...Criminal Court v Civil Court; The Differences Jeff Eader Kaplan University Criminal Court v Civil Court; The Differences The American Court system was established to settle disagreements between parties that have disagreements that need to be settles. This system was created to involve two types of case proceedings, which include civil and criminal cases. There are differences between the types of cases that can be heard and tried in civil and criminal proceedings. This essay will examine differences between civil and criminal hearings in the areas of burden of proof, which party can start the case, the different types of punishment that can be handed down, and the types in each jurisdiction. Finally, the essay will examine criminal and civil case in a table format. Civil Court Hearings * Rulings * Types of Cases * Parties Involved * Burden of Proof The civil court system is a very different entity from a criminal court. This type of court hears proceedings that are about money, debts, property issues, injuries, divorce, child support, and housing issues, such as evictions and foreclosures. ("The Differences Between Civil and Criminal Court," n.d.) The judges in these types of cases have a different set of powers to enforce their findings in the case. The enforcement part of these proceedings can be as simple as a ruling, the awarding of money to one party of the case, or fining an individual. It is also important to note that an individual in...
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...Week Eight Assignment: Community and Problem-Solving Policing Community and Problem-Solving Policing Shawn Morris Axia College There are three main topics of policing that we have among us today which are Community policing, problem-solving policing and federal government’s integration into community policing that all work together as one to keep our streets safe and secure. In recent years, the philosophy of community-oriented policing has gained a significant position in American law enforcement procedures (Federal Bureau of Investigation, 1999). This process has come to be known as the problem-solving process of policing. These problem-solving strategies focus on crime generators and hot spots that plague law enforcement agencies in the United States (Federal Bureau of Investigation, 1999). There are many ways to reduce these hot spots with community programs in policing. This could include neighborhood watch groups and local business owners to control the rate of crime in the community. This increases surveillance within the community and cuts down on the number of police in these areas. The citizens in these communities and local business owners can report the findings to the local police for further investigation. Why focus on hot spots? Residential locations can generate as much as 85 percent of the repeat calls for service. Moreover, research indicates that in many communities, more than 50 percent of the calls for service come from only 10 percent of...
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...Foundations Ida Reyes HSM / 260 8/19/2012 Erin Akins Foundations There are many funding organization in the community. When looking for one that stood out from the rest, the Community Foundation of South Puget Sound is very interesting. This organization is community based for the area of South Puget Sound. They offer grants and scholarships to preserve resources for tomorrow's community needs (The Community Foundation of South Puget Sound, 2012) . According to this organization they provide services to connect individuals or organizations with causes that they would like to assist with their charitable contributions. With the Community Foundations knowledge for the needs in the community and knowledge of the local nonprofits in their area they have the ability to provide these connections to the individuals and organizations wanting to donate to others in the community. The South Puget Sound Community Foundation organization is assisting others connect in the community by finding the right organization for them to contribute to. There are six (6) different types of funds that one could contribute too. These funds are as follows: Unrestricted Community Funds, Field of Interest Funds, Donor Advised Funds, Scholarship Funds, Designated Funds and the Agency Endowments. The Unrestricted Community Fund is the fund that is used to assist human services, health, arts, education, the environment, needs of the elderly and other needs as well. This fund group is made...
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...XCOM 100 Week 8 Assignment-Advertising in Society Paper Get Tutorial by Clicking on the link below or Copy Paste Link in Your Browser https://hwguiders.com/downloads/xcom-100-week-8-assignment-%E2%80%8Eadvertising-society-paper/ For More Courses and Exams use this form ( http://hwguiders.com/contact-us/ ) Feel Free to Search your Class through Our Product Categories or From Our Search Bar (http://hwguiders.com/ ) Advertising in Society Paper XCOM/100 Without advertising and marketing, users wouldn’t be persuaded to purchase that is why advertisement these days has played a huge role in modern society. Everywhere you look, advertising and marketing leaves behind a trace of its original influences. Whether it’s the jeans you put on, what you had for lunch time or the automobile you drive, an advertisement most probably persuaded you to spend your money. Depending on a Circuit City commercial, the normal person is exposed to nearly three thousand types of advertising and marketing daily. The same manner in which mass media of social communication has huge impact so does advertising and marketing which uses the mass media as a driving force in being convincing and dominating in certain behaviors in society. Advertisers are often criticized for the lengths at which some advertisements stretch the moral problems of being misleading and offensive. One might say that these types of criticisms are validations for the stereotypes we try so desperately to overcome...
