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Wellness Analysis

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The wellness papers main objective is to assess a person’s overall health, and make one goal based off of the suggested recommendations. As of January 31st, my health age was 36. This is health check done by Bupa health care. They assessed my lifestyle and habits. If I took precautionary actions I can reduce my age by 21 years. My highest health risk was diabetes. Although diabetes does not run in my family, my unhealthy nutrition choices put me at risk. My nutrition has definitely declined since attending college. Since diabetes was my biggest health risk, I decided to choose recommendations that would help decrease this specific risk. I set my goal to track my nutrition by making better choices, as well as begin a more active lifestyle. …show more content…
I vowed to document after every workout. So I would take a picture of myself right after the gym. I would specifically plan out my workout on my calendar. So I would specific body parts and my cardio routine. The best time for me to workout is at night. I am very self conscious in the gym, so I go to the gym after class at around 8:30- 9 pm. I try to go to class already in my gym clothes so that I have no excuse as to why I don’t go the gym. In the gym I begin my workout with cardio. I set the treadmill to an incline of 7 and the speed of 3.2 mph. That is a normal speed walking pace for me. I keep that tempo for 15 minutes. If it is a leg day then I set the incline to about 9 and I decrease the speed to 2 mph. I turn around and for the remaining 15 minutes I walk backwards. As you can imagine I am usually exhausted afterwards. After cardio I do floor exercises corresponding with the body part that I am focusing on. My rest days were Sundays but I made sure to dedicate Thursdays to stretching. For the nutrition part I made it simple for myself. I hate breakfast so I made sure to always grab an apple from the day before to eat before 12 pm. Every day for lunch I got a spinach grilled chicken with egg whites salad for lunch. I dressed that with balsamic vinegar. Then for lunch I went to N-wing, and made sure that with my meal I got another small salad, and a type of meat paired off with the vegetable of choice. For example someday it would be grilled chicken and asparagus. Other days it would be roast beef and string beans. I tried to stick to those plans every single

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