...Secular Humanism Vs Biblical/Christian Worldview Richard Puller Liberty University Secular humanism is defined as a theory of ethics and human fulfillment devoid of spirituality, the supernatural, or God. Man becomes the measure of all things, (Secular Humanism and Evolution by Caleb Colley, PH.D). Tom Flynn executive director of the Council for Secular Humanism and editor of Free Inquiry magazine defined Secular humanism as a comprehensive nonreligious life stance that incorporates a naturalistic philosophy, a cosmic outlook rooted in science, and a consequentialist ethical system. Secular Humanistic beliefs regarding origin, identity, meaning/purpose, morality and destiny are as follows. The Secular Humanist believes in the Evolutionary Theory. They believe that the universe already existed, that man is a part of nature and that he has emerged as a result of a continuous process. Secular Humanist believes man is a result of naturally occurring chemical reactions that have occurred through the evolutionary process and that we have no particular purpose. Secular Humanist see mankind’s existence again as a result of the evolutionary process, mankind is just matter and has no more importance than any other living thing. Secular Humanism utilizes the Ethical relativism theory, where morality is relative to the norms of one's culture. Whether an action is right or wrong depends on the moral norms of the society in which it is practiced. Secular Humanist believes that...
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...worldview of Secular Humanism for this assignment. (This sentence not included in word count) The Question of Origin, from a Secular Humanist worldview, is that there is no God but that humans evolved over time, from nonliving matter, into complex living beings. Science explains creation and any thought of a deity or Supreme Being, be it the God of Abraham or pagan gods, and is disregarded. Secular Humanist answer the Question of Identity through Darwin’s Theory of Evolution. Since all animals, including humans, evolved from nonliving matter, a Secular Humanist sees mankind as “a more sophisticated animal” (Weider and Gutierrez, 2013). In the eyes of a Secular Humanist, man has as much worth as an animal. For a Secular Humanist, the Question of Purpose is best summarized in the Preface of the Humanist Manifesto (1933) which states that their purpose is “furnishing adequate social goals and personal satisfactions”. In other words, leaving a positive influence on society. The Secular Humanist’s’ goal is to leave a legacy through their works. The meaning of life is through the actions of the individual. Morality and ethics is relative for a Secular Humanist. Since there is no absolute truth, it is difficult for a Secular Humanist to determine what is right and wrong. The Question of Morality and Ethics is answered by the influences of the society they live in. The answer to the Question of Destiny can be found in Naturalism. In the eyes of a Secular Humanist, since we evolved from...
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... Associate Professor & Head, Deptt. of Political Science, Jijamata College, Buldana (M.S.) shriramyerankar@gmail.com Historical Background : The concept of secularism as we take it to mean today had originated in the 13th century Europe. But we can trace the philosophical concept of secularism in the writings of Kautilya, a thinker of ancient India, who lived in the 3rd century B.C. The history of Indian secularism the protest movements in the 5th century B.C. The three main protest movements were by the Charvaks, Buddhism and Jainism. All three of them rejected the authority of the Vedas and any importance of belief in a deity. It can thus be seen that the ancient thought had a profound impact on the development of the theory of secularism over the centuries. Writers differ about the origin of the concept of secularism as to whether it had its roots in the eastern or the western thought. D. E Smith says, “The Secular State is, in origin, a western not an Asian Conception. This is not to deny the obvious fact the certain elements of the ‘secular state – have a long tradition in Asia.’ The term “Secularism” was first used by the British writer George Holyoake in 1851. Although the term was new, the general notions of free thought on which it was based had existed throughout history. Holyoake invented the term “Secularism” to described his views...
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...Secular Humanism Todd J Colosimo Sr. Liberty University In modern culture, a consistent, discernable line of secular humanist activism is evident from the late nineteenth century to the present. (Hinson & Caner, 2008, pg.443). Thomas Hurley and his followers whole agenda was to over throw Christianity as whole. Their stated goal was to “replace the Christian worldview” with what they termed “the church scientific.” (Hindson & Caner, 2008, pg.443). We begin to understand secular humanism by understanding their concepts on origin, identity, purpose, morality and destiny. The secular humanist believes that their origin began 4.5 billion years ago on coincidence. Secular humanists believe there is no place in their view for either deity or immorality. Humanism contends that instead of the gods creating the cosmos, the cosmos created the gods. (Hindson & Caner, 2008, pg. 444). We see that in the Christian worldview that cause of our origin is because God created the universe and world into existence. The Bible states, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”(Genesis 1:1, NIV). The secular humanists believe that the world we know today occurred by accident. We as believers understand that by God’s spoken word that the mysteries of the universe and the world was spoken into existence. We see in Genesis 1:3-26, where God spoke 8 different times the existence of the world we see today. Next we discuss the secular humanism thoughts...
