...Save Money Park University Angel Marini Torres How to Save Money Park University Angel Marini Torres 08 Fall 08 Fall Abstract Today we will learn different ways of saving money for emergency funds and special occasions. By opening a second savings account you will find it simpler to start saving money and creating an emergency fund for yourself or family. To put more money in to your 2nd savings account, sign up free direct deposit from your checking account to your savings account this way you are not as tempted to spend the money. Tossing away your ATM card will help you have a harder time to create that temptation of withdrawing money from your second savings account. $1,378.00 easily achievable with the 52-week technique. There are many ways to save money and the ones presented are just a few. Speech #2: Informative Speech Outlines Guide Name: WORKING OUTLINE Topic: How to Save Money Specific purpose statement: To inform my audience of different ways to save money in this overall exhausting economy. Thesis statement (central idea): Money saving techniques for all occasions ------------------------------------------------- Organizational pattern: Sequential ------------------------------------------------- Introduction I. Attention-getter: Money is an essential part of life now a-days, unfortunately most of us don’t save or plainly don’t know how. Wouldn’t it be awesome to know different techniques on how to save money? Without bumping your head? Saving for special...
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...Advantages of Saving Money : Personal Finance Tips Posted by Ermelo Villareal on January 25, 2009 in Blogging, Money Talk, Netrepreneur5 Comments Saving money imposes great advantages for your Personal Finance in the long run. Think about sustainable living that eco-friendly communities apply. They are trying to reduce consumption in order to save our environment for further destruction thus providing good living conditions for thenext generation. The same principle should apply to your money saving. If you reduce your unnessescary expenses today and live minimally, you will be able to save something you can use in the future. That really makes sense, right? Every penny you get to save will grow. It may not look big now but if you start saving soon enough, and practice restraint, it will certainly rise. Saving money has its own advantages, like peace of mind. You have peace of mind when you know you got something in your pocket when some health emergency arises. Saving money also provides fulfilment and security especially when paying debt and liquidity as a whole. Saving for your retirement seemed premature while you are on your mid-30 but there is such a thing called early retirement and forced retirement planning. Unforeseen reasons may come up which could lead to these things mentioned so you better come prepared for it. You also have to save for rainy days. After all, you will never know when it will happen. With the worldwide economic crisis, people lose job everyday...
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...http://prezi.com/yzqi-phg6rlh/thesis-savings/ "Comparative Analysis on the Savings Behavior of Public and Private Tertiary Students in Batangas City" People’s savings decision is rationally based on their economic situation and preferences. Saving money is a hard task to accomplish though it always gives an impression that when things came up, there goes your savings. We cannot deny the fact that saving money is cornerstone of the successful money management plan. Without savings, you cannot expect to survive if something goes wrong. That is why we have to give emphasis on the development of having a good saving habit. If there is always an attitude of savings individuals would not worry about their future expenses even if uncertain things come especially with resource to finance. There are many ways on how people can save and develop a savings habit. . Moreover, due to the culture of the Filipinos, the Batangueños or the residents of Batangas City wanted to make a change for a better future. It is due to the reason that having fun in spending their money for unreasonable reasons or occasions like fiestas, birthdays and the likes would decrease their savings. They need to have the knowledge on how to save money for their own benefits in case of emergencies or immediate needs of funds. People in Batangas City wanted to learn the proper way of saving their money and adopting a savings habit. Thus, the study is conducted to determine the savings behavior of tertiary students...
