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Lateral Violence Case Study

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Have you ever heard the phrase “old nurses eat their young”? This phrase was previously used in place of what is now called lateral violence. Lateral violence can also be called horizontal violence, or bullying, and it refers to the deliberate or harmful behavior presented in the workplace, between employees who handle the same level of responsibility (Christie & Jones, 2013). According to Christie & Jones (2013), senior nurses are culprits of initiating lateral violence towards novice nurses, which is very unfortunate because they are the future of nursing. “Studies estimate that 44% to 85% of nurses are victims of lateral violence and up to 93% of nurses’ reported witnessing lateral violence in the workplace” (Christie & Jones, 2013 p. 1) Lateral violence has resulted in “decreased sense of well-being, physical health complaints, sleep …show more content…
An employee who observes any communication or behavior that may potentially lead to workplace violence is to report it immediately to their supervisor or security personnel. In case of an immediate threat, we are to contact the local authorities. Although, my company keeps all information reported confidential to the extent possible, sometimes information may need to be shared to solve the matter, creating uneasiness and fear of retaliation for the employee. Fortunately, under our zero-tolerance policy, it protects the employee from being retaliated against for filing a complaint, or assisting in an investigation. I believe that it is better to report it than place you patients, co-workers, or yourself in danger. Once the situation is reported to our site supervisor, an investigation is conducted and documented by higher management. During this investigation, employees are expected to fully cooperate. According to the human resources director, the disciplinary action taken against workplace violence is

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