...Developing an Organizational Employee Wellness Plan Sample Outline This outline is intended to be a starting point to guide state agencies in developing their own agency-specific wellness plan. The provided outline addresses specific points to consider in developing the agency plan, but each agency will need to add additional content to define adequately what and how each activity will be implemented in the agency. While the outline is presented in this format for ease of reading and brevity, a more narrative format is recommended to serve as the actual agency wellness plan. Additionally in some sections, such as Program Objectives and Program Content, the outline provides suggested objectives or program content for agencies to consider. In these sections, agency wellness planners may need to delete or add language to reflect agency-specific objectives and content. If you have any questions about the outline or developing your wellness plan, please contact: I. Program Purpose This voluntary program of formal and informal activities is designed to improve the health and well-being of all employees and reduce or eliminate health issues affecting employee health and work productivity. II. Program Objectives A. Primary Goal 1. The Employee Wellness Program will strive to increase the well-being and productivity of all employees by enhancing all aspects of health. The program seeks to increase awareness of positive health behaviors, to motivate employees...
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...MEMORANDUM DATE: November 29, 2010 TO: James Martin, Director of Human Resources FROM: Name, Assistant Director of Human Resources SUBJECT: Wellness Program Recommendations for Technicraft, Inc. Attached is the report on the implementation of corporate wellness programs. Due to rising health benefit costs and a rising number of health benefit claims, you requested that I investigate the implementation of corporate wellness programs as a way to reduce company costs. In order to determine whether it would be possible to improve employee health and lifestyle habits, while also cutting company costs, I analyzed the results that several companies had after launching their own wellness programs. I also considered and researched the potential disadvantages of implementing a wellness program. After a thorough investigation of all of these factors, I recommend that Technicraft, Inc. implement a corporate wellness program in order to improve employee health and productivity and reduce or stabilize company health benefit costs. I have enjoyed researching this topic and would like to meet with you to discuss my recommendation. I will call you early next week in order to schedule a meeting time or you may contact me at extension 5555. WELLNESS PROGRAM RECCOMMENDATIONS FOR TECHNICRAFT, INC. Prepared for James Martin, Director of Human Resources Technicraft, Inc. 4501 West 92nd Street Indianapolis, IN 46260 Prepared by Name, Assistant Director of Human...
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...WELLNESS AND THE CLEVELAND CLINIC’S NICOTINE TESTING IN PRE- EMPLOYMENT PHYSICALS By Asbjorn Osland and Pamela Wells Department of Organization & Management College of Business San José State University “As a leading healthcare organization dedicated to fighting disease and advocating healthy living, our policies and procedures must reflect that commitment,” said Delos M. “Toby” Cosgrove, M.D. CEO and President of Cleveland Clinic. “Having banned smoking from our campuses and launched a communitywide program to promote smoking cessation, incorporating Cotinine testing is a natural extension of our efforts to highlight the perils of tobacco use.” The Cleveland Clinic informs applicants when they apply for work that those that “applicants who test positive for tobacco products will not be considered for employment and will be referred to tobacco cessation resources paid for by Cleveland Clinic. After 90 days, applicants successful in quitting will be encouraged to reapply.” Existing personnel are not covered by this policy. The Clinic continues to offer existing personnel extensive support and guidance to quit using tobacco. Use of Tobacco by Employees One has to recognize that some people enjoy tobacco. Standing outside with a group of friends smoking during a break provides camaraderie. Pacing one’s actions throughout the day by indulging in a smoke break is pleasurable for many. Smoking also satisfies one’s oral needs that may otherwise be met by eating;...
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...Instructor: Professor Kathleen Milburn Class: HRIS- HR530 Date: December 11, 2011 Report #1 Shows the numbers and percentages of late performance evaluations for several departments within the county with late performance evaluations could cause several problems. First, they affect employee motivation when employees are waiting on evaluations to be completed for pay raises. This, in turn, may affect morale, productivity, and turn-over rates. The evaluation of employees’ job performance is an important personnel function and is critically important to the organization. Appraisals give the employees an opportunity to contemplate their performance at work. It is the time when employees look forward to a raise in the salary and a promotion. For the managers, appraisals are about reviewing the past performance of their employees and providing them with feedback along with some tips to improve. Performance appraisal is the means by which the work performance of employees is evaluated. Employee performance is assessed in terms of the quality and quantity of work he/she has put in. It is calculated in terms of the time and efforts contributed by the employees in achieving an assigned task. Reviews of employee performance taken within an organization are known as performance or employee appraisals. They aim at analyzing employee performance, identifying their potential and inabilities, in order to determine the employee training needs. They also aim at taking...
