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Welding History

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During the late 1800’s to the early 1900’s welding was invented. Welding has helped us in so many ways when something become broken. Not only are there many kinds of welding, but there is one that has to do with everybody’s favorite topic in chemistry, thermochemistry! That type of welding is called thermite welding. We all know that thermite can be dangerous and can destroy things, but with the railroads it can put things back together. “A blast furnace that fits in a vest pocket.” “In 1893, a German chemist, Dr, Hans Goldschmidt, was in Berlin, developing a process that could weld thick sections of steel together in the field. While doing that he made the process of thermite welding on accident. With that accident he discovered that thermite …show more content…
To help you understand the chemical formula Fe2O3 is iron(III) oxide plus 2Al, aluminum which yields 2Fe, iron plus Al2O3, aluminum oxide plus 181.5 kcal of heat. All components of this process are powders or granules. Before you use the components they will be stable at room temperature. The thermite mixture is regularly heated or ignited by magnesium ribbons or rods at 1200 degrees. At such a high temperature the thermite reactions starts to take place and then releases off 3MJ/moles. Once ignited the thermite starts to burn wildly and the reactions starts and when it reaches the maximum degree it could burn through dirt. To make it relate to thermochemistry, it takes a great deal of energy to accomplish this process because the oxygen is bound tightly with in rust molecules. According to “Once this reaction is initiated by an external heat source, the aluminum reduces the oxygen from the metal-oxide, which will result in a liquid superheated aluminum oxide. Since the two components are very different in density, they operate automatically and the liquid metal.” When working with thermite is can be very hazardous because of the extremely high temperatures produced and it’s extremely difficult smothering reaction. Also thermite can cause a steam explosion with you start to cool the hot

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