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...Topic: Save money General purpose: To inform/demonstrate Specific purpose: To demonstrate my audience how to save money Central idea: Easy and cheap tips/ideas to learn how to save money on daily basis, and improve our financial life Strategic order: Chronological INTRODUTION I. For what do you want to save for? What is your goal? A. Saving money, improving your financial life, building wealth. It all starts when you set a goal and make a plan to reach that goal. B. Starting is always the hardest part. After that, you start taking more and more little steps and before you know it, your financial life is getting better. II. No one wants to waste money and the problem is, saving money is hard work. There is so many ways to save money, depending on you want to save for. III. I will demonstrate different and easy ways to save money. BODY I. Set a goal for what to save for. People who set a money savings goal save faster than those who don’t. So if you really want to get that deposit for a home, or save enough for a dream holiday, name your goal, work out how much you can save each month and get started. Then sit back and watch your money start to grow! A. First, you need to determine what you are saving money for. Your savings goal may be for a down payment on your home. You may be saving for a dream vacation or to pay for your next car. You may be saving for retirement or for an emergency fund. You may be saving for all of these reasons. Once you know what you...
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...(2014). Personal Care Savings Bonds: A New Way of Saving Towards Social Care in Later Life. Geneva Papers on Risk & Insurance, 39(4), 668-692. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1057/gpp.2014.30 Main Issue of Article: The article “Personal Care Savings Bonds: A New Way of Saving Towards Social Care in Later Life” is an interesting take on a new way to pay for your elderly care after retirement. “Social care” is what most people would associate with long-term care. Personal Care Savings Bonds (PCSBs) go about it in a whole different way. The general idea is to blend a traditional savings bond with the lottery. Combining the practical long-term, safe, savings of a bond with the instant gratification of winning a large cash prize. A very large expenditure of people at the end-stages of life is the cost of their care. These costs often destroy personal savings and drain the assets a person wants to leave to their families all while still costing the government (tax payers) billions of dollars per year. PCSBs would hope to encourage more saving by individuals by introducing a lottery aspect. As with any lottery, a person would buy as many “tickets” as they would like. If their number is chosen, they would win a large cash prize. How PCBSs differ is that the bulk of the money from the ticket would go towards a guaranteed bond. As people buy more and more tickets, the amount in their PCSB account would grow. The administrators would invest the money and add interest to the...
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...Background of the Study According to John Keynes, an investment is a conscious act of an individual or entity that involves deployment of money in securities of assets issued by any financial institution with a view to obtain the target returns over a specified period of time. There are several types of investment. An autonomous investment is a kind of investment that remains constant regardless of revenue level. And this means that when the revenue is low, the autonomous investments are still the same. This refers to the investment made on public buildings, roads, houses and other infrastructure. Typically the government is in this kind of investment. Induced investment is certainly related to the revenue level. That is, when at high level...
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...IMPORTANCE OF BUDGETING AND SAVING Importance of Budgeting and Saving Andrea N. Kirkwood GEN/200 22 March 2010 Mr. Otis Langford IMPORTANCE OF BUDGETING AND SAVING Importance of Budgeting and Saving Do you find yourself living from paycheck to paycheck, unable to pay your bills, struggling financially? If so, you are amongst the millions of people who suffer from these same issues everyday. One of the best ways for you to get on financial track is to establish a budget. What is a budget you ask? As defined by Merriam-Webster, a budget is “a plan for the coordination of resources and expenditures” or “the amount of money that is available for, required for, or assigned to a particular purpose” (Merriam-Webster). A budget will help you realize your true income, assess your debt, see how your money is really being spent, and should help you save on some of your unnecessary spending. Budgeting is one of the most important factors when it comes to financial stability. A budget is a precise way to help you live within your means and get your finances under control. Making an individual or a family budget will assist you in your planning when it comes to saving for the education expenses of you or your children, maintaining an emergency fund, planning vacations, buying a home and numerous other unexpected events that life may throw your way. IMPORTANCE OF BUDGETING AND SAVING Creating a budget should be a very simple process. You...
