...Web Pages Analysis – Module 7 As the world of technology progresses every day, having a website has become crucial for businesses and schools. “With costs being extremely low at the entry level, it's becoming difficult to imagine a reason for any company of any size not to have a website.” [1] There are multiple benefits of having a website such as: save time and cost, increase sales, services, and accessibility, higher credibility, and so forth. For this research paper I will be analyzing six web pages. Based on the e-business I’m creating, three business pages I’m reviewing are: Essay Lab, Smart Writing Services and Ninja Essays. The remaining three web sites are: Suffolk Community College, Nassau Community College and Dr. Ebrahimi’s website. To begin with, Essay Lab is one of the three writing service businesses I’ve selected. The home page of this particular business is informative and gives a good idea of what the business is about and why would a person need to use their service. However, I feel more information to support their business could be provided. Another issue is the content is not direct to the point; instead it drags on causing lack of interest to the reader. Stating live chat availability and not actually providing it is another problem with the website which fails to meet the 7x2C standard of ‘Completeness and Coverage’. On the other hand, the navigation is consistent and effective. The organization of the website as well is intuitive and easy to...
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...Web Usability Analysis Project Philip Mambo Capella University Introduction Usability is how easy an object is to use. The object can be almost anything, including a machine, tool, process, book, software application or website. Anything that a person can interact with should be usable. In the case of websites and software applications, usability has been defined as the ease at which an average person can use the software or website to achieve specific goals. Usability is comprised of learnability, memorability, efficiency, satisfaction and errors. Learnability is how easy it is for a new user to accomplish tasks the first time they visit your website. Memorability is how easy it is for someone to come back to using your website after they haven’t used it for a period of time. Efficiency is how quickly users can complete tasks on your site after they are familiar with its use. Satisfaction is whether users enjoy the design of your site and errors refers to the number of errors users make when they use your site, the severity of the errors and how easy they are to recover from. CBRE, Inc http://www.cbre.com CBRE operates as a commercial real estate services and investment company website. The website is an informational and ecommerce website for visitors where they can find links to properties and can accessed the best deals. The main links are About Us, Services; Find a Property, Global...
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...The Ghost In The Browser Analysis of Web-based Malware Niels Provos, Dean McNamee, Panayiotis Mavrommatis, Ke Wang and Nagendra Modadugu Google, Inc. {niels, deanm, panayiotis, kewang, ngm}@google.com Abstract As more users are connected to the Internet and conduct their daily activities electronically, computer users have become the target of an underground economy that infects hosts with malware or adware for financial gain. Unfortunately, even a single visit to an infected web site enables the attacker to detect vulnerabilities in the user’s applications and force the download a multitude of malware binaries. Frequently, this malware allows the adversary to gain full control of the compromised systems leading to the ex-filtration of sensitive information or installation of utilities that facilitate remote control of the host. We believe that such behavior is similar to our traditional understanding of botnets. However, the main difference is that web-based malware infections are pull-based and that the resulting command feedback loop is looser. To characterize the nature of this rising thread, we identify the four prevalent mechanisms used to inject malicious content on popular web sites: web server security, user contributed content, advertising and third-party widgets. For each of these areas, we present examples of abuse found on the Internet. Our aim is to present the state of malware on the Web and emphasize the importance of this rising threat. ...
Words: 8266 - Pages: 34
...1. What vulnerabilities where found? 1.1. Outdated software 1.2. Configuration files shown to guest users 1.3. Non sanitized data shown in URL strings using (GET/POST Methods) 1.4. Setup files/folders found in web documents 1.5. DDoS using low level http attack methods to fill ports 1.6. Folder indexing enabled 2. What risk do they create? 2.1. Security risks/vulnerabilities/exploits are released to public 2.2. Able to identify services to attack 2.3. Injection 2.4. Recreation or modifying current configurations 2.5. Deny service to normal users, black hole the IP 2.6. Listing of all files even hidden ones 3. How could they be remediated? 3.1. Upgrade update regularly 3.2. Move outside of htdocs or limit access/file permissions 3.3. Fix source code 3.4. Do not list folders in the robots.txt file, and do not link over to the folders see 3.6 3.5. Firewall icmp and other protacal’s not used for web 3.6. Change in the web service configuration or create an index.html or default “dummy” file 4. What practices should be used to prevent similar vulnerabilities? 4.1. Keep up to date software and use methods when coding to prevent attacks. Test the server for vulnerabilities weekly. Configure the web services using best practices. 5. What protective measure could be used if applications or servers could not be fixed? 5.1. Firewall/hardware 5.2. Proxy services 5.3. 3rd party monitoring solution such as...
