watch what is going on around you like to guard someone or something along with it meaning to be a tower or a castle along with the meaning to observe something or someone. The term The Watchtowers also means to be to protect, look out for someone or something. The term also means to be a lookout point or to see all that is going on all around you. The term also means to me to look out for all enemies or to look over prisoners. The Watchtowers are used in practices for power along with strength also by way of people putting objects on their Altar or their circle to represent the points of the star for the location of the earth along with the elemental points. The term The Watchtowers mean to me when someone is performing a practice that includes the elements of earth, air, fire, water also the spirit which means the four quarters. I would use the term The Watchtowers in my own practices in a few different ways. One way would be I would have an Altar, on my Altar I would have a cloth with a Pentacle on it with the points representing the north, south, east along with the west. I would also cast a circle and use the directions of The Watchtowers in my circle

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