...How to Save Money Park University Angel Marini Torres How to Save Money Park University Angel Marini Torres 08 Fall 08 Fall Abstract Today we will learn different ways of saving money for emergency funds and special occasions. By opening a second savings account you will find it simpler to start saving money and creating an emergency fund for yourself or family. To put more money in to your 2nd savings account, sign up free direct deposit from your checking account to your savings account this way you are not as tempted to spend the money. Tossing away your ATM card will help you have a harder time to create that temptation of withdrawing money from your second savings account. $1,378.00 easily achievable with the 52-week technique. There are many ways to save money and the ones presented are just a few. Speech #2: Informative Speech Outlines Guide Name: WORKING OUTLINE Topic: How to Save Money Specific purpose statement: To inform my audience of different ways to save money in this overall exhausting economy. Thesis statement (central idea): Money saving techniques for all occasions ------------------------------------------------- Organizational pattern: Sequential ------------------------------------------------- Introduction I. Attention-getter: Money is an essential part of life now a-days, unfortunately most of us don’t save or plainly don’t know how. Wouldn’t it be awesome to know different techniques on how to save money? Without bumping your head? Saving...
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...Preparing for the IELTS test with Holmesglen Institute of TAFE The writing component The IELTS writing test takes one hour. In this time you are required to complete two tasks. TASK ONE is a report based on some graphic information provided on the question paper. With few exceptions, the graphic information will come in one of five forms – a line graph, bar graph, pie chart, table or diagram illustrating a process. You are required to describe the information or the process in a report of 150 words. This task should be completed in 20 minutes. It is important that you are familiar with the language appropriate to report writing generally and to each of the five types of report. TASK TWO is an essay based on a topic given on the question paper. You should write at least 250 words in 40 minutes. It is important that you keep within the advised time limits as Task Two carries more weight in your final band score than Task One. Remember that illegible handwriting will reduce your final score. Writing task one: single line graph Task description You will be given a graph with a single line. Your task is to write a 150 word report to describe the information given in the graph. You are not asked to give your opinion. You should spend around twenty minutes on the task. Task one is not worth as many marks as task two and so you should make sure that you keep within the recommended twenty minute time frame. What is being tested is your ability to: ♦ objectively...
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...How to Save Money and Still Have Fun as a Student Over the past couple of decades, the mindset of the average citizen of the world has greatly changed. Our focus on things that make us happy has shifted towards consumerism. People around the world are always thinking about ways to earn a lot of money and become rich. Well, it all sounds nice; however, having a lot of money does not mean that you are going to be happy. Therefore, it is completely possible to cut down your expenses and still have fun with those surrounding you. So, if you are a student who is not in a great financial situation, there are numerous ways in which you can save money and still not miss out on all the great things in this period of life. Attend Free Events People...
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...Writing an Outline | An outline is a “blueprint” or “plan” for your paper. It helps you to organize your thoughts and arguments. A good outline can make conducting research and then writing the paper very efficient. Your outline page must include your: * Paper Title * Thesis statement * Major points/arguments indicated by Roman numerals (i.e., I, II, III, IV, V, etc.) * Support for your major points, indicated by capital Arabic numerals (i.e., A, B, C, D, E, etc.) Roman numeral I should be your “Introduction”. In the introduction portion of your paper, you’ll want to tell your reader what your paper is about and then tell what your paper hopes to prove (your thesis). So an Introduction gives an overview of the topic and your thesis statement. The final Roman numeral should be your “Conclusion”. In the conclusion, you summarize what you have told your reader. Following are 3 sample outlines, from actual student papers. YOUR outline can be MORE detailed, or might be LESS detailed. Remember that a good outline makes writing easier and more efficient. Sample Outline #1 Title: Frederick Douglass Thesis: Frederick Douglass played a crucial role in securing the abolition of slavery and equality of African-American rights through his actions, ideas, and efforts as a lecturer, author/publisher, and politician. I. Introduction A. Thesis B. Roles/Arguments II. Douglass as Lecturer A. History as slave and acquisition...
