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Does Music Have A More Powerful Effect On Memory Than Words

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Kazan, Casey (2008). Does Music Have a More Powerful Effect on Memory than Images, Words, or Smells?. October 30, 2009. music-have.html

The article entitled “Does Music Have a More Powerful Effect on Memory than Images, Words, or Smells?” from the Daily Galaxy website shows that music actually does effect your memory in lots of ways. A group of researchers looked at a group of students and recorded their reactions to a selection of 30 songs. The results started to show that the music that was most familiar was also the best in recalling memory. In addition, the researchers have noted that the rostro medial prefrontal cortex, which controls the music and memory part, is active when retrieiving …show more content…
This will be helpful as I consider the different aspects of how the brain fucntions in relation to the recalling of memories. In the article it shows that if you do not look at an image for eight seconds that it becomes interrupted and not stored in your memory. It goes to talk about how your brain functions in creating long and short term memories. One theory is the memory gets played on a loop, and if it is played enough in the brain then it is converted to a long-term memory. A key point in the article is that it explains how different memories are …show more content…
Hargreaves "Musical Style Discrimination in the Early Years." Journal of Early Childhood Research 5.1 (2007): 32-46. ERIC. EBSCO. Web. 3 Nov. 2009.

In this article it talks about how young kids can tell the difference between genres of music and at what corresponding ages. It was a very in depth study, and is also very well written and can be held to a high standard when ravening. It explains the implications that could be different with new technology. The author is very well known in his field and the overall implications helped tremendously in providing support to his article.

Halpern, Andrea R., and Daniel Milesians "Effects of timbre and tempo change on memory for music." Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 61.9 (2008): 1371- 1384. Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection. EBSCO. Web. 4 Nov. 2009.

This article talks about again how tempos can help play different roles in recalling memory and how it works in the brain. It talks about the study they did and what changing the tempo did to the brain. The article is also very well written and has a good format which can be extremely helpful when writing my

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