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...HCA 240 Week 8 Mental Illness Paper ( A+Material ) Get Tutorial by Clicking on the link below or Copy Paste Link in Your Browser https://hwguiders.com/downloads/hca-240-week-8-mental-illness-paper-amaterial/ For More Courses and Exams use this form ( http://hwguiders.com/contact-us/ ) Feel Free to Search your Class through Our Product Categories or From Our Search Bar (http://hwguiders.com/ ) Mental Illness Paper Anorexia nervosa is not really about food. It is an unhealthy way of trying to cope with emotional problems. Anorexia nervosa is a mental illness that causes people to obsess about their weight and the food they eat. The individual diagnosed with anorexia nervosa does not want to maintain even the minimal weight considered normal for his or her age and height. The disorder is recognized by insufficient weight along with an intense fear of gaining weight and often-misunderstood awareness of his or her body weight and shape (Anorexia Nervosa, 2011). Anorexia nervosa is diagnosed by four different criteria. These criteria consist of the refusal to uphold a normal weight evidenced by failure to maintain a weight equal to 85% of that expected for his or her height and age. Criteria B include the extreme fear of weight gain or of becoming fat although the individual is obviously underweight. Criteria C is met when the individual exhibits denial about their condition, has troubled perceptions about his or her weight or look or has an obsession with regard to...
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...COM 150 WEEK 8 EXERCISE FORMATTING ACADEMIC PAPERS CROSSWORD PUZZLE To Buy This material Click below link http://www.uoptutors.com/COM-150/COM-150-WEEK-8-EXERCISE-FORMATTING-ACADEMIC-PAPERS-CROSSWORD-PUZZLE Exercise: Formatting Academic Papers Crossword Puzzle · Resources: Axia College’s Writing Style Handbook and the Axia College Writing Resources Web Site · Review the Ch. 1 of Axia College’s Writing Style Handbook and Documenting Sources at http://www.dianahacker.com/resdoc/p04_c09_s1.html or http://www.dianahacker.com/resdoc/p04_c09_s2.html at the Axia College Writing Resources Web site. · Access the Formatting Academic Papers Crossword Puzzle at http://corptrain.phoenix.edu/AXIA/com150/multimedia/apa_crossword.html · Complete the puzzle using the clues provided. · Send a screenshot of the completed puzzle to your instructor. o Taking a screenshot on a computer using Windows · Press Alt + Print Screen on your computer keyboard to create a screenshot. o Some laptops may require Alt + Fn + Print Screen, as space is limited and multiple functions may be assigned to each key (key location varies based upon the manufacturer and model). · Open a blank Microsoft® Word document. · Press Ctrl + V on your computer keyboard to paste the screenshot into the Word document. · Save the Word document. o Taking a screenshot on a Macintosh-based computer · Press Command + Control + Shift + 3 on your computer keyboard to create a screenshot. · Open a blank Microsoft® Word document...
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...Assignments and Final Project Paper Purchase here http://homeworkonestop.com/RES%20531/res-531-research-methods-complete-class-includes-all-assignments-and-final-project-paper Product Description RES 531 Week 2 Assignment 1 – Topic Selection RES 531 Week 3 Assignment 2 – Context of the Problem RES 531 Week 4 Assignment 3 – The Problem Statement RES 531 Week 6 Assignment 4 – Research Questions RES 531 Week 7 Assignment 5 – Significance of the Study RES 531 Week 8 Assignment 6 – Research Design and Methodology RES 531 Week 9 Assignment 7 – Organization of the Study RES 531 Week 10 Assignment 8 – Tentative Reference List RES 531 Week 11 Research Proposal Paper – Final Project Paper RES 531 – RESEARCH METHODS – Complete Class Includes All Assignments and Final Project Paper Purchase here http://homeworkonestop.com/RES%20531/res-531-research-methods-complete-class-includes-all-assignments-and-final-project-paper Product Description RES 531 Week 2 Assignment 1 – Topic Selection RES 531 Week 3 Assignment 2 – Context of the Problem RES 531 Week 4 Assignment 3 – The Problem Statement RES 531 Week 6 Assignment 4 – Research Questions RES 531 Week 7 Assignment 5 – Significance of the Study RES 531 Week 8 Assignment 6 – Research Design and Methodology RES 531 Week 9 Assignment 7 – Organization of the Study RES 531 Week 10 Assignment 8 – Tentative Reference List RES 531 Week 11 Research Proposal Paper – Final Project Paper RES 531 – RESEARCH METHODS...
