...development of my personality characteristics and discuss the results of my week one Self-Assessment and the Johari Window, as well the Quick Enneagram Sorting Test (QUEST). The results from these assessments have allowed me to focus in on my leadership style a how I can become a more effective manager. Also I’ll focus on how those attributes have guided my relationships and career choices. Key Words: Characteristics, attributes, assessment, Big Five Personality Dimensions (BFPD), Extrovert, Johari Window Finding the Leader in You: Self-Assessment/ Johari Window In my effort to develop and explain the characteristics that comprise my personality, I determined that there are many personality traits that help to form my personality. In our class discussion, it was addressed how Schermerhorn, Osborn, Uhl-Bien and Hunter (2012) discussed the Big Five Personality Dimensions (BFPD) of Extraversion, Agreeable, Conscientiousness, Emotional Stability and Openness to experience and how they affect our personality positively and negatively. My profile of characteristics include extraversion as the lead attribute that guides my personality. I’m an outgoing person with who is very sociable with the people around me. I fit well into many social settings because I do possess agreeable disposition. This paper examines my research and assessment results from the Self-Assessment Week One (appendix A) and the Johari Window results (Appendix B), as well as the...
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...Ali Shah Mr. Farrukh Raza Mr. Abdul Fatah Bhatti Executive Director Adviser (Academics) Director (Curri) Deputy Director (Curri) Asstt. Director (Curri) Asstt. Director (Curri) Composed by: Mr. Zulfiqar Ali, HEC, Islamabad 2 CONTENTS 1. Introduction……………………………………...........6 2. BBA Programme....................................................11 a. Structure of BBA Programme..……………....12 b. Layout for BBA Programme..........................13 c. Semester-wise Breakup for BBA…...............14 3. Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS)......................15 4. MBA Programme....................................................16 a. Structure of MBA Programme........................17 b. Semester-wise Breakup for MBA...................19 5. MS in Management Sciences................................20 a. Structure of MS Programme...........................20 b. Eligibility for Non-business Degree Holders...21 6. Roadmap for Business Education…………............24 7. BBA Course outlines...............................................25 a. Compulsory Courses for BBA...…….…..........25 b. Foundation Core Courses...........…....…....... 41 c. Major Core Courses........................................59 d. Major Elective Courses...................................75 e. Management Specialisation Courses..............89 f. Marketing Specialisation...............................105 g. Finance Specialisation..................................105 8. BBS Course outlines...........................
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...Schools of Business with concentrations in: Accounting Cyber Security Entrepreneurship Finance Global Business Information Systems and Technology Management Marketing Management Supply Chain Management Master of Business Administration for Executives Master of Business Administration for Professionals College of Business and Public Administration Jack Brown Hall, Room 282 (909) 537-5703 mba.csusb.edu MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Requirements (48 units) The Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) program provides postbaccalaureate students with a high-quality master-level education in the field of business administration. The program is designed to prepare promising students for positions of increasing responsibility and leadership through education in the broad scope of business and through in-depth knowledge in one or more specialized areas of business. The program is open to all qualified students, regardless of undergraduate major. Students who do not have a background in the area of business administration can obtain this required capability by completing designated prerequisite courses or through individual study with competency demonstrated through credit by examination or by demonstrated work experience. Admission to the M.B.A. Program In addition to the general requirements of the university, specific requirements for admission to classified graduate status are: 1. A bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university; 2. Submission of an acceptable...
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...LEARNING FROM OTHERS With the right foundationr practice makps p6~ "Googol" is a mathematical term standing for the number 1 followed by 100 zeros. That's a really big number. It's also symbolic of the reach and impact achieved by Google,a firm that is so successful its name has become a common verb. The firm's origins trace to the day when Larry Pageand SergeySrin met as students at Stanford University in California. Their conversationsled to collaboration on a searchengine they called SackRub. It became so popular on campus that they kept refining and expanding the service as they worked in Larry's dormitory room. Google Inc. began with a goal of bringing order and transparency to the information available on the Internet. Even though it hasn't stopped running, or growing, since, the goal endures. The firm's mission is: "To organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful." And if you want to talk about success, take a look at Google'scorporate information and follow its new initiatives in the news. What is the Google difference? How did it gain such runaway popularity? The answers start with a commitment to performance excellence Courtesy Google Inc. based on solid foundations of speed, accuracy, and ease of use. These have been the guiding performance criteria from the beginning, the basis for generating user appeal and competitive advantage for Google's products in the marketplace. Google'sbelief in people also sets it apart. Recently ranked...