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...Running Head: Web Site Navigation Structure: An Argumentative Analysis on Web Site Design and Usability Web Site Navigational Structure: An Argumentative Analysis on Web Site Design and Usability Yu Wen Chiang Northeastern University Advanced Writing in the Disciplines Professor Suzanne Richard October 18, 2012 Running Head: Web Site Navigation Structure: An Argumentative Analysis on Web Site Design and Usability Introduction Many designers and engineers seem to be discussing what is good and bad user experience and how we’re supposed to delight our users so that they navigate our websites with ease. User experience can be a very blurry concept and consequently, many people use the term incorrectly. Many engineers seem to have a firm (and often unrealistic) belief in how they can craft the user experience of their product. However, a UX depends not only on how something is designed, but also other aspects such as clean, clear sign-up forms, smooth on-boarding experiences, and even helpful blank slates once users are inside applications. Design flows that are tied to clear objectives allow us to create a positive user experience and a valuable one for the business we’re working for. “Web sites are not always as successful or as usable as they could be. Users can encounter various problems when trying to acquire knowledge from a Web site and trying to use a Web site’s functionalities.” (X. Fang, 2012, p.453) Because the Web design industry is now flooded with...
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...Web Site Analysis May 27, 2012 IT/236 Web Design When it comes to building a web site, a designer needs to think about many different things before they can begin to build the web site. Audience being number one, navigation, and overall look are three key things a designer should focus on when designing a site. After researching the Market Watch (Market Watch, 2012) web site there are many things I would recommend for change to this site, regarding the three key points. So much work needs to go into the design phase of a site, when you just put things on a site you will get something like what is seen on Market Watch’s site. When I began to look over this website, I did start to think about the stock broker and how busy and fast-paced their lives are and began to associate this page with them. However, the designers also have to think about the novice stock brokers and personal finance users as well who may not be able to grasp this type of page. Having so much information for the audience to view is a little overwhelming, it needs to be divided up or spaced out a little differently. Many people in the world today try to manage their own finances and read the stock market themselves; going to the internet for help is where they begin. If users cannot accurately and easily read a site, they will look elsewhere for the information. Navigation on a web site should be simple and clear. If you enter a web site and it is unclear about where you are supposed to go then...
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...The Website site www.espn.com is an overall well balanced with great use of web graphic design. The last of my knowledge this website redesigned their web site in the early part of 2009 from a source, “Mike Industries” by Dream host. I am going to point out a lot of the positive aspects of this web site along with what I believe could make this site able to take the step to the next level in today’s industry. I believe overall the positive’s over look some of the negatives that this site has and that unless you are an expert in web design you would never know the flaws of this site. The overall cleanliness of this site is great and the have great use of CSS. When you just glance at this site you can tell that they have spent years designing and redesigning to make sure that it is close to perfect. When you look at the site’s homepage you can tell that they use CSS because all of the main topics or heading stand out from everything else in bigger, bolder and in different colors. Also, the color design they use is good, they use the colors that are of their nature which makes up their unique distinction from all of the other sports web pages. The colors help separate the page just like the titles and headings are bold to separate the main topics. This is an overall good use of CSS. They also use good design of tables, when you look at the bottom half of the web site you see their use of tables, helping divide important highlights and facts from around the world in each...
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...Web Analysis Web Analysis IT 236 September 16, 2012 Rizwan Malik I. Introduction I have decided to pick the social media giant Facebook, which be viewed at https://www.facebook.com/. The main reason for selecting Facebook has plenty to do with its popularity over the last few years. As we all know Facebook is not the first form of social networking; however, few can argue the fact that it has indeed changed the way in which we now communicate. Companies like AOL and sites like Black Planet and MySpace are some of the finding father’s social network with instant messaging and personal profiles. Because of the advancements in technology the Internet has become one of the most power tools in today’s society, with this essay I will examine and explain some of the unique qualities the Facebook has to offer, in doing so I will examine a few issues Facebook could fix or improve to heighten the user’s experience. II. Evaluation I will begin my evaluation on the homepage which is very clean, styled with a blue border and white background. This page simply offers users the option to sign in (located in upper right corner), create a new Facebook account (located directly below login), and users can create profiles for artist, bands, business, etc. In my option the blue and white is very inviting and makes users want to make a page or login. It would be hard to imagine anyone having a problem signing up or login in; I also noticed that there is an option for language...
