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Aromaland Wellness Analysis

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Pages 5
Aromaland Wellness®
System of Aromatic Harmonics™
A Coherent and Integrative Approach to Emotional Well-Being
What an exciting path we are on.
The universe is a very mysterious place and how we humans understand and adapt within the great mysteries are now beginning to be understood.
This is a story of us, all of us.
This is a story filled with wisdom of how we all can become the best of who we are.
This is a story of love.
No, we are not speaking of the romantic kind although that is a part of us. We are speaking of love as the foundation sponsoring emotion that brings forth emotions we enjoy such as kindness, joy, peace, generosity and happy.
Love is the primal opposite of fear which breeds such feelings as hate, greed, violence and …show more content…
It is important to realize at the outset that we are stepping away from a fundamental error in western medicine. This fundamental error also has unfortunately been adopted by much of the 5-billion-dollar natural industry.
This fundamental error is simple. I can take a pill, capsule or potion to “fix what ails me”.
This is just not how health and well-being is generated!
On the pharmaceutical side, it has led to an epidemic of opioid and other mood altering drug addictions. On the natural side it has led to many overpriced products producing ineffective outcomes
The “story of wellness” becomes ever more complicated when dealing with emotional issues and that is the thrust of our effort at Aromaland.
First, let's lay out some basic facts.
 Anxiety disorders affect about 40 million Americans age 18 years and older (about 18 percent) in a given year.
 Alcohol is the most commonly used addictive substance in the United States: 17.6 million people, or one in every 12 adults, suffer from alcohol abuse or …show more content…
Fascinating new research is being done on an expanded view of heart rhythms and breathing.
First, we will discuss breath.
The concept of breath is at the center of inhaling natural plant vapors. Astoundingly breath is at the center of "mindfulness" which continues to demonstrate profound scientific evidence for the treatment of anxiety, sleep disorders, and pain.
Mindfulness as a system for dealing with anxiety, pain and sleep disorders is being espoused by The National Institute of Health and National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health.
At its core “mindfulness” teaches us to be in the moment and conscious of our breathing. It is a 2500-year-old technique. You can see a full display of NIH data and interpretations by clicking here.
Aromaland suggests that breathing techniques that focus on ”living in the moment” are enhanced with the utilization of carefully crafted essential oil blends. At Aromaland we refer to this stress reducing process as “Breathe in the Moment”.
What about the heart? Does love or fear come from that old limbic or lizard brain of ours? Traditional aromatherapy has taught us

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