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...Designing an Effective Female Leadership Model in Governmental Organizations Authors: Nosratollah MALEKI, International Relations School of Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Iran, nosrat.maleki@gmail.com, Aryan ASKARI, University of Tehran, Iran, aryan1072@gmail.com, Mohamad Amin GHANBARI, University of Tehran, Iran, ma.ghanbarei@gmail.com Since leadership is a critical factor for improving organizational performance, failure or success of an organization highly depends on the efficiency of leadership at all levels. Scholars elaborated that leadership is the ability of influencing one's attitudes, aptitudes and beliefs, in the way that it will lead to meet organizational objectives. The main purpose of this study is to consider two domains of efficient leadership and women’s leadership style, in order to determine and elaborate the dimensions of the new concept of “Women’s Efficient Leadership”. We intend to describe the characteristics of women’s efficient leadership in state organizations in Iran by means of offering a logical pattern, in order to be able to propose a favorable pattern, leading to increased efficiency in governmental organizations of the country. Innovation of this study can be divided into two parts: one is theoretical contribution and developing the knowledge of efficient leadership as well as women’s leadership style, and the second one is scientific contribution and proposing a pattern for women’s efficient leadership in state organizations, using...
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...Description Managers in the twenty-first century are challenged to operate in an increasingly complex, interdependent, and dynamic global environment. In this course, students are introduced to these challenges as they explore the tools and processes needed to accurately assess the political, legal, technological, competitive, and cultural factors that affect a firm’s strategies and operations within international and cross-cultural contexts. Integrative case studies are used to familiarize students with the challenging strategic decisions that global companies face as they work to ensure sustainable competitive advantage. Emphasis is placed on how the variable of culture interacts wth other national and international factors that affect managerial procesess and behaviors. This course also focuses on effective strategic, organizational, and interpersonal management as students learn how to develop the skills necessary to design and implement global strategies, conduct effective cross-national interactions, and manage daily operations in foreign subsidiaries. The growing competitive influence of technology is also discussed throughout the course. Prerequisites KG 592 Foundations of Business Management and Marketing Learning Objectives Students who successfully complete this course should be able to: 1. Use Porter's Five Forces Model to analyze specific domestic and international industries (Assessed by: BPP-Industry Analysis paper). 2. Analyze (compare/contrast)...
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...OUTLINE 1. What is an Organisation? 2. Who Are Managers? Chapter 1 Introduction to Management and Organizations 3. What Is Management? 4. What Do Managers Do? 5. Evolution of Management 6. Why study Management? 1 What Is An Organization? 2 Characteristics of Organizations • An Organization Defined –A deliberate arrangement of people to accomplish some specific purpose (that individuals independently could not accomplish alone). 3 Who Are Managers? 4 Classifying Managers • Manager –Someone who coordinates and oversees the work of other people so that organizational goals can be accomplished. • First-line Managers – Individuals who manage the work of non-managerial employees. • Middle Managers – Individuals who manage the work of first-line managers. • Top Managers – Individuals who are responsible for making organization-wide decisions and establishing plans and goals that affect the entire organization. 5 6 What Is Management? Classifying Managers • Managerial Concerns –Efficiency • “Doing things right” –Getting the most output for the least inputs –Effectiveness • “Doing the right things” –Attaining organizational goals 7 8 What Do Managers Do? Exhibit 1–2 Effectiveness and Efficiency in Management 9 Managerial Roles 10 What Managers Actually Do • Interaction – with others – with the organization – with the external context of the organization • Reflection – thoughtful...
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...The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at www.emeraldinsight.com/0954-478X.htm TQM 19,1 6 Dynamics of organizational learning and continuous improvement in six sigma implementation Taina Savolainen Department of Business and Economics, University of Joensuu, Joensuu, Finland, and Arto Haikonen Genworth Financial, Helsinki, Finland Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the dynamics of organizational learning and continuous improvement (CI) in the context six sigma implementation in business organizations operating in multicultural environments. Design/methodology/approach – A specific research question is: does learning mechanisms and continuous improvement practices support each other and how, and what type of learning can be identified in the improvement of business processes. The question is linked to one of the fundamental issues currently discussed in the field of organizational learning; how do organizations get “from here to there”, in other words, what is the dynamics of the processes of learning and how progressive learning is achieved. A case study of a few Finnish companies is made and a procedural implementation model is applied. Findings – The findings suggest that the learning process is characterized by measurement, detection and correction of errors, and cost reduction. In six sigma implementation, learning is a single-loop type of learning. It is an incremental change process which reminds a technical...