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...com/product/com-156-entire-course/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM COM 156 ENTIRE COURSE COM 156 Final Assignment Persuasive Essay Final Paper COM 156 Week 1 Assignment Challenges of a Paper COM 156 Week 1 Assignment COM 156 Week 1 DQ 1 COM 156 Week 1 DQs 2 COM 156 Week 1 Video Transcript - Writing Process COM 156 Week 2 Assignment Select a Topic for Your Final Paper COM 156 Week 2 Assignment COM 156 Week 2 DQs 1 COM 156 Week 2 DQs 2 COM 156 Week 3 Assignment Complete an Outline COM 156 Week 3 Assignment COM 156 Week 3 DQs 1 COM 156 Week 3 DQs 2 COM 156 Week 3 Video Transcript Developing Outlines COM 156 Week 4 Assignment Write Your Thesis Statement PART 1 COM 156 Week 4 Assignment Write Your Thesis Statement PART 2 COM 156 Week 4 DQs 1 COM 156 Week 4 DQs 2 COM 156 Week 5 Assignment Revision Practice COM 156 Week 5 Assignment COM 156 Week 5 DQs 1 COM 156 Week 5 DQs 2 COM 156 Week 6 Assignment Effective Persuasion COM 156 Week 6 Assignment COM 156 Week 6 DQs 1 COM 156 Week 6 DQs 2 COM 156 Week 7 Assignment Rough Draft of Your Final Paper COM 156 Week 7 Assignment COM 156 Week 7 DQs 1 COM 156 Week 7 DQs 2 COM 156 Week 7 Assignment Compare and Contrasts Paragraphs COM 156 Week 8 Assignment COM 156 Week 8 DQs 1 COM 156 Week 8 DQs 2 COM 156 Week 9 DQs 1 COM 156 Week 9 DQs 2 COM 156 Week 9 Final Activity mode aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of COM 156 Entire Course in order to ace their studies. COM...
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... WEEK 1 Individual Assignment, Generally Accepted Auditing Standards Discussion Questions 1, 2 and 3 Weekly Summary WEEK 2 Individual Assignment from Text, Questions 1-23 Learning Team, Auditing, Attestation, and Assurance Services Paper 1 Learning Team, Auditing, Attestation, and Assurance Services Paper 2 Discussion Questions 1, 2 and 3 WEEK 3 Individual Assignment from Text, 5-29, 5-30, 6-20, 6-21, 6-22, 7-22 Learning Team Assignment, Assessing Materiality and Risk Simulation Paper Learning Team Assignment, Assessing Materiality and Risk Assessment Presentation Learning Team Assignments from Text, Exercises 6-26, 7-25 Discussion Questions 1, 2 and 3 WEEK 4 Individual Assignment from Text, 8-15, 8-16, 10-31, 10-32 Learning Team Assignment - Apollo Shoes Case Assignment Discussion Questions 1, 2 and 3 WEEK 5 Individual Assignment from Text, 11-6, 11-8, 11-9, 13-8 Learning Team Assignment - Audit Sampling Case Memo Weekly Summary Final Examination ACC 491 Contemporary Auditing 1, Complete Course + Final Exam Purchase here http://chosecourses.com/acc-491-contemporary-auditing-1-complete-course-final-exam Product Description WEEK 1 Individual Assignment, Generally Accepted Auditing Standards Discussion Questions 1, 2 and 3 Weekly Summary WEEK 2 Individual Assignment from Text, Questions 1-23 Learning Team, Auditing, Attestation, and Assurance Services Paper 1 Learning...