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...Morgan Elder HSC3110 12 September 2014 Website Analysis When researching topics pertaining to health and health related topics, I often utilize WebMD as a main and frequent source for my information. I have used this site time and time again since I was in high school as it was introduced to me by my Anatomy and Physiology teacher as a source for projects. Since then, I have continued to use it for my own personal curiosity and for assignments in health related classes. WebMD was founded in 1996 under the name Healthscape by Jim Clark and Pavan Nigam. In 1999, it underwent a name change to Healtheon/WebMD, but was eventually shortened to the current name, WebMD. This site is currently run by David J. Schlanger (CEO) and its president, Steven L. Zatz, M.D. The website also has many other doctors and medical officials who help run the site and tend to its articles and information. WebMD is financed by advertisements, sponsors, and third-party contributors. Historically, due to founder Jim Clark, the website has financial backing from Microsoft. It also receives funds from other websites it runs as part of its network such as, Medscape, MedicineNet, RxList, eMedicineHealth, and BootsWebMD. It also has its own magazine and newsletters of the same name and can often be found in Physicians’ offices. The information on WebMD comes from its own researchers, doctors, advertisements, and sponsors and is selected and reviewed by an Editorial Staff and doctors. The criteria information...
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...very close to each other. Smaller ones such as Altavista, Lycos and Excite do not seem to pose a direct threat to any of the biggest four. Bargaining Power of Buyers: Low * Advertisers recognize that the biggest providers together concentrate the largest number of searches, around 95% of the total. Therefore there is no room for negotiating advertisement prices. Also, even if a few users change search engine, it is unlikely to have any effect. Bargaining power of Suppliers: Low * The essence behind the search engines is their computer infrastructure. The biggest companies have such wealth that they can keep acquiring as much infrastructure as they want. Sources http://valuationacademy.com/porters-five-forces-in-action-sample-analysis-of-coca-cola/ http://www.smartinsights.com/marketing-planning/marketing-models/use-porters-5-forces/ http://searchengineland.com/market-share-bing-continues-small-gains-yahoo-stabilized-google-flat-162915 Competition from Substitutes: High *...
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...Europe’s Budget Car Brands Keep Gaining Customers Trading down to Cheap Dacias and Skodas Help Region’s Sales Recover This article talks about European customers shift from prestige brands to more economy brands. Due to the worldwide economic crisis and European economic conditions consumers in European region lacks the caliber to buy prestige cars or normal sedan cars to replace their old vehicles. Instead they are simply waiting and for those customers Renault SA -owned Dacia and Volkswagen AG -owned Skoda seem to be providing feasible options. Those two brands are offering budget cars at a significant lower cost. Due to this low switching cost created by budget cars, despite the adverse economic conditions sales of cars are picking up. Lacks of security, assurance and reliability of these cars have vastly improved during the last decade because both Renault and Volkswagen invested heavily on improving budget cars. Despite the lack of facilities European customers are following the trend of buying these budget cars and today they have become significant profit earning products for respective companies. Both the companies have expanded their market share despite the contraction in the industry. Volkswagen’s Skoda has doubled its market share since 2007 and Renault’s Dacia has reached to 2.9 % from 0.5 % for the same period. Having traditional cars for consumers is becoming expensive with the rise of oil prices and labor costs. On the other hand these budget cars offer...