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...1 { { { Management Communication in Transition This book will argue that management communication is the central skill in the global workplace of the twenty-first century. An understanding of language and its inherent powers, combined with the skill to speak, write, listen, and form interpersonal relationships, will determine whether you will succeed as a manager. At the midpoint of the twentieth century, management philosopher Peter Drucker wrote, “Managers have to learn to know language, to understand what words are and what they mean. Perhaps most important, they have to acquire respect for language as [our] most precious gift and heritage. The manager must understand the meaning of the old definition of rhetoric as ‘the art which draws men’s hearts to the love of true knowledge.’”1 Later in the twentieth century, Harvard Business School professors Robert Eccles and Nitin Nohria reframed Drucker’s view to offer a perspective of management that few others have seen. “To see management in its proper light,” they write, “managers need first to take language seriously.”2 In particular, they argue, a coherent view of management must focus on three issues: the use of rhetoric to achieve a manager’s goals, the shaping of a managerial identity, and taking action to achieve the goals of the organizations that employ us. Above all, they say, “the essence of what management is all about [is] the effective use of language to get things done.”3 The job of becoming a competent, effective...
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...error or inaccuracy in, or omissions from, the information in this Guide and any loss or damage which you or any person may suffer. Last updated: 12 March 2010 1 2 MELBOURNE BUSINESS SCHOOL 2010 ACADEMIC CALENDAR ___________________________________________________________________ TERM 1 Thursday Monday Tuesday 14 January 18 January 26 January Orientation Evening – Weekend Mode and Standard Part Time World of Management Weekend Mode and Part Time (until Friday 22 January) Australia Day Academic School Holiday Carlton Campus on Sunday operations Monday Thursday Friday Monday Thursday Friday Friday Thursday Friday Sunday 9 February 18 February 26 February 8 March 18 March 19 March 2 April 15 April 16 April 25 April Commencement Term 1 Teaching (standard 12-week format subjects) Weekend Mode – Module 1a (until Monday 22 February) Elective Weekend Mode – Module 1a (until Sunday 28 February) CORE Labour Day Normal teaching day Weekend Mode – Module 1b (until Monday 22 March) Elective Weekend Mode – Module 1b (until Sunday 21 March) CORE Easter Break (until Monday 5 April) Carlton Campus on Sunday operations Weekend Mode – Module 1c (until Monday 19 April) Elective Weekend Mode – Module 1c (until...
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...PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT www.eiilmuniversity.ac.in Subject: PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT Credits: 4 SYLLABUS Nature Scope and process of management, historical evolution of management & its foundation. Different approaches and systems of management, Types of skills, roles and modern challenges. Management Planning Process. Managerial decision Making Introduction to Organizing Organizational Structure and Its Dimensions. Different Types of Organizational Design and Their Advantages and Disadvantages. Nature and types of control in organizations. Introduction to Controlling Controlling Techniques, Types and its advantages & disadvantages. Control Process and its constituents. Introduction to Human Resource Management HRM planning & steps in planning process. HRM process Recruitment, selection, Training and development. Performance Appraisal and issues in human resources Leadership concept and some leadership theories. Leadership theories. Leadership Models. Leadership Development and Motivation. Motivational theories Suggested Readings: 1. Harold Koontz & Heinz Weihrich, Essentials of Management, Tata McGraw Hill 2. Stoner, Freeman, Gilbert Jr., Management, Prentice Hall 3. Bhatt & Kumar, Principles of Management, Oxford Publications PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT COURSE OVERVIEW Management is the organizational process that aids us in that many layers of management-particularly middle manage- creating a service or product from the raw materials we have...
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...IIBM Institute of Business Management Principles & Practices of Management www.iibmindia.in Subject: PRINCIPLE AND PRACTICES OF MANAGEMENT Credits: 4 SYLLABUS Nature Scope and process of management, historical evolution of management & its foundation. Different approaches and systems of management, Types of skills, roles and modern challenges. Management Planning Process. Managerial decision Making Introduction to Organizing Organizational Structure and Its Dimensions. Different Types of Organizational Design and Their Advantages and Disadvantages. Nature and types of control in organizations. Introduction to Controlling Controlling Techniques, Types and its advantages & disadvantages. Control Process and its constituents. Introduction to Human Resource Management HRM planning & steps in planning process. HRM process Recruitment, selection, Training and development. Performance Appraisal and issues in human resources Leadership concept and some leadership theories. Leadership theories. Leadership Models. Leadership Development and Motivation. Motivational theories Suggested Readings: 1. Harold Koontz & Heinz Weihrich, Essentials of Management, Tata McGraw Hill 2. Stoner, Freeman, Gilbert Jr., Management, Prentice Hall 3. Bhatt & Kumar, Principle and Practices of Management, Oxford Publications PRINCIPLESOF MANAGEMENT COURSE OVERVIEW Management is the organizational process that aids us in creating a that many layers of...