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...At its most primitive level, Secular Humanism denies any form of transcendence and promotes freewill as ultimate authority. L. R. Bush states that in a modern worldview, one believed to be the heartbeat of Secular Humanism, “Individual freedom became a high priority…But this new, secular freedom ultimately refused to submit even to God…” David Noebel even quotes one core belief presented, “in the 1973 Humanist Manifesto by Paul Kurtz that ‘no deity will save us, we must save ourselves.’” Interestingly, however, Secular Humanism though it often denies the claim that it is a ‘religion’ seems to have been birth of a well-known, widely accepted religion of Christianity. Matthew Englke states that while studying the anthropology of Secular Humanism in England, many of the secular humanists there, claim a Christian or even Jewish background, and for some Christianity is an important orientation....
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...Critical Thinking Part One: Secular Humanism The Question of Origin Secular Humanist believes that the universe created itself 4.5 billion years ago and that the Universe and life are a coincidence. Secular Humanist believes that combinations of chemicals combined themselves to form a single-celled life and have mutated over millions of years to the life we now have on Earth. The Question of Identity To Human Secularist we are simply a bunch of cells and atoms otherwise, nothing more than an advanced animal (Weider & Gutierrez, 2011, p. 57). The Question of Meaning or Purpose Secular Humanist believes that we have the same purpose as any other life form. We must survive, acquire matter, reproduce and gain knowledge. They also support the belief that the human must deal with the matter at hand since they are who deals with all human issues and not a God or supernatural force. They have a primary concern with fulfillment, growth, and creativity for both the individual and humankind in general. The main purpose is the pursuit of some sort of temporal happiness. The Question of Morality Human Secularists do not necessarily deny God’s existence, they simply find him irrelevant. Secularists feel you can build “a more humane society through ethics based on human and other natural values…” and they reject “supernatural views of reality.” (IHEU 2009) Secular Humanists feel as if progress can be made in building a better world for themselves and their children with...
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...Mashanna Hartley Mr. Robert Hunter APOL 104 3 October 2015 Critical Thinking Paper What is Secular Humanism? Secular Humanism is a compressive, nonreligious, and life stance incorporating natural philosophy, a cosmic outlook rooted in science, and a consequentialist ethical system (What). Secular Humanism uses science, intellect, and personal opinion to answer life’s most difficult questions. Paul Kurtz said, “Humanism cannot in any fair sense of the word apply to one who still believes in God as the source and creator of the universe,” (Noebel, p.444). The question of Origin Secular Humanism View: Matter always existed and given enough time, the end result is what you see. The Human Manifesto II, secular humanism finds no evidence to belief in supernatural. God is not necessary for morals and God does not answer mankind’s existence, according to atheists, Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins (Weiner and Gutierrez, p.64). Man is a machine, according to naturalism. Man has little or no control over his/her existence. Since man is considered to be a machine, if the machine breaks, the man’s life is over (Weiner and Gutierrez, p.65). Christian View: Christians believes God created universe and all life (Genesis 1:1-25). Christians believe animals will change to adapt to their surroundings (Genesis 1;11-12, 21-25). God created us in His own image (Genesis 1:11-12). God made man out of dust of the ground (Genesis 2:7) and made woman from Adam’s rib (Genesis 2:22). She...
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...Secular Humanism The Question of Origin- As a secular humanist, the origin of life is nothing spectacular. Human life is a product of thousands of years of evolution. Man evolved from matter that simply was; there is no god who created life, it just is. The Question of Identity- A secular humanist identifies equally with all life, “Mankind is simply a more sophisticated animal” (Weider & Gutierrez, 2013). Because man has evolved from animals, we are not above them and should treat all life with the same respect. The Question of Meaning/Purpose- A secular humanist believes man gives his own meaning to life (Weider & Gutierrez, 2013). It is merely man’s responsibility to leave the world a better place after he is gone. A humanist seeks and finds fulfillment from the amount of happiness in his life and satisfaction from his desires. Therefore, seek what makes you happy and brings you the most pleasure. Having a naturalist worldview allows the individual to decide a personal meaning and purpose for their own life. The Question of Morality- There is no absolute moral code in secular humanism; the belief is to base your decisions on the consequences of your actions. A secular humanist does not believe in an all-knowing god; you are simply free to be your own judge. If it feels good and does not hurt anyone; you should be able to do it. The Question of Destiny- A secular humanist believes existence is over at death. There is no afterlife; you cease to exist...