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...Sewing is more than a hobby to many people — it’s a way to save money on clothing and home decor. We briefly discussed this in our article, Is It Cheaper to Sew Clothes than Buy them at the Store?, but thought you’d like to know some more specific ways to save money at the fabric store. Wait to Buy Patterns Until They’re on Sale When patterns aren’t on sale, they easily cost upwards of $15. Sure, that might be worth your money if you’re going to reuse it over and over again, but I still can’t bring myself to pay full price for one. If you have the time to wait, several fabric stores have sales where patterns are less than $2 a piece — that’s when I like to stock up. Alternatively, you can find sewing patterns and tutorials on the Internet for a low cost, or even free, like at Pattern Playground. I’ve also found that online sewing tutorials are easier to follow than typical sewing patterns anyway, because they are usually accompanied by videos or step-by-step pictures. If you’ve never sewn anything before, I suggest that you start with online tutorials for this very reason. Use Coupons at the Register Another way to save money at the fabric store is to use coupons. Fabric stores often run ads that give you a percentage off your entire purchase price. Some fabric stores even have coupons that give you a large discount on a single cut of fabric. I make it a rule never to go to the fabric store without one of these fabric store coupons. It’s pretty easy to search for coupons...
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...Ways to Save Money Teresa Christensen EN1150 - Composition I SP12 May 18, 2012 Abstract Saving money can be easy for some people and difficult for others. There are many ways to save money and a few of these will be discussed here. Saving money can benefit anyone. One can do this by eating out less, finding other ways of transportation, and only shopping for necessary items. People can save money by buying at the grocery store and plan meals. Carpooling can save a person quite a bit of money when they only have to pitch in for gas rather than filling their own tank. Buying generic versus name brand can also save a lot of money. This will help anyone to save money without taking away to many things that you like to do in life. Ways to Save Money There are hundreds of ways to save money. Many people just purchase what is easy and convenient instead of what will save them money in the long run. Saving money in some ways can benefit you in other ways. This can help you to plan family vacations or to get that one thing that you have wanted for a very long time. Some of the ways to save money include making food at home versus eating out, using alternate means of transportation to save on gas expenses, and making a list of items you need at the grocery store to ensure that you are not buying unnecessary items. When eating out, people spend more money than they would by buying items at a grocery store to make food at home. If you feel that eating out is much easier to...
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...Many kids in the world do chores, but the majority do not get paid. I think that kids should get paid for their chores. If kids did I think that kids would save their money for things that the realy want. If kids got paid for their chores it would also help teach them responsibility and how to use money wisely in the future when they are older. If kids got paid to do things they could save up money over the years that they grow up and get something they really wanted like a car. If kids spend their money wisely they wouldn't have to wait for his or her birthday or christmas to come around, they could get things through the year. They could have some money to help their parents pay for college when they grow up. Paying kids for their chores...
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...Ways of Saving Money In our world everything revolves around money. Whether that means total amount of money you have or assets you own, money is main factor that decides what you can and cannot do. For example, people with lots of money can afford to splurge on things like fancy cars or exotic vacations. On the other hand people who are poor are often struggling to put the next meal on the table to provide for their families basic needs. It is often assumed that people who own nice things and go on vacations can do so simply because of the career they have of the family they were born into. This is not always the case, in fact the key to some people’s money woes can lie with the fact they do not have any money saving strategies. Three key ways to save money are: budgeting, investing, and saving. First off, an easy way to save money is with a budget system. You can set up a budget very easily by tracking how much you spend on a weekly, monthly, or yearly basis, then deciding on whether the things you are spending your money on are worth it or not. For example, if someone is spending $500 per month on fast food restaurants, that is something that may need to be removed or drastically reduced from their budget. When you have a budget it is easier to see exactly where all your money is going, and also makes it easier to set aside money for the future. Next, another way to save money is by investing. Once someone knows how much money they have and how much they can...