Words: 31575 - Pages: 127
...LEADERSHIP STYLE, A CORRELATIONAL STUDY IN LEADERSHIP STYLE AND USE-OF-FORCE BEHAVIOR OF POLICE OFFICERS by Tommy Sickels Copyright June, 2015 A Dissertation Presented in Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Degree Doctorate in Educational Leadership University of Phoenix The Dissertation Committee for Tommy Sickels certifies that this may be the approved version of the following dissertation: The Dissertation Committee for Tommy Sickels certifies approval of the following dissertation: A CORRELLATlONAL STUDY IN LEADERSHIP STYLE AND USE-OF-FORCE BEHAVIOR OF POLICE OFFICERS Commiittee: Orlando Ramos, PhD, Chair Peggy Coplin, DPA, Committee Member Jack Phan, PhD, Committee Member ,,__.____ _ ,,__.____ _ Jeremy Moreland, PhD Dean, School of Advanced Studies University of Phoenix ABSTRACT Leadership style and police officer use-of-force are two important functions of law enforcement. What could be more important in a law enforcement agency than to have these two variables coexisting in an organization in a harmonious manner? By investigating whether a relationship exists between these two variables an answer to this question could emerge. In law enforcement today, the cost associated with excessive use-of-force civil law-suits against police officers and their departments can be staggering. Exposing police officers to a specific leadership style may influence the dynamics in the use-of-force behavior during...
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...Mark Atia 7/25/2012 Extra Credit Assignment THE PRACTICE OF MANAGEMENT BY PETER DRUCKER The introduction is titled “The Nature of Management” and features three chapters. The first chapter is titled “The Role of Management”. The first two sentences in this chapter might be the best definition of a manager anyone has ever written. Drucker states that “the manager is the dynamic, life-giving element in every business. Without his leadership the “resources of production” remain resources and never become production”. To me this sums up what being a manager is all about. Later in the chapter he says “from the peak there is only one easy way to go: downwards. It always requires twice as much effort and skill to stay up as it did to climb up”. A powerful statement, that many do not realize. The second chapter, titled “The Jobs of Management”, Drucker talks about how the jobs of management are usually not known by people within the company. People know who the managers are but aren’t quite sure what they do. He breaks down what a managers’ job involves into a couple of key areas. The first of which is “economic performance”. With this Drucker say that management must always put economic performance first in every decision and action they make because this will justify their existence. Other areas of this chapter focus on management functions which include: their first job is managing a business, managing managers and managing both worker and work. The third chapter is called...
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...Library and Information Center Management Recent Titles in Library and Information Science Text Series Library and Information Center Management, Sixth Edition Robert D. Stueart and Barbara B. Moran United States Government Information: Policies and Sources Peter Hernon, Harold C. Relyea, Robert E. Dugan, and Joan F. Cheverie Library Information Systems: From Library Automation to Distributed Information Access Solutions Thomas R. Kochtanek and Joseph R. Matthews The Complete Guide to Acquisitions Management Frances C. Wilkinson and Linda K. Lewis Organization of Information, Second Edition Arlene G. Taylor The School Library Media Manager, Third Edition Blanche Woolls Basic Research Methods for Librarians Ronald R. Powell and Lynn Silipigni Connoway Library of Congress Subject Headings: Principles and Application, Fourth Edition Lois Mai Chan Developing Library and Information Center Collections, Fifth Edition G. Edward Evans and Margaret Zarnosky Saponaro Metadata and Its Impact on Libraries Sheila S. Intner, Susan S. Lazinger, and Jean Weihs Organizing Audiovisual and Electronic Resources for Access: A Cataloging Guide, Second Edition Ingrid Hsieh-Yee Introduction to Cataloging and Classification, Tenth Edition Arlene G. Taylor LIbRaRy and InfoRMaTIon CenTeR ManageMenT Seventh Edition Robert D. Stueart and Barbara B. Moran Library and Information Science Text Series Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Stueart, Robert D. Library and information...
Words: 204742 - Pages: 819