Premium Essay

Secret Deodorant: Transgender Restroom

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Pages 4
Imagine a life where merely a visit to the restroom can cause panic and embarrassment, a life where people do not accept who you are and demand you only use certain places to go to the bathroom. The topic of transgender restroom access has been in the media a lot lately, people have a lot of different opinions of whether people should use a restroom they identify their gender with, or should only use the restroom of the gender they were born with. Recently the company Secret Deodorant has released a commercial that goes along with their new slogan “#StressTest” that involves a transgender woman in the bathroom, afraid to come out of her stall and be in front of a group of women. This is commercial is a big hit because it shows the real life anxiety transgender people face in these situations. The transgender restroom topic is becoming a major topic because more people are talking about the issue by creating commercials and other ads that have to with this controversial issue. …show more content…
Already in one of the bathroom stalls was a transgender woman, too timid to come out in front of these women and face them. Anxiety is written all over this woman’s face as she is hesitant to leave the privacy of the stall while she listens to the group’s discussion. The screen shows “Stress test #8260" and then the woman finally leaves the stall, and the screen again reads, “ Dana finds the courage to show there’s no wrong way to be a woman” (Secret Deodorant, Secret Deodorant Ladies’ Room #StressTest). After Dana comes out of her stall all of the women who were out there automatically compliment her dress and spike up a conversation with

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