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...Law Opinion Paper CJS 220 Legal Defenses CJS 220 Structure Of Court Systems CJS 220 Week 1 Checkpoint CJS 220 Week 1 DQ 1 CJS 220 Week 1 DQ 2 CJS 220 Week 2 Assignment CJS 220 Week 2 Checkpoint 1 CJS 220 Week 2 Checkpoint 2 CJS 220 Week 2 Checkpoint CJS 220 Week 3 DQ 1 CJS 220 Week 3 DQ 2 CJS 220 Week 4 Assignment CJS 220 Week 4 Prosecution Versus Defense Paper CJS 220 Week 5 Checkpoint CJS 220 Week 5 DQ 1 CJS 220 Week 5 DQ 2 CJS 220 Week 6 Assignment CJS 220 Week 6 Case Attrition CJS 220 Week 6 Criminal Justice Models Paper CJS 220 Week 7 Checkpoint The Bail System CJS 220 Week 7 DQ 1 CJS 220 Week 7 DQ 2 CJS 220 Week 8 Assignment CJS 220 Week 8 Checkpoint 1 CJS 220 Week 8 Checkpoint 2 CJS 220 Week 8 Juvenile Court Process CJS 220 Week 8 Punishment Philosophy Paper Activity mode aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of CJS 220 v4 ENTIRE COURSE in order to ace their studies. CJS 220 V4 ENTIRE COURSE To purchase this visit here: http://www.activitymode.com/product/cjs-220-v4-entire-course/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM CJS 220 V4 ENTIRE COURSE CJS 220 Attorney Client Confidentiality CJS 220 Capstone CJS 220 Due Process CJS 220 Final 1 CJS 220 Final 2 CJS 220 Final CJS 220 Law Opinion Paper CJS 220 Legal Defenses CJS 220 Structure Of Court Systems CJS 220 Week 1 Checkpoint CJS 220 Week 1 DQ 1 CJS 220 Week 1 DQ 2 CJS 220 Week 2 Assignment CJS 220 Week 2 Checkpoint 1 CJS 220 Week 2 Checkpoint...
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...ACC 561 Accounting Week 1 to 6, Assignment, WilyPLUS, DQ, Final Purchase here http://homeworkonestop.com/ACC%20561/acc-561-accounting-week-1-to-6-assignment-wilyplus-dq-final Product Description ACC 561 Accounting WEEK 1 Individual Assignment, Financial Statement Review Paper Individual Assignment, Wileyplus BE1-7, BE1-8, BE1-9 Discussion Question 1 and 2 WEEK 2 Individual Assignment, Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 Individual Assignment, Wileyplus E13-5, E13-6, E13-8, E13-9 Learning Team Summary Learning Team Reflection Discussion Question 1 and 2 WEEK 3 Individual Assignment, American Corporation Analysis Individual Assignment, Wileyplus BE15-5, E16-1, E17-9 Discussion Question 1 and 2 WEEK 4 Individual Assignment, WileyPLUS BYP17-2 Managerial Analysis Individual Assignment, Wileyplus BE18-1, BE18-7, BE18-11, E19-2 Learning Team Summary Learning Team Reflection Discussion Question 1 and 2 WEEK 5 Individual Assignment, Costing Methods paper Learning Team Assignment, CVP and Break-Even Analysis Paper Individual Assignment, Wileyplus E20-2, E20-5, BE21-4, E22-5 Learning Team Deliverable Discussion Question 1 and 2 WEEK 6 Individual Assignment, Wileyplus E23-1, E23-2 Learning Team Summary Learning Team Reflection ACC 561 Final Exam WileyPLUS (30 Q & A) ACC 561 Final Exam 2 (30 Q & A) ACC 561 Final Exam 3 (54 Q & A) ACC 561 Final Exam 4 (54 Q & A) ACC 561 Final Exam 5 (54 Q & A) ACC 561 Final Exam 6 (52 Q & A) ACC 561 Final Exam 7 (45...
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...Course Material all Weeks DQS and All Assignments Get Tutorial by Clicking on the link below or Copy Paste Link in Your Browser https://hwguiders.com/downloads/com-156-entire-course-week-1-9-agrade/ For More Courses and Exams use this form ( http://hwguiders.com/contact-us/ ) Feel Free to Search your Class through Our Product Categories or From Our Search Bar (http://hwguiders.com/ ) COM 156 Entire Course COM 156 Complete Course Material all Weeks DQS and All Assignments COM 156 Wk 1 All Discussion Questions Review the information provided on pp. 51–53. Explain the initial steps of writing an essay. Identify how your audience, purpose, and content will influence your approach The purpose of an essay, as explained on p. 47, will affect all aspects of the paper. In this class, the final paper will be a persuasive essay. Throughout the class, you will complete assignments that directly or indirectly help you complete the final paper. Identify the main purpose of a persuasive essay and the elements necessary for it to be effective. Review the video titled Writing Process. Read the Short Form Axia Writing Style Handbook. What are the two most helpful suggestions in each? If you were to propose one additional suggestion to include in each what would it be? Explain the time management strategies you will use when writing a successful academic paper. What techniques discussed in your US/101 course may help you manage your time when writing a paper? The ultimate success...