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...Running head: DATING AND MATING BIBLICAL AND SECULAR VIEWS 1 Compare And Contrast Randall W. Ames Liberty University DATING AND MATIING BIBLICAL AND SECULAR VIEWS 2 Dating and Mating Biblical and Secular Views In the beginning God saw it was not good that man should be alone and he created a mate called woman. Since that time men and women have engaged in dating and mating. There are however many different views on this subject. There is clearly a biblical view of dating and mating and secular view of dating and mating. The most popular way of finding a date now is the Internet dating sites; Macarthur says that compatibility is the holy grail of Internet dating services (Macarthur, 2009). Many times the problem with seeking a mate through Internet dating sites we find there is no accountability. People are seeking compatibility, however it is difficult to find true compatibility because people have a tendency to spice up their profile. The secular view says follow your heart. It is a very self-oriented thought process. Are they compatible for me? Because the secular view is so inward looking it has led to astronomical numbers of people now believing that co-habitation is the best way to find out if they are compatible. This however, according to Myers has led to higher rates of divorce (Myers 2013). The secular self-oriented view is; will this person be compatible with me and...
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...Crabb and Secular Counseling: A Comparison/Contrast Paper Gerald Williamson Liberty University Crabb and Secular Counseling: A Comparison/Contrast Paper Dr. Larry Crabb is an award winning biblical counselor who happens to author a book entitled Effective Biblical Counseling. In this book, Dr. Crabb presents important points and guidelines that other counselors like him can do in order to provide advice and aide to persons who need them the most. The books contains model of counseling, which is also integrated to the church. Placing the importance of God in his model, Dr. Crabb is a firm believer that God has granted the church to be its instrument in providing support to people who are experiencing pain and tribulations. In this paper, we particularly compare and contrast Dr. Crabb’s ideas with that of scientific studies assigned for the class. More specifically, we point intersecting points there are in the areas of Christian Counseling and developing a counseling program that could be aligned with the church and religious experience. This paper also includes discussion on the similarities and differences there are on the basic concepts and strategies of Dr. Crabb and other authors from the secular counseling community. In conclusion, we note how Dr. Crabb’s Effective Biblical Counseling contains important points that are similar to the scientific studies relative to the importance of religious elements in mental health therapy as well as training counselors in order...
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...Jacques Maritain Christianity and Democracy December 1949 http://www2.nd.edu/Departments/Maritain/jm604a.htm [From a typewritten manuscript by Jacques Maritain, who gave this address at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association in New York on the 29th of December 1949 and again at Gettysburg College under the auspices of the Adams County Round Table of the National Conference of Christians and Jews on the 19th of February 1950.] The French writer Léon Bloy, who called himself the Pilgrim of the Absolute, and who was a dear friend of mine, took pleasure in telling the following story: Once, in his youth, he was sitting at the table of a café with another poet, Villiers de l'Isle-Adam. A passer-by, who was a practical man, accosted the poet: "Hello, my dear fellow," he said to him with a patronizing smile, "always a poet, a beauty lover, always climbing in the clouds?" "And you." answered Villiers with a malicious smile, "you, my dear fellow, always going your way downwards?" Léon Bloy liked also to comment on the sententious sayings used in the common language. Many people who are good heathens but want to be assisted by religion on their deathbed, are apt to say: "Je ne veux pas mourir comme un chien; I don't want to die like a dog." Léon Bloy commented: "I have never understood why a man who lives like a pig does not want to die like a dog." These stories have no connection with the purpose of our meeting except as concerns the fact...
