Premium Essay

Week 7


Submitted By bdon
Words 398
Pages 2
1. Do you believe that people have an unconscious mind? If so, how does it affect thoughts, feelings, and behavior? I do believe that people have an unconscious mind. If we didn’t then in that state of mind when people are unconscious they would not be able to breath or their heart would fail.

2. Have you ever changed a strongly held attitude? What caused the change for you? For a long time I used to be very selfish. Reason being growing up I use to see people being taken advantage of and never wanted to be put in that position. The thing that changed this was the fact that I got older and much wiser and realized that I could not be like this for the rest of my life. My mother also sat me down and spoke to me about having that king of attitude. So the cause for me changing my ways was maturity and also influence from someone I look up to.

3. Do you believe that you are free of prejudice? After reading this chapter, which of the many factors that cause prejudice do you think is most important to change? Yes I do believe I am free of prejudice. I believe that implicit bias is the most important cause of prejudice in most people the book describes implicit bias under the category of a mental shortcut. If implicit bias is the sum of generations of stereotypes, and learned behavior, than it must be the most important factor.

4. Have you ever done something in a group that you would not have done if you were alone? What happened? How did you feel? What have you learned from this chapter that might help you avoid this behavior in the future? Yes I have done something in a group I would not have done alone. The thing I did was when I was going to boarding school we ragged on other people a lot. I felt really bad for doing it but my state of mind at the time was that it gave me acceptance by my peers and I could fit in easier. I grew out of that before

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