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Immigration Attorney Fees

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Immigration Attorney Fees: Everything You Need to Know
People who are in need of legal assistance with regard to a variety of immigration issues will owe immigration attorney fees. There are many reasons to hire a qualified immigration attorney when dealing with such issues. Most importantly, immigration issues can be very complex and time-consuming. Whether you are in need of help applying for a visa, family-based petition, or detention and deportation issues, you’ll want the assistance of an immigration attorney who can assist you throughout the lengthy process, and even save you roughly 4-8 weeks in processing time. Immigration attorneys also know what type of relief or visa you should be applying …show more content…
Having the assistance of an immigration attorney to prepare you for such an interview will significantly lower the risk of being rejected in its final stages. Your attorney will review the facts of your case, advising you on the likelihood in succeeding in the type of visa you wish to apply for. He or she will also assist you in any deportation issues that may arise during the process. In fact, applying for relief via a waiver, visa, or via an adjustment of status increases the likelihood that immigration authorities will investigate your application and potentially exclude you from being successful, or alternatively, deport you back to your home country.
An immigration attorney can also specify whether or not any prior convictions will affect the probability of success in your application. If, for example, you require a waiver of inadmissibility to cure your unlawful presence or specific prior crimes, i.e. fraud, you will want an immigration attorney to help you through the process as you will likely face deportation and an inability to re-enter the U.S. if you attempt to do it alone. For such unlawful presence and certain prior crimes, there are other …show more content…
● Green Card for Outstanding Researchers/Professors: $1,500 attorney’s fee, filing fee of $750, and processing time ranging between 4-8 months.
● Adjustment of Status (I-140): Attorney’s fee of $825, filing fee of $1,225, and processing time roughly 6 months.
● AC-21 Portability for Pending I-485 Petitions. Attorney’s fee of $400. No filing fee. Processing time is immediate.
Self-Sponsored Green Cards
● Green Card by National Interest Waiver: Attorney's fee of $2,900, filing fee of
$700, and processing time ranging from 4-8 months.
● Green Card by Extraordinary Ability (EB-1): Attorney’s fee of $2,900, filing fee of $700, and processing time ranging from 4-8 months.

● N-400 Application for Naturalization: Attorney's fee of $500. No filing fee.
Processing time is 3 to 4 months.
● E-2 Visa (non-immigrant work visa): Attorney’s fee of $3,500. Filing fee of $0 to $325.
● TN Visa. Attorney’s fee of $1,550 and filing fee