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...Verbal Learning The concept of verbal learning is the understanding and gaining of knowledge through verbal stimuli, commonly known as speaking. The presentation of knowledge through the act of speaking allows learning by memorization. Memorization is the repetition of information to gain understanding and knowledge. A thorough understanding of verbal learning can be obtained through a comprehensive examination of the various aspects that it encompasses. The first aspect of verbal learning is defining the concept itself. Within the definition of verbal learning will be an introduction to Dr. David Ausubel, a psychologist who studied verbal learning. The second aspect of verbal learning that will be examined in this paper is the comparison and contrasting of serial learning (a list of items), paired associate learning (one item helping retrieve information), and free recall (independent items). The fourth and final aspect of verbal learning explored in this paper is the concept of mnemonics, or retention of information, in the recall of verbal stimuli. Verbal Learning S. Cooper wrote about David Ausubel as he was a psychologist who studied the developmental and educational psychology of individuals. Verbal learning was the area of psychology that was studied most in depth by Ausubel. In his research, Ausubel “focused...
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...2003 Research Quarterly ❶y❸❹ Work/Life Balance Challenges and Solutions Nancy R. Lockwood HR Content Expert y SOCIETY FOR HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SHRM Research ❶y❸❹ 2003 SHRM®Research Quarterly Abstract In organizations and on the home front, the challenge of work/life balance is rising to the top of many employers’ and employees’ consciousness. In today’s fast-paced society, human resource professionals seek options to positively impact the bottom line of their companies, improve employee morale, retain employees with valuable company knowledge, and keep pace with workplace trends. This article provides human resource professionals with an historical perspective, data and possible solutions—for organizations and employees alike—to work/life balance. Three factors—global competition, personal lives/family values, and an aging workforce— present challenges that exacerbate work/life balance. This article offers the perspective that human resource professionals can assist their companies to capitalize on these factors by using work/life initiatives to gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Work/Life Balance: Challenges and Solutions I n a society filled with conflicting responsibilities and commitments, work/life balance has become a predominant issue in the workplace. Three major factors contribute to the interest in, and the importance of, serious consideration of work/life balance: 1) global competition; 2) renewed interest in personal...
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...Introduction – Rushell Baderman Island Resort ensures all guests enjoy a relaxed and care free stay. In doing so the interior of company must be structured to function at its highest level of performance. This essay will outline the general functions of the Food and Bar Management and Front Office Supervisor. It will focus on the performance management systems, discuss the advantage and disadvantage of two different job evaluations, compare and contrast compensation plans, and explain the importance of providing employee benefits plans. Each area is unique to this company and its success. Describe the general function of performance management systems. If your assigned company does not use a performance management system, would you recommend it use one? LISA Overall the success of our company in general is due to our commitment and dedication given to our employees. The company strives to ensure that every employee is given an equal opportunity, and it is our duty to embrace each employee to the fullness of their potential. The company accomplishes this task by the use of performance management systems. Performance management systems are used to sustaining and measuring an employee’s performance. These methods are the key to an organization success because an organization can assess individuals' performance and reward them appropriately. To do this successfully an organization needs to have a system that manages performance: not just for reward purposes but also to help...