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...Saving Money Prevent Bad Things To Happen Money is one of the most basic requirement in our lives. We need the money for our whole life; for clothes, for food, for shelter and even water or electricity costs. However, ones cannot fulfil his/her basic needs or requirements of the daily routine without it.Also, without money, many things will not success and we will get into many trouble in our life. We all know that we need to save money, but most of the people do not save like they know they need to save. Why ? Because most of them feel that they had completed their goals. The goals are about to buy a sport shoes, a branded handbag or something else.Nonetheless, we should saving money be like Warren Buffet. As everyone knows who he is and how successful he was. Therefore, we should be brilliant on how to save the money in our daily life. There are a lot of benefits that we can gain if we save money day-to-day. For instance, if a doctor told you that your child was dying and could only be saved with a $15,000 operation that your insurance would not cover and could only be performed nine months from today, could you save $15,000 in nine months? The answer is no, you could not! Because of lacking money, you need to borrow money from other people and this is the reason why saving money is significant. As the saying goes, repair the house before it rains. Saving money will become a priority for everyone. First and foremost, the most important why we should save money...
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...Learn the Most Important Reasons to Save Money By Miriam Caldwell Money in Your 20s Expert You may be asking yourself why is there so much pressure to save money. If you have enough to pay for everything you need, why should you worry about putting any aside each month? There are a variety of reasons to begin saving money. Different people save for different reasons. You can start by saving ten percent of your income each month. Here are seven reasons that you may consider saving your money. Eddie Hironaka/ Photographer's Choice/ Getty Images 1 . Save for Emergency Funds It is important to have an emergency fund set aside to cover unexpected expenses. This could cover an unexpected car repair, your emergency appendectomy or a sudden job loss. Ideally your emergency fund should be about three to six months of your expenses. If you are just starting out you should put aside at least $1000.00 for this. In addition to your emergency fund you need to make sure you have a plan and good insurance in place to help you survive the unexpected financial events in your life. 2 . Save for Retirement Another important reason to save money is your retirement. The sooner you start saving for retirement, the less you will have to save in the future. You can put your money to work for you. As you continue to contribute overtime you will be earning more interest on the money you have, then you put in each month. You should at least be contributing up to your employer's match and eventually...
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...Consumerism: Using coupons to save money Gina York ENG102 May 23, 2012 Sarah Giragosian Consumerism: Using coupons to save money Consumers face daily struggles. However, many would say that the one thing they struggle with the most is how to find ways to stretch their paycheck enough to cover the bills and put food on the table. In fact, despite having two paychecks coming in, the average American family is still unable to make ends meet. While we can eliminate some things from our daily lives, such as the $5 cup of coffee at the local “Java Joe’s”, we cannot eliminate our daily need for food and basic necessities. Consequently, with the continued downturn in the economy, people have had to become more creative in finding ways to save money. Using coupons to aid in discounting products is widely becoming the method of choice. Consumers have had to make some very hard decisions based on income and necessities. We have all had to “tighten our belts” and “watch our pennies”. “During these hard economic times, many people are looking for new ways to save money on as many things as possible. Groceries, electric and other utility bills, as well as on other items like diapers and baby care supplies, cleaning supplies and paper products.” (How to Save Money With Grocery Coupons, 1999-2012) Along with the ever present thought of saving and keeping our hard earned dollars in mind, many have returned to the days of our grandmothers, known for saving their pennies. We realize that...
