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Wealth Inequality Research Paper

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Just like after the year 2000, the level of wealth inequality was higher than the level of income inequality before the year 1929. According to the chart in Fig4, the top one-hundredth percent fractile took 79.9% of the average yearly wealth before the year 1929. The nine-hundredth percent fractile after the top one-hundredth percent fractile received 13.88% of the average yearly wealth before 1929. The next four-tenth percent fractile was given 3.79% of the yearly average wealth before 1929. The five-tenth percent fractile after that allocated 1.47% of the yearly average wealth before the year 1929. The next four percent fractile received just 0.68% of the yearly average wealth before the year 1929. The five percent fractile after them managed with merely 0.26% of the yearly average wealth before the year 1929. That left only 0.02% of the yearly average wealth before the year 1929 for the bottom ninety percent fractile. Therefore, there was a wealth inequality rate of 356,900:100 between the top one-hundredth percent fractile and the bottom ninety percent fractile before the year 1929. Which means that for every $100 of the yearly wealth that the …show more content…
There was a monstrously high level of both income and wealth inequality before each economic disaster. For example, the top one-hundredth percent fractile were receiving 79.9% of the yearly average income before the great depression, and they received 84.35% of the yearly average wealth before the great recession. A similar trend is found in the yearly average income from both times as well; the top one-hundredth percent fractile before the great depression took 76.98 % of the yearly average income. Just like how the top one-hundredth percent fractile took 80.15% of the yearly average income before the great recession (Duménil,

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