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Ebola Medical Ethics

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Joe Muller
J. Hopkins
Eng 101
20 November 2017 Should doctors, physicians, and medical researchers have an ethical guideline to follow? The extensive amount of fatalities caused by the Ebola virus created a large amount of controversy including: ethical treatment, experimental treatment and overall patient care. According to Emilie Alirol et al., there is a great deal of people that oppose randomized testing due to the care of patients and the increasing number of deaths (p.3). Too many doctors and medical researchers involved in the Ebola epidemic tried to rush the processes and necessary steps that are recommended by the World Health Organization. With this in mind, there is no clear evidence that shows faster medical research is better. …show more content…
Doctors and physicians that are able to communicate with patients on a more personal level and not so sophisticated are more likely to persuade the patient to do what they recommend. Most doctors and physicians describe what the issue is, in this case Ebola, but they throw around terms that only highly cultured physicians understand and make the situation worse. According to Donovan, doctors and physicians are more likely to participate in the medical research experiments because most other people of the African region do not perform these types of experiments in their culture (p. 3-4). Medical research in underdeveloped countries has shown its effects on the rate at which people will accept treatment of a disease, in this case, Ebola. Semeeh Akinwale Omoleke et al. states: Undeveloped and unfit hospitals in the region had frightened many of the people in these countries due to rapid numbers of Ebola cases, therefore people did not want to be treated in a hastily manner (p. 27-40). Fairness is not present in hospitals that are underdeveloped and lack the essential medical techniques. Not only does this show the lack of fairness, but it also shows the high amounts of inequality present. It is true that medical researchers and doctors that participated in the four ethical medical research experiments were able to simplify and explain …show more content…
states: These underdeveloped regions are participating in high risk - high reward behaviors. Hunting animals in tropical regions puts many at a high risk for not only acquiring and transmitting Ebola, but other unheard-of diseases as well. Profits of hunting in tropical regions of Africa is one of the largest industries in the area. However, the animals hunted in these regions carry a number of different diseases. African people have resorted to this career path due to the profit over other professions that are not sufficient enough to support the region (p.27-40). Hunting animals in these regions of Africa is one of the only economically sufficient processes they have. Natural resources are their main source of income and many of these areas are getting the bottom dollar for them. This is not an economically suitable way to live. High risk behaviors such as this not only affect the hunters, but also anyone who consumed meat from the animals hunted. Many areas across the region can easily spread a disease from animals by consuming the meat of the animals. In addition, the high death rates of Ebola take a major toll on economics. Omoleke et al. states: Advanced stages and death from Ebola have eliminated many laborers form various work forces. Governments also implemented trade restrictions so the disease is limited to specific countries. The Ebola scare as well as research costs increased devastation across these countries (p.27-40). Medical

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