...Webs of Smoke Book Review Meyer, Kathryn, and Terry Parssinen. Webs of Smoke: Smugglers, Warlords, Spies, and the History of the International Drug Trade (state & Society East Asia). Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2002. Kathryn Meyer and Terry Parssinen, both have B.A.’s and Ph. D’s and have taught history, collaborated on the book titled Webs Of Smoke; Smugglers, Warlords, Spies, and the History of the International Drug Trade which contains an “About the Authors” section on the last page. Meyer received her degrees from the University of Vermont and Temple University. She has taught East Asian history at Temple University- Japan, Ohio Weslyan University, Lafayette College, and Wright State University. She is an assistant professor of history at Wright State University. She won a National Endowment for the Humanities fellowship in 1990, which helped support research for this book. Parssinen received his M.A. and Ph. D. from Brandeis University in the History of Ideas program. He has taught at Grimwell College where he received his B.A., and he has also taught at Temple University, the University of Maryland, College Park, and is currently a professor of history at the University of Tampa. He also wrote Secret Passions, Secret Remedies: Narcotic Drugs in British Society. They are both qualified to write Webs of Smoke because they have received years of education and dedicated much of their time to teaching and researching history. Parssinen has written another history...
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...1302 Dr. Christie Position Paper Final Just last month I was in Las Vegas Nevada dancing the nights away in some of the hottest night clubs around when someone in my party got a headache from all the secondhand smoke she was being exposed to. At that point in time we left the night club and shortly after her headache disappeared; it was as easy as that. This experience got me thinking about those who don’t have the ability to control their secondhand smoke exposure and what, if anything, is being done to protect them. As easy as it was for myself to leave this smoky environment, a child in a smoke filled car, for example, would be trapped with no hope or realistic ability to escape the situation. Smoke free citizens have pressed legislators for years to make their work and public environments smoke free. Smoking cigarettes is now illegal in government buildings, and many bars and restaurants nationwide and yet only six states have laws making it illegal to smoke in a car with a minor present. Shouldn’t minors be afforded the same liberties we adults demand for ourselves? I have struggled in my opinion on smoke free legislation for some time now. As a libertarian who appreciates the least government involvement possible, I support the freedom we have to smoke in bars and casinos in Las Vegas. These are adult only environments and as adults we have the choice to engage in the lawful behaviors we see fit. However, as a pediatric nurse who witnesses childen suffering from...
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...hazards connected with "passive smoking" or "second-hand smoke" - also known as "environmental tobacco smoke”, have been gradually getting increased recognition. The majority of people in modern society are aware that smoking can cause health problems not only in smokers but in people nearby. In recent years many cities, districts and whole states have cracked down on smoking in public. As of October 2009, nearly 60 percent of the U.S. population, or more than 175 million people, live in areas that have passed strong smoke-free laws covering restaurants and bars – a figure that has nearly doubled in size in three years ( Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids). While the purpose of smoke-free laws is to protect health, some have expressed concern that an unintended side effect might be economic losses, especially within the hospitality industry. In fact, according to the Report of the Surgeon General ,who is the leading spokesperson on matters of public health in the federal government, “The results of all credible peer- reviewed studies show that smoke-free policies and regulations do not have a negative impact on business revenues … and they are the most effective way to improve worker and business health”( Report of the Surgeon General). The number of smokers in America is truly a staggering number; according to an in-depth study by the Institute of Medicine, approximately 50 million Americans smoke. They consume about 570 billion cigarettes each year, and...
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...Ban Smoking in America Americans waste billions of dollars each year on tobacco products. Other drugs that are harmful, such as crack or marijuana, are illegal in the United States. If certain harmful substances are illegal, then cigarettes should not be permitted either. Smoking cigarettes are a proven killer of millions worldwide annually, but is perfectly legal. Cigarettes have a large affect on society in the area of environmental problems it carries with it. Smoking obviously pollutes the air and it definitely causes a lot of litter. People who smoke usually throw their butts anywhere such as out a car window, in someone’s yard, or even in a stream. Litter from cigarette butts is such a big problem because they take 18 months to 10 years to biodegrade. According to the New Jersey-based American Littoral Society, experts say: Cigarette butts rank at the very top of litter problems -- not just for their ubiquity, but for their toxicity and non-biodegradable nature…An estimated 1.7 billion pounds of cigarette butts accumulate in lakes, oceans, on beaches and the rest of the planet annually. (Carlozo) Not only are the cigarette butts ugly to look at, they also adversely affect wildlife. Cigarette filters are made to trap the carcinogenic agents in the tobacco and when they are thrown on the ground, those substances make their way into aquatic ecosystems which could be a threat to the quality of water. Also, there have been cigarette butts found in the stomachs of fish and...