Words: 16952 - Pages: 68
...IT 237 Week 8 Assignment Website Publishing Process Get Tutorial by Clicking on the link below or Copy Paste Link in Your Browser https://hwguiders.com/downloads/237-week-8-assignment-website-publishing-process/ For More Courses and Exams use this form ( http://hwguiders.com/contact-us/ ) Feel Free to Search your Class through Our Product Categories or From Our Search Bar (http://hwguiders.com/ ) Website Publishing Process Introduction: In this paper, I will give you a step-by-step checklist that outlines the process on how to publish a brand-new Website to a hosting company. I will also give you some examples of different Website hosting company’s as well as reviewing what they have to offer as far as their features and pricing. TO DOWNLOAD COMPLETE TUTORIAL HIT PURCHASE BUTTON IT 237 Week 8 Assignment Website Publishing Process Get Tutorial by Clicking on the link below or Copy Paste Link in Your Browser https://hwguiders.com/downloads/237-week-8-assignment-website-publishing-process/ For More Courses and Exams use this form ( http://hwguiders.com/contact-us/ ) Feel Free to Search your Class through Our Product Categories or From Our Search Bar (http://hwguiders.com/ ) Website Publishing Process Introduction: In this paper, I will give you a step-by-step checklist that outlines the process on how to publish a brand-new Website to a hosting company. I will also give you some examples of different Website hosting company’s as well...
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...HIST 410 WEEK 7 RESEARCH PAPER To purchase this visit following link: http://www.activitymode.com/product/hist-410-week-7-research-paper/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM HIST 410 WEEK 7 RESEARCH PAPER Identify a significant historical event that occurred between 1945 and 2008 that has had positive and/or negative consequences (e.g. the Truman Doctrine, the Arab-Israeli Six-Day War, 9/11, the war in Afghanistan, etc.), and defend your selection as a significant contemporary event. The paper should include the following. • Identify and describe the historical event. • Analyze the historical and contemporary causes of the event. • Analyze different historical interpretations of the event. • Evaluate the positive and negative outcomes of the event. The Final Paper should be 8–10 pages in length and use proper APA formatting. HIST 410 WEEK 7 RESEARCH PAPER To purchase this visit following link: http://www.activitymode.com/product/hist-410-week-7-research-paper/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM HIST 410 WEEK 7 RESEARCH PAPER Identify a significant historical event that occurred between 1945 and 2008 that has had positive and/or negative consequences (e.g. the Truman Doctrine, the Arab-Israeli Six-Day War, 9/11, the war in Afghanistan, etc.), and defend your selection as a significant contemporary event. The paper should include the following. • Identify and describe the historical event. • Analyze the historical and contemporary causes of the event...
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...CLASS HIS 115 Week 1-Assignment - North American Civilization Paper HIS 115 Week 1-CheckPoint - European Societal Changes HIS 115 Week 2-Appendix B - Compare and Contrast Matrix HIS 115 Week 2-DQ 1 HIS 115 Week 2-DQ 2 HIS 115 Week 3-Assignment Seven Years' War Paper HIS 115 Week 3-CheckPoint - Great Britain and the Colonies HIS 115 Week 4-Appendix C - The Confederation Government Table HIS 115 Week 4-DQ 1 HIS 115 Week 4-DQ 2 HIS 115 Week 5-Assignment - Western Expansion Presentation HIS 115 Week 5-Checkpoint - Hamilton's Financial Program HIS 115 Week 5-Checkpoint - War of 1812 HIS 115 Week 6-CheckPoint - The Bank War HIS 115 Week 6-DQ 1 HIS 115 Week 6-DQ 2 HIS 115 Week 7-Assignment - Perfection Era Paper HIS 115 Week 7-CheckPoint - Class Structure and Slave Culture HIS 115 Week 8-Appendix D - Civil War Matrix HIS 115 Week 8-DQ 1 HIS 115 Week 8-DQ 2 HIS 115 Week 9-Capstone Checkpoint HIS 115 Week 9-Final Project - Historical Timeline and Essay Activity mode aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of HIS 115 COMPLETE CLASS in order to ace their studies. HIS 115 COMPLETE CLASS To purchase this visit here: http://www.activitymode.com/product/his-115-complete-class/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM HIS 115 COMPLETE CLASS HIS 115 Week 1-Assignment - North American Civilization Paper HIS 115 Week 1-CheckPoint - European Societal Changes HIS 115 Week 2-Appendix B - Compare and Contrast Matrix HIS 115 Week 2-DQ 1 HIS...
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