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Gustav Klimt Research Paper

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Gustav Klimt

Born in Baumgarten, Austria/ Hungary in 1862, Gustav Klimt was one of seven children born into a family of artists. His father, Ernst Klimt, was a gold engraver originally from a peasant family in Bohemia and his mother, was Anna Klimt -a musician from Vienna. Gustav Klimt’s two younger brothers also became artists. Ernst (junior)one of Gustav’s brothers, with whom Gustav collaborated with many a time, produced art veering more towards fine art and his other brother, George, became a sculptor, whose stunning works can often be found framing Gustav Klimt’s art. Work was difficult for immigrants to find and so Gustav Klimt and his family lived most of his childhood in poverty, Gustav remained close to his family and supported them …show more content…
Being Klimt's most dominate and most interested subject, The group aimed to bring rare artists foreign to Vienna and showcase their talented art. They and held exhibitions, conforming to no specific style, and were eagerly supported by the Government. Women of the Viennese society would happily sit and be painted by Klimt, despite having to remain extremely strenuous in their requested long sittings. Klimt's method is described to be very specific, although his exact technique is uncertain as he kept no diary and said very little publicly about himself. His fame enabled him to be very picky over his subjects as he would constantly be offered models to draw and paint. Summer trips with Flöge and her family to the beaches of Attersee, which became annual trips for them from the late 1890s, resulted in Gustav Klimt's landscape work. Aside from figure painting, landscapes were the only other field of art in which peaked his interest, these are described by the Klimt Museum to have '"the same refinement of design and emphatic patterning as his figural pieces". Depth and sense of space is non-existent within his landscapes and it is believed that he painted his landscapes through a

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