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...decrease employer health related costs and loss of outputs while increasing the knowledge and buy in of employees. If employees have limited understanding of benefit programs and the programs themselves are obsolete to employee needs and current trends, the sponsoring organization is wasting financial resources and contributing to the potential decrease in employee productivity due to unmet health and wellness related needs. Martocchio (2014), discusses the responsibilities of benefit professionals as providing assistance to employees surrounding education on the various options of benefit programs as well as their need for expertise in designing and administering benefits programs. He further discusses the importance of benefit professionals remaining current on trends and innovative approaches to practices and development of benefit programs. The text additionally states that many employees have minimal understanding of the wordage and regulations attached to the components of the benefits packages. Traditional approaches to developing and marketing health and wellness benefit programs in the organizational culture can prove to be financially costly to employers and unbeneficial to employees. Traditional approaches have focused on the employee having to decipher things, read through thick packets and often times in a reactive manner due to an issue they were unable to address to due lack of clarity. Throughout this document, I will discuss alternative approaches to engaging...
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...D R BA 2700 Organizational Behavior Instructor: Crystal Kenefic, MBA February 8, 2011 Concepts of Organizational Behavior Business is business, but how you operate your business is the key to success. There are many concepts to Organizational Behavior, but three key concepts must exist and continually be improved. Motivation, workplace stress and leadership exist and must continually be evaluated in every work environment. I chose these concepts because of their interaction with each other. Businesses must know how to motivate their employees. Employees must know who to cope and overcome workplace stress. Leaders must be able to effectively lead their employees. Motivation, workplace stress and leadership are issues that when properly managed can lead to a wonderful work environment for all employees and lead to the success of any company. I am going to examine these key concepts and their interaction with one another in the work place. Motivation Motivation has taken on many forms over time and place. In china, motivation is driven by honor and pride. Historically, the Chinese were born into a class that they could not escape and honor meant more than money. In other countries, motivational techniques took on more of a brutal look. Even in the US, our history shows us that motivation could be boiled down to slavery and the will to survive. Although slavery is now history, motivation both positive and negative still exists. Late President John...
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...on the wellness [gym] industry and then propose a marketing campaign for them to reach the target market, identified for them. Origins of Wellness Wellness principles and practices are in no way a modern development. Wellness has a long, ancient tradition and body of knowledge behind it. Traditions relating to health, healing, and the concept of wellness can be traced back to a number of ancient civilizations across the globe. Some of these include: Greek and Roman bathing, the Arabian use of medicinal plants and minerals, traditional Chinese medicine (commonly referred to as “TCM”), and Indian Ayurvedic practices. Numerous societies and cultures have developed their own interpretations of medicine, massage, psychological well-being, and other approaches to healing over the years, several of which have played a role in informing our current understanding and practice of wellness (Zimmer, 2010). As a modern concept, wellness has gained currency since the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s, through the writings and leadership of a number of thinkers and physicians mostly from the United States, who have largely shaped the way we conceptualize and talk about wellness today (SRI International, 2010). Definition of Wellness There are a number of well-thought-out definitions of wellness, developed over time by the foremost intellectuals in the field. However, there is still no universally accepted definition of the word wellness (SRI International, 2010). The National Wellness Institute...
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...Wellness Programs Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Wellness Program The research conducted by Aon Hewitt on the best employers in Canada helped identify the best 50. The research was done by surveying employees and measuring their opinions the company’s leadership and management, career development, and recognition as well as productivity. Another research conducted by McLean Company proceed to interview the 50 listed companies top management to establish what they think made their employees gave the companies higher marks. The outcome of the research indicated that best perks, initiatives and other opportunities on offer such as wellness programs were considered important by employees. Two companies that owe part of their ratings to their wellness programs include the Co-operators insurance company and the ATB Financial services. This essay aims at looking at their wellness programs (macleans.ca, 2014, n.d) Wellness programs help both the employees and employers to be more productive and in turn increase the company’s human resource potential. Well and fit employees are known to establish a good rapport with their employers and thus enjoy their job which in turn means that their work morale is always at the peak. The program further helps reduce the costs of health care and tax benefits. The wellness programs can be offered on the employer's places or off-the-site. However, some companies are now offering both on-site and off-site wellness programs. These programs...