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...have prohibited smoking in municipal offices or buildings. The purpose of our presentation is to shed light on the pros and cons of the smoking policies at the Dallas-based Health Care System. We will focus on the employer’s and employee’s perspective of: Increasing insurance costs vs. disease/addiction, clean work environment vs. anti-smoke bans, and lastly wellness/pro-health vs. discrimination against smokers as a class of people. Baylor officials claim smoking is one of the reasons health insurance premiums are constantly rising for Americans. Over the past few years, various employees have been adapting to the smoking policies, which has become a more prevalent issue. The challenge for employers, however, resides in staying within legal and ethical boundaries when addressing such issues. Presently, a growing number of employers are requiring employees who use tobacco to pay higher premiums, hoping that will motivate more of them to stop smoking. Existing employees of Baylor who smoke are paying a surcharge of $50 a year. In January 2012 a new plan took effect, increasing the fee to $650 per year, and will apply to any family members who smoke that are covered by the employee’s insurance (Jacobson). The increase...
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...a very controversial topic. Some people may agree that cigarette smoking should be regulated while others may think that it is an individual’s choice to smoke wherever or whenever they want to. This makes smoking cigarettes an arguable topic. United States (U.S.) legislators, state governments, and local authorities have been increasingly restricting where consumers can smoke. Legislation has been further limiting smoking in public places which is causing businesses to lose customers. While it is plausible to control smoking in some industries, business owners of strictly adult only enterprises should be allowed to decide whether smoking or nonsmoking preferences help their business to be profitable. Lawmakers that have banned widespread smoking in communities may not understand the economic impact on businesses that depend solely on adult patrons. For many years, there were no regulations against smoking tobacco products. This allowed the tobacco industry to cash in on the profitable commodity. Smoking became a status symbol. “From the beginning of the 20th century, society[->0] considered smoking fashionable and a status symbol” (Zilli). However, by the 1990s, “The World Health Organization (WHO), seeing smoking as the most preventable cause of ill health worldwide, edged in 1994 a little closer to its objective of a smoke-free world” ("Tobacco"). Arguments that support smoking bans include health concerns and environmental damage. These claims have been key reasons which have...
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...stop immediately. Cigarette smoking is statistically one of the main causes of deaths in the United States of America. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), one in five deaths in the United States results from smoking cigarettes, which account for 480,000 deaths annually (www.cdc.gov). 42,000 of this estimated number includes deaths from secondhand smoke. That is 42,000 deaths a year from people who do not smoke, but people around them do, knowing what they are doing is harming themselves and those that they expose the cigarette smoke to as well. These 42,000 deaths a year can be prevented if people would quit smoking cigarettes. If the previously mentioned facts do not deter a cigarette smoker to quit, then maybe this will. There are an approximately 600 chemicals in a cigarette, and when smoked, they create more than 7,000 chemicals (www.lung.org). Out of the 7,000 chemicals, at least 69 are known carcinogens, which means that those chemicals are known to cause cancer. Why would someone continue to smoke knowing what they are breathing in will eventually kill them? This makes no sense at all. When you smoke that “cancer stick”, “coffin nail”, etc. you are smoking acetone, formaldehyde, ammonia, arsenic, benzene,...