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...You Are Never Too Broke to Save Money - Truth or Fiction? Most articles on how to save money are targeted at people who have at least some disposable income. And although tips on cutting back on expensive holidays and luxury items can be useful, they don't apply to those living from payday to payday. In this article we will provide some tips on how to save funds for those who are still struggling, even though they have cut expenses left, right and centre. Put your salary into a savings account A very good approach to saving money is to have your entire salary deposited into a savings account or an investment account. Do some research and find the best savings account that gives you the highest interest rates. Transfer only the money you need for bills from your savings account to your cheque account. This is a great way to save as there will only be cash in your cheque account for your monthly expenses while the rest of your money generates interest in your savings account. Adopt a "can" and "will" attitude There is a lot of truth in the belief that what we tell ourselves has powerful influence on our actions and ultimately, our realities. Saying "we can't" somehow becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy and we get stuck believing that nothing we do makes any difference. Changing your mindset will change your actions which will ultimately change your circumstances. Remove "I can't" and "I won't" from your repertoire, switch to "I will do whatever it takes to get a handle on your...
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...Written Assignment Unit Four, Macroeconomics Some economists have said that one's income determines the amount one saves, but the interest rate determines how it is saved—cash, checking accounts, savings accounts, bonds Introduction Saving as a whole may be look at differently according to different minds. Some may say that saving is the act of putting money in the bank or buying stocks or contributing to pension plan. To economists, saving means consuming less out of a given amount of resources in the present in order to consume more in the future ( Kotlikoff, 2008 ). Therefore saving is the decision that an individual or an organization make to consume only part of the income with the aim of keeping part for...
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...her assets and liabilities as of June 30, 2013: Cash on hand $ 70 Balance In checking account 180 Balance in money market deposit account with Southwest Savings 650 Bills outstanding: Telephone $ 20 Electricity 70 Charge account balance 190 Visa 180 MasterCard 220 Taxes 400 Insurance 220 1,300 Condo and property 68,000 Condo mortgage loan 52,000 Automobile: 2006 Honda Civic 10,000 Installment loan balances: Auto loans 3,000 Furniture loan 500 3,500 Personal property: Furniture 1,050 Clothing 900 1,950 Investments: U.S. government savings bonds 500 Stock of Safeco Corporation 3,000 3,500 Review the balance sheet and determine Mary's (a) solvency, (b) liquidity, and (c) equity in her dominant asset. Part 2 Over the past several years, Joyce Chen has been able to save regularly. As a result, she has $54,188 in savings and investments. She wants to establish her own business in five years and feels she will need $100,000 to do so. If she can earn 6% on her money, how much will her $54,188 in savings/investments be worth in five years? Will Joyce have the $100,000 she needs? If not, how much more money will she need? Given your answer to part (a), how much will Joyce have to save each year over the next five years to accumulate the additional money needed to reach $100,000? Assume she can earn interest at a rate of 6%. If Joyce can afford to save only $4,000 a year then, given your answer to part (a), will she have the $100,000 she needs to start...
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...How to spend money wisely Have you ever been emptied your pocket? I would feel it so uncomfortable when I need to purchase for the necessary things. Hence, spending money wisely is always a good idea, no matter how much we have. The next question is how I could save our money smartly. It might be easy to read or hear from others, but it’s really hard to follow up. Personally, overspending my purchases on anything that unnecessary stuffs was my weakness. However, experiencing to plan it as steps to follow; such as, questioning on any purchases, intelligently managing my money, and wisely purchasing helped me to save up to thirty percent of my every single paycheck. Moreover, bringing myself a financial plan. Normally, financial experts suggest us to chase after our financial plan to know where exactly our money is going. It sounds complex a bit, but I believe it helps us much. I am bad with keeping my receipts for any cash spending, so I got suggested to remember note them out in my notebook or the note on my phone for how much cash that I already purchased for the day. It helps me a lot to create my monthly expenses, the information that I harvest, so I could decrease my expenses and I would know exactly how much I could save. Then, avoiding to be impulse purchasing. First of all, with respects for any pennies I made by hours, to give honest answers for whatever questions that I have to wonder myself before purchasing stuffs. My trick is at least go preparing five questions...
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