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...| Wellness in the Workplace | 11-24-2013 | Table of Contents Executive Summary 4 DEFINING WELLNESS 5 Employee wellness 5 WELLNESS IN THE WORKPLACE 6 How wellness impacts employees and employers 6 Organizations with wellness plans 7 Implementation of a wellness plan 8 Recommendations for a Marketing Agency 8 CONCLUSION 10 Works Cited 11 Executive Summary In this report you will learn about wellness in the workplace. The Government of Canada says that Canadians are becoming less well each year, this has resulted in more missed time at work and more money being spent by employers. This report will inform employers on the current wellness programs within other organizations, and how to implement their own wellness plan using some beginner strategies. If implemented correctly, these changes could impact the lives of their employees greatly. The health of Canadians is deteriorating at an alarming rate. 52.5% of Canadians are considered overweight or obese, only 53.9% of Canadians consider themselves physically active. Nova Scotia is the only province that reports a higher percentage of residents with diabetes than the national average, at 8.6% (The Government of Canada, 2013). Health related diseases are on the rise, as are insurance rates to compensate. It’s not just the physical health of Canadians that is deteriorating, it’s also our mental health. The number of Canadians suffering from depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder...
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...Organizational Design on Health and Wellness Inc. l Health and Wellness Inc. The Department of Health and Wellness Inc. of Atlanta, Georgia, originally called the Health Department of Fulton County; this organization was originally founded in the year 1955 through a legislative ordeal by the Fulton County State Board of Georgia. When this action took place, the Fulton County Health Department was placed with many types of services under the jurisdiction of the state government. This organization meets the goal of families, and individuals with obesity related issues. The Health and Wellness Department is a health agency for the public individuals in Atlanta, Georgia, which is under the operation/supervision of a local government (Health & Wellness, 2011). There are several services and a number of different programs that provide comprehensive health care services for the Fulton County residents of Atlanta, Georgia. The organization may have developed internal issues, the external factors makes the organization very successful and competitive with other organizations. The services and programs includes: health programs for women and children’s, programs for infectious disease individuals, and environmental health programs. There are many other services that are available, such as programs for individuals with different types of health problems that include heart attack and stroke victims and also programs for prevention of these illnesses...
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...Seven Categories of Work-Life Effectiveness Successfully Evolving Your Organization’s Work-Life Portfolio • Caring for Dependents • Health and Wellness • Workplace Flexibility • inancial Support F for Economic Security • Paid and Unpaid Time Off • Community Involvement • liciting Management E Buy-In and Transforming Organizational Culture C1 Defining Work-Life Effectiveness Work-life refers to specific organizational practices, policies and programs that are guided by a philosophy of active support for the efforts of employees to achieve success within and outside the workplace. These employersponsored initiatives comprise a strategic framework referred to as the worklife portfolio, a key element of the organization’s total rewards strategy to attract, motivate and retain employees. Career Build Your Portfolio Step One: Assess your present work-life situation It is easy to construct the outline of your organization’s existing work-life portfolio by performing a simple inventory of the policies, practices and programs currently offered within each category of the work-life portfolio. A useful resource for this activity is the Work-Life Audit, available on the Alliance for Work-Life Progress website. www.awlp.org/pub/selfaudit.pdf he term “work-life” refers to the T intersection of self (the worker), career (work), family and community. Self Life Family Community Creating and Sustaining a Successful Portfolio Building...
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...Health and Wellness in Native North America It is true that many of the old ways have been lost. But just as the rains restore the earth after a drought, so the power of the Great Mystery will restore the way and give it new life. We ask that this happen not just for the Red People, but for all people, that they all might live. Black Elk, Oglala, Sioux Contemporary health status of American Indians can be best viewed through the lens of various federal policies enacted over the past 500 years. These policies were developed largely in response to dramatic population losses among the indigenous peoples of America, resulting from genocidal actions of military campaigns, the lack of immunity to the diseases that accompanied European colonizers, and the assimilation efforts that destroyed tribal structures and wellness practices. Medical services were first coordinated through army physicians in the Department of War in an effort to control the spread of diseases from early reservation sites placed on or near military forts. By the twentieth century, the rapid decline of the Indigenous population, documented by the “Meriam Report” of 19281 prompted new assimilation efforts to save the first Americans. Healthcare services were re-coordinated within the Bureau of Indian Affairs and then into the Public Health Service, finally resting within the Federal Indian Health Service (IHS). Assimilation policies, however, proved to be highly destructive resulting in the...
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