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...1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Windows Server 2008 Server Core and virtual servers? Advantages of Virtual Servers | Disadvantages of Virtual Servers | Advantages of Windows Server 2008 Server Core | Disadvantages of Windows Server 2008 Server Core | Provisioning (Hot-Swapping) | Provisioning (New Servers) | Greater Stability | Lack of GUI | Resource Management | Division of Duties | Reduction in maintenance | Limited amount of roles and features | Cloning | Performance tuning | Simplified maintenance | | | Lincensing | Reduced memory and disk requirement | | | | Reduced Risk Surface | | | | | | | | | | 2. In what environments is a Windows Server Core installation applicable? Do the security benefits a core server provides outweigh the inconvenience of a lack of Graphical User Interface (GUI) in most situations? * Active Directory (AD) * Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (ADLDS) * DHCP Server * DNS Server * File Services * BITS Server * BranchCache * HyperV * IIS * Printing Services * Streaming Media Services * iSCSI * Load Balancing * MPIO * qWave * Telnet * Unix Migration * Active Directory Certificate Services The security offered by Server Core does outweigh the lack of GUI, the security and attack prevention to your system is more valuable than the easy navigation of GUI. 3. What are some advantages and disadvantages of the implementation...
Words: 307 - Pages: 2
...QA Concept Introducing LoadRunner • Why should you automate performance testing? • What are the LoadRunner components? • Understanding LoadRunner Terminology • What is the load testing process? • Getting Familiar with HP Web Tours • Application Requirements The Power of LoadRunner • Creating the Load Test • Running the Load Test • Monitoring the Load Test • Analyzing Results Building Scripts • Introducing the Virtual User Generator (VuGen) • How do I start recording user activities? • Using VuGen’s Wizard mode • How do I record a business process to create a script? • How do I view the script? Playing Back Your Script • How do I set the run-time behavior? • How do I watch my script running in real time? • Where can I view information about the replay? • How do I know if my test passed? • How do I search or filter the results? Solving Common Playback Problems • Preparing HP Web tours for playback errors • How do I work with unique server values? Preparing a Script for Load Testing • How do I measure business processes? • How do I emulate multiple users? • How do I verify Web page content? • How can I produce debugging information? • Did my test succeed? Creating a Load Testing Scenario • Introducing the LoadRunner Controller • How do I start the Controller? • The Controller window at a glance • How do I modify the script details? • How do I generate a heavy load? • How do I emulate real load...
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...| Richmonde Hotel Ortigas | | | 3/17/2016 | Case Context and Analysis on Web and BAR | | | Richmonde Hotel Ortigas CASE context on its WEB AND BAR marketing channels COMPANY BACKGROUND Operating since 1999, Prestige Hotels and Resorts, Inc. or PHRI is the inaugural plunge of Filipino-owned Megaworld Corporation into the hospitality industry. Megaworld is regarded as one of the Philippines’ leading urban developers concentrating on large-scale projects set in prime developments geared primarily to the middle and high-income markets. Richmonde Hotel Ortigas or RHO is the first property built and managed by PHRI. It opened its doors in 2000 at the heart of Pasig’s central business district, the Ortigas Center. It is a four-star hotel brand fully committed to meet the preferences of the globetrotting business executive and world-class traveler. Indulging the market to a first-rate and individually tailored style of service, RHO became prominent for its tagline, “Distinctly Richmonde, Distinctly Personal.” INDUSTRY OVERVIEW The hospitality industry is a broad category of fields within the service industry. The majority of business niches are composed of only a handful of different businesses, but this field applies to nearly any company that is focused on customer satisfaction and meeting leisurely needs rather than basic ones. One of the most defining aspects of this industry is that it focuses on customer satisfaction. While this is true of nearly...
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...29th, 2013 Angela Lucente Planning For People Job analysis is an important process, any organization used to use it in order to collect information and data about required skills, level of education, work environment, responsibilities, and the duties to create a job description, recruiting plans, and performance development planning (Susan M. Heatfield, 2013). Once job analyses are updated as described, a summary of the results is normally prepared in writing in the form of a job description (Wayne F. Cascio, 2010). According to my reading chapter five about job analysis process. There are some topics I felt comfortable with, such as alternative perspectives on jobs. This topic add to my knowledge many information and explained how jobs are important to organizations, what is the highly unusual jobs that some organizations required it, and distinguish job analysis form job design (Wayne F. Cascio, 2010). On the other hand, I struggled with topic job requirements because there are many methods created in order to study job requirements and none of them alone is sufficient. Thus, it is essential to integrate this methods to obtain the results of the tasks and duties of a job (Wayne F. Cascio, 2010). It is not that easy to implement the methods of job analysis, such as job performance, observation, interview, critical incidents, and structured questionnaire, those are the most five common methods of job analysis and each one of those takes time and effort to achieve desirable...
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