Premium Essay

Wesley Autrey: Definition Of A Hero

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Pages 3
A hero doesn't have to be a character on the cover of a comic book with a cape and a symbol on their chest. A hero doesn't have to be someone on the headline of a news article. A hero can be anyone and everyone. A hero can be someone who does a good deed or were there at the right moment and helped. A hero can be defined by being humble, selfless, and courageous.
One way a hero can be defined is how humble they are, how they own up to the deeds they have done and not presenting them to people. Being humble is not needing extra attention for something you did and believing that you did was what you thought was right. A great example of a humble hero is Wesley Autrey. A student had a seizure and fell onto train tracks as a train came rushing toward him. Wesley went out of his way to save this student and after carried on with his day and went to work. “Autrey said he was just in the right place at the right time." ( Wesley believed that he did what anyone would do in this situation and help this kid from a problem that could have been much worse. Humble is not bragging and not strutting the good things you have done. Humble is not being modest, humble in a character trait in which you are not overbearing. …show more content…
Being selfless is not only thinking of yourself and putting others before you. Harriet Tubman helped slaves escape their owners. “This task of retrieving slaves was made more complicated by the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850, which heavily punished anyone helping slaves to escape." ( She puts others before herself even though it put her life in danger. Selfless is not putting yourself before others and not only thinking about yourself. Selflessness is not having a concern for

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