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Bios 135 Week 4 Dq 1


Submitted By noafeelci
Words 388
Pages 2
This document of BIOS 135 Week 3 Quiz shows the solutions to the following problems: 1. An acid and base react to form a salt and water in a(n) _____ reaction.
2. According to the Bronsted-Lowry definition, which of the following applies?
3. What heteroatom is characteristic of an amine?
4. The carbon atom of a carbonyl group in an aldehyde may be bonded to which of the following?
5. DNA differs from RNA because DNA does which of the following?
6. Which one of the following is an example of secondary structure in a protein?
7. You find a cell of a type you have never seen before. The cell has both a nucleus and a cell wall. Therefore, you conclude that it must be a ______ cell.
8. Which organelle is responsible for photosynthesis?
9. What name is given to the rigid structure that surrounds and supports a prokaryotic cell?
10. Plant cells, unlike animal cells, are characterized by the presence of a ______.
11. What do chloroplasts and mitochondria have in common?
English - General English 1) Identify the linking verb: Andy and Susan appear happy with each other.

2) Identify each complete verb: The crowd, cheering and jeering, did not see the storm clouds gathering in the distance.

3) Identify the subject: Take out the trash and the bottles for recycling!

4) Identify the subject: The cowboy blushed a bright red and said, "Hello, ma'am."

5) Identify the complete verb: Will you please hand me that soup spoon?

6) Identify the independent clause in this sentence: We are not eating on the patio because it is raining too hard.

7) Identify the independent clause in this sentence: My brother is the person to whom I lent my car.

8) Identify the type of sentence: The nearest mailbox is at the corner of Oak and Devon.

9) Identify the type of sentence: Before I'm finished, I'll know all of your names.

10) Id

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