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...distribution efforts, and survives—or, more accurately, thrives—in a complex and controversial social, medical, and legal environment” (Erikson 79). Anti smoking groups are determined to take away the rights of smokers little by little. Smoking is still a legal act; it is not an illegal drug. Anti smoking groups continually publish articles claiming that there are thousands of yearly deaths caused by second hand smoke. The fact of the matter is that they have no legitimate evidence that these deaths were caused by second hand smoke. Anti smoking groups tend to focus on the many carcinogens and other chemicals that are found in cigarettes. An interesting point is that coffee contains over 1000 chemicals, 19 of which are carcinogens. According to this argument we should be working on banning coffee. “OSHA has established Permissible Exposure Levels for all measurable chemicals. In order to prove this point OSHA has proven that second hand smoke is below the Permissible Exposure Levels” (Bilky 1), and has done many studies that support our stance. Second hand smoke is so diluted that it has no measurable effect on non-smokers. The United States and private industries are making it difficult for a...
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...production of tobacco damages the environment, the cigarette smoke is very harmful to the smoker’s bystanders, and it gives health consequences to the smoker. For several years smoking has been the most common and most unhealthy habits for people. In the first place, all smokers believe that they are only harming them self but they are ignorant because it is a contributor to the environmental pollution. From smoking, the cigarette butts and smoke effect the environment greatly, leading to air, water, and land pollution. In outdoor places, regulating smoking it will keeps the ground clean from the cigarette butts. Depending on the environment the cigarette will take up to ten to fifteen years to biodegrade. The best and easiest way to stop the environmental destruction from smoking is to not buy the product. For example, in the Netherlands, Finland, and in the United Kingdom they have a complete or strong ban, but in the United States we have a local legislation. Smoking greatly influences the surrounding atmosphere. Furthermore, to the public the contents of secondhand smoke contain dangerous carcinogens affecting the person’s health. Secondhand smoke is when a non-smoker breaths in nicotine and the other chemicals in a cigarette, cigar, or pipe that is exhaled by the smoker. The smoke going to fellow people causes more damage to their lungs by breathing it in. There has been claim stating that secondhand smoke is even more dangerous than smoking....
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...of Smoking”). This is when the government decided it was the best to intervene since the safety of its citizens was at stake. In today’s day and age, cigarette companies have expanded in various different markets and are a part of a multi-billion dollar industry. Unfortunately even with all the technological advances and modern day medical practices that mankind has discovered, cigarette smoking is still a gargantuan health concern within our population (“The History of Smoking”). Governments from all over the world are attempting to conjure up more and more regulations to limit these cigarette industry giants from influencing their citizens with this despicable habit but how many limitations can be invoked on individuals who decide to smoke, without stripping them of their civil liberties?...
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...KICK THE HABIT * It is estimated that 1 out of 4 children lives with at least one smoker * Children who live with parents who smoke are at risk for a decreased immune system * Secondhand smoke can trigger asthma attacks, make asthma symptoms worsen, which can be deadly RESOURCES AVAILABLE * Community: Live Well, Be Well; Smoking and Tobacco Use, P.O. Box 27210, Tucson, AZ 85726 * National: (ACS) American Cancer Society; 1-800-227-2345 * Web-Based: Smoking Prevention and Cessation Internet Resources; www.nationalcancerpartnership.org Did you know, every year 25,000 children die from Asthma and Indoor Air Pollution such as Environmental Tobacco Smoke, which can cause still births, low birth weight, heart ailments and chronic respiratory diseases? IS THIS YOU? Your Childs Health American Cancer Society Topic Taking Action Against Risks The Surgeon General’s Report states that secondhand smoke kills people who don’t smoke, and makes others sick. Children are no exception. Some problems may seem small, but they add up quickly: think of the expenses, doctor visits, medications, lost school time, and often lost work time for the parent who must stay home with a sick child. And this does not include the discomforts that the child goes through! Secondhand smoke, also known as environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), has also been shown to increase the risk of lung cancer. Exposed children are at risk for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), respiratory...
