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Simon Welding Case Study

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Incident Background
Simon had been undertaking welding activities for an extended period of time when he reported blurred vision and sore eyes. Supervision was compromised and Simon welded without appropriate eye protection and as a result he sustained extensive damage and permanent loss of vision to both eyes.

With an increase in industry demand and production, the company engaged seven (7) contractors to work on the site which increased the Leading Hands supervisory requirements from the usual three (3) workers to ten (10) workers with the addition of Simon. The Leading Hand then instructed Simon to work alongside a contractor and weld the base of a silo to its walls as Simon had stated that he had completed welding tasks during his school …show more content…
SafeWork NSW (2016) Code of Practice for Welding states that “Welding is a potentially hazardous activity and precautions are required to avoid electrocution, fire and explosion, burns, electric shock, vision damage, inhalation of poisonous gases and fumes, and exposure to intense ultraviolet radiation.” Due to Simons age and lack of workplace experience the risk of harm whilst undertaking welding activities was significantly higher compared to a trade qualified boilermaker/welder.

Investigation Methodology
The investigation technique used was the PEEPO methodology. PEEPO is an acronym for the five main areas of data collection for assisting in investigations, these are summaries in the below table;

Area Data to be collected/Analysed Methods of Collection
People Injured Person – Simon
Witnesses – Contractor
Associated People – Leading Hand, Parents and School
Written statements

Environment Weather – Not applicable
Workplace – fit for workloads/capacity Observation of site
Review of work

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