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...You Are Never Too Broke to Save Money - Truth or Fiction? Most articles on how to save money are targeted at people who have at least some disposable income. And although tips on cutting back on expensive holidays and luxury items can be useful, they don't apply to those living from payday to payday. In this article we will provide some tips on how to save funds for those who are still struggling, even though they have cut expenses left, right and centre. Put your salary into a savings account A very good approach to saving money is to have your entire salary deposited into a savings account or an investment account. Do some research and find the best savings account that gives you the highest interest rates. Transfer only the money you need for bills from your savings account to your cheque account. This is a great way to save as there will only be cash in your cheque account for your monthly expenses while the rest of your money generates interest in your savings account. Adopt a "can" and "will" attitude There is a lot of truth in the belief that what we tell ourselves has powerful influence on our actions and ultimately, our realities. Saying "we can't" somehow becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy and we get stuck believing that nothing we do makes any difference. Changing your mindset will change your actions which will ultimately change your circumstances. Remove "I can't" and "I won't" from your repertoire, switch to "I will do whatever it takes to get a handle on your...
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...system in America works and analyzes its macroeconomic role. I plan to structure my summary similar to the way chapter twenty-six does. First by talking about different financial institutions and how they work in the U.S. economy. Then by breaking down saving and investment in the national income accounts. Lastly I will explain how government policies affect society’s allocation of resources by manipulating the interest rate. The first thing chapter twenty-six does is explain what a financial system is and why they are needed. A financial system is defined in the book as a group of institutions in the economy that help to match one person’s saving with another person’s investment. Without a financial system, long-term economic growth is not going to happen. Saving and investment allows for higher capital which in return raises productivity and the living standard. Financial institutions allow for the economy's scarce resources to move from savers to borrowers. Savers only provide their money to financial institutions for one reason and that is to gain interest. Interest allows savers to ultimately make money by storing their money in financial markets. Financial markets allow savers to be able to directly supply funds to borrowers. The two main financial markets are the stock market and the bond market. Financial markets are what particularly interest me. Increasing my savings is very important to me and figuring out strategies to do that efficiently is something I will start doing...
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...Ways to Save Money Teresa Christensen EN1150 - Composition I SP12 May 18, 2012 Abstract Saving money can be easy for some people and difficult for others. There are many ways to save money and a few of these will be discussed here. Saving money can benefit anyone. One can do this by eating out less, finding other ways of transportation, and only shopping for necessary items. People can save money by buying at the grocery store and plan meals. Carpooling can save a person quite a bit of money when they only have to pitch in for gas rather than filling their own tank. Buying generic versus name brand can also save a lot of money. This will help anyone to save money without taking away to many things that you like to do in life. Ways to Save Money There are hundreds of ways to save money. Many people just purchase what is easy and convenient instead of what will save them money in the long run. Saving money in some ways can benefit you in other ways. This can help you to plan family vacations or to get that one thing that you have wanted for a very long time. Some of the ways to save money include making food at home versus eating out, using alternate means of transportation to save on gas expenses, and making a list of items you need at the grocery store to ensure that you are not buying unnecessary items. When eating out, people spend more money than they would by buying items at a grocery store to make food at home. If you feel that eating out is much easier to...
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...4000 FAX: 254 20 273 7276 Email: info@equitybank.co.ke www.equitybank.co.ke/company/foundation INTRODUCTION While the poor share the same goals as all people – economic security for themselves, their families, and future generations – their limited resources and options often lead to a sense of hopelessness and inertia. Careful management of what little money they do have is critical to meet day- to –day needs, cope with unexpected emergencies, and take advantage of opportunities when they come along. The bad news is that the poor often lack the knowledge and experience they need to be these careful money managers This is the purpose of this book. It teaches people about the concept of money and how to manage it wisely. It offers the opportunity to learn basic skills related to earning, spending, budgeting, saving, and borrowing. The good news is that when people do become more informed financial decision makers, they can plan for and realize their goals .Moreover, once people have acquired financial literacy skills, those skills cannot be taken away. Financial education is relevant for anyone who makes decisions about money and finances. The Global Financial Education Program, led by Microfinance Opportunities and Freedom for Hunger, started with a focus on micro entrepreneurs and clients of microfinance programs. For this group , Financial education is more relevant now than ever before. The Global...