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...Exotic Smokes Cigarette Company Consumer Behavior Outline Melissa G Tindall University of Phoenix MKT/544 Fall Semester Lung cancer and illness associated with smoking (even second-hand-smoke) continue to climb; however, there is still popularity with flavored cigarettes within certain age groups. Exotic Smokes Cigarette Company has requested a study on how to attract the 18 to 25 year old age group, to candy and fruit flavored cigarettes. This outline will discuss competition, marketing strategies, program objectives and the scope of the research. The competition is rather scarce, as flavored cigarettes are banned in the United States (Quinn. 2009). So, if the ban is lifted in 2013, this makes the Exotic Smokes company a step ahead of all others. Now is the time to look into European competition, as it is possible for those in the states to bring these cigarettes back in a checked bag. If the ban is lifted, they may purchase these brands in the states instead of the ESCC brand. Honeyrose Herbal Cigarettes would be the obvious brand to look into, they offer flavored cigarettes such as Strawberry, Cherry, and Chocolate (Clove Smokes. 2012). Camel had recently made cigarettes with flavors like mocha mint, lime and vanilla (Szabo. 2005), however they are banned from the market as well. Other flavors were created by companies like Brown and Williamson and Kool. Once the market opens up again, they will be back on the market. The marketing strategy should be fairly...
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...Secondhand Smoke Poses Hazard to Infants Listed are a few reasons why this topic is important * Infants that are around people that smoke are at increased risk for infections such as ear infections. * Being around smoke can interfere with the normal functioning of heart, blood and vascular system. * Leads to poor lung development (meaning that their lungs never grow to their full potential). * Studies show sudden infant death syndrome occurs in infants that are around smoke. * * Insert your second reason here. * Insert your third reason here. Secondhand Smoke Poses Hazard to Infants Listed are a few reasons why this topic is important * Infants that are around people that smoke are at increased risk for infections such as ear infections. * Being around smoke can interfere with the normal functioning of heart, blood and vascular system. * Leads to poor lung development (meaning that their lungs never grow to their full potential). * Studies show sudden infant death syndrome occurs in infants that are around smoke. * * Insert your second reason here. * Insert your third reason here. Secondhand smoke is the smoke a smoker breathes out and that comes from the tip of a burning cigarette, pipe and cigar. It contains about 4,000 chemicals. Many which are dangerous and can cause cancer. Anytime children breathe in secondhand smoke they are exposed to these chemicals. Do you want your child to get an infection...
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...continues to light up, and each day someone new dies from long term smoking. Sarah A. Belstock, at Norris Health Center in the Health Promotion Services Department, and other authors, have spoken about advertising that influences health-related behaviors of college-aged individuals. Cigarette industries market to the youngest people that are able to buy cigarettes, college students. Most people are aware of the parties and alcohol consumption in college, so the big tobacco companies have started using alcohol in their advertisements to relate to the college students (Belstock 383). Nathan K. Cobb MD, is a practicing physician and expert in the field of behavioral informatics. He, and other authors, has stated that there is a new way to smoke that is less harmful than normal cigarettes. They are called the electric cigarettes, or e-cigarettes (Cobb 2340). These are considered to be harm-reducing substitutes for tobacco smoking (2340). There is no serious side...
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...10/21/2014 Cigarette Smoking Should Not Be Banned Every time one of those anti-smoking commercials come on tv, it’s always questionable about how people can still continue to smoke after seeing something so graphic. Especially the one where the woman is in the bathroom, and her face starts to basically peel off. So gross! Why would someone still want to smoke, knowing that it completely destroys their body? Maybe, because people know that those commercials are just scare tactics, and that someone’s face is not literally going to peel off from smoking. Smoking, just like drinking, or even driving, is risky, but it’s also a choice. They would never ban driving, even after all of the deaths caused every day. They definitely wouldn’t try banning alcohol again, even after all the deaths it still causes. So, why should they ban smoking? Smoking is a personal choice(Jeffery, 2). It doesn’t alter the state of mind like drugs or alcohol(contrary to what some people may say). If anything, the only person being harmed, is the person inhaling the smoke. Cigarettes don’t only contain toxins. They contain nicotine, which isn’t harmful, but is very addictive, just like caffeine, and there are millions of people out there who are definitely more addicted to their morning coffee or soda than there are people who smoke cigarettes. Smoking can be harmful, but usually in only excessive amounts, just like junk 2 food, or soda, or anything else in the world. Should they start banning Mcdonalds...
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