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...Assess the claim that secular approaches to environmental issues are of more use than religious approaches (35) When looking at the Maldives and other quickly diminishing countries, coupled with raising temperatures and huge variations in extreme weather across the world, it is clear that environmental ethics must be taken very seriously. But there have been a number of ethical approaches towards the environment trying to tackle and provide moral guidelines on how to treat and use the earth. During the course of this essay I will attempt to outline a few of the main secular and religious approaches to environmental issues and then through evaluation come up with a conclusion on which I feel is the best to follow. To make a good environmental theory, the ethical approach must provide moral guidelines for governments, big businesses and individuals alike. One secular theory, which tries to achieve this, is Conservationism. The conservationist theory aims to look at the value of that the environment has to humans and how looking after it and using it will affect us. The conservationist approach takes a shallow ecology approach, which believes that the earth has instrumental value. This means that if lowering the carbon emissions to protect the Maldives will benefit human life then a conservationist approach will argue that this is a good thing to do. The conservationist approach can be closely linked to Bentham’s hedonistic approach to Utilitarianism, sharing the ‘ if its...
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...or wholly Mussalman, but I want it to be wholly tolerant, with its religions working side by side with one another.'' So said Mahatma Gandhi. India has been declared a secular state by its written constitution and it is every Indians duty to stand by and believe in this declaration. And yet recent political and social events have questioned this declaration. Is India a secular country only on paper or does secularism actually exist in India; or is in the form of pseudo- secularism, a term the BJP and its allies seem to repeatedly harp on. During the freedom struggle, secularism was emerging as the most dominant principle. The leaders of the Indian National Congress; Gandhi, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, Nehru and others were deeply committed to the ideal of secularism, though each expressed it in very different manners. Secularism became the mantra of the Indian nation, a nation exhausted by partition and sectarian riots and above all the assassination of Gandhiji, did not want any more divisive talk. The founding fathers represented the aspirations of the different sections of society and it is due to the struggles of these different people that secular principles got enshrined into the Indian constitution. Under Jawaharlal Nehru and later under his successors in the Congress Party, the concept of a secular nation-state was officially adopted as India's path to political modernity and national integration. Unlike in the West, where secularism came mainly out of the conflict...
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...Secular Stagnation: Facts, Causes and Cures Edited by Coen Teulings and Richard Baldwin CEPR Press a A VoxEU.org Book Secular Stagnation: Facts, Causes, and Cures A VoxEU.org eBook Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) Centre for Economic Policy Research 3rd Floor 77 Bastwick Street London, EC1V 3PZ UK Tel: +44 (0)20 7183 8801 Email: cepr@cepr.org Web: www.cepr.org ISBN: 978-1-907142-77-2 © CEPR Press, 2014 Secular Stagnation: Facts, Causes, and Cures A VoxEU.org eBook edited by Coen Teulings and Richard Baldwin CEPR Press abcde Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) The Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) is a network of almost 900 research economists based mostly in European universities. The Centre’s goal is twofold: to promote world-class research, and to get the policy-relevant results into the hands of key decision-makers. CEPR’s guiding principle is ‘Research excellence with policy relevance’. A registered charity since it was founded in 1983, CEPR is independent of all public and private interest groups. It takes no institutional stand on economic policy matters and its core funding comes from its Institutional Members and sales of publications. Because it draws on such a large network of researchers, its output reflects a broad spectrum of individual viewpoints as well as perspectives drawn from civil society. CEPR research may include views on policy, but the Executive Committee of the Centre does not give prior...
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...SECULAR LITERATURE | Important Reasons for the Christian to Study Secular Literature | | When thinking of secular literature it could be defined as literature that is not bound by religious views, but rather literature that is based on worldly views and not on religious principles. My first thought will be on the importance of Christians reading secular literature. It is my belief also that Christians should read secular literature because even though it may be based on principles of “secularism,” does not mean it is not good reading material. To be a good student, one must be aware of what is going on in the worldly readings, as well as scriptural readings. This is what will make us good scholars in the natural and spiritual. The thoughts that stick with me most from the presentations are: “Seek God’s wholeness for your life, the how and why is important, Jesus is the Master Teacher, Literature helps you be exposed to the world around you, and Television has inundated American Culture.” Seeking God’s wholeness for your life, the how and why is important really struck me. It is imperative that we make sure we are not trying to fill our lives with things that will give us temporary satisfaction. While we all have flaws about us, Jesus shedding His blood on the cross for us, has given us an entrance into becoming whole; once we become one through His transforming power, then we can begin to seek answers for the how and the why concerning our lives. This leads us to Him...
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