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...It involves how people spend, save, protect, and invest their financial resources. It includes making financial decisions, developing and achieving financial goals, financial planning, budgeting, tax management, money management plan , use of credit cards, borrowing, saving plans, major expenditures, risk management, managing debts, investments, retirement planning, and estate planning. Personal financial planning is the process of managing your money to achieve personal economic satisfaction. Why is financial planning important? A good financial plan can enhance the quality of your life, the planning process allows you to control your financial situation; Increased effectiveness in obtaining, using, and protecting your financial resources throughout your life, Increased control of your financial affairs by avoiding excessive debt, bankruptcy, and dependence on others, Improved personal relationships resulting from well-planned and effectively communicated financial decisions. A sense of freedom from financial worries obtained by looking to the future, anticipating expenses, and achieving personal economic goals. Financial goals Financial goals are rarely achieved without sacrificing current consumption. By cutting down the bills, saving, and investing your money. Most people need to have some form of financial planning to achieve their financial objectives. Financial planning should reflect an individual's or family's values and life-cycle circumstances and include appropriate...
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...dictionary as well as in depth tutorials on budgeting, banking and home buying. In addition, Amy Fontinelle has extensive experience editing corporate documents, public policy papers and articles, scholarly books and finance articles. Her articles have been posted on Yahoo.com, Finance, Forbes.com, SFGates.com and various local news websites. Furthermore, we can read more personal finance articles at Amy’s own personal finance website and learn more about Amy at amyfontinelle.com. The purpose of the article is to inform with factual material. We can learn the basic of managing our money effectively, protecting our wealth and making it easy and fun to save more to be financially secure both today and future. The article consists of eight main points, which are learn self control, take control of your own financial future, know where your money goes, start an emergency fund, start saving for retirement now, get a grip on taxes, guard your health and guard your wealth. The content of this article was organised, through and presented in a clear and concise manner. Amy state that “Do you really want to pay interest on a pair of jeans or a box of cereal?” in her first main point. This statement appeal readers should take consideration before purchase using credit card. Besides that, Amy has include the details and...
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... -The Basics of Money and its accumulation- "You will never achieve wealth in spending money, wealth can only be achieved in saving money." -Helmut Ament- Why do we Fail with Money? We fail with Money and we don’t build wealth and financial security because we make a few key, consistent errors. These are common errors that are caused by our mental “hard-‐wiring” and our inability to calculate the long-term effects of our decisions. If you learn About these errors and you overcome them, you can take control of your financial life and Your financial success. If you don’t learn about these errors, you’ll keep making them, and you’ll keep going down a path of having less success with money, less control of your life, and less of a feeling of security and safety for yourself and others. If you want to get control of your financial life... and get control of your ENTIRE life... then you must educate yourself and learn how to do it. No one is going to do it for you. A Lot of people think that money is something you dont talk about, something bad. Some people think that people who have money are “bad people” and people who are poor are “good people.” Regardless of how you feel about money, what you think money is, or whether or not you think that people who have money are good or bad, it’s likely that you DO FEEL one thing: Most people feel like... Money controles their lives Every important decision is affected by money. Money is THE way to get things like...
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...not. Most of us can expect to have a steady income for at least the twenty years should we choose to make the military a career. You should be saving at a minimal fifteen percent of your income each month to prepare you for your future. I recommend that you save ten percent of your gross income for your retirement and the other five percent for your long-term goals. There are many benefits to be had once you start saving such as a substantial savings for your retirement, money to purchase a home, and money for your children’s education. It is often said that the average person’s savings should have enough funds to cover at least six months of your rent or mortgage. It is important for you to start saving early so that you can provide for your family in case of unexpected emergencies, retirement, and future plans. You do not want to rely on high interest credit cards or pay day loans to get you out of a situation. These will only put you further in debt. The sooner you start saving towards your retirement the better off you’ll be. Before you begin your savings plans you should determine how much money you will pay out for your monthly expenses. Next you should determine what your long-term financial goals are and develop a plan. It is always a good idea to shop around for the best interest rates before you start a savings or investment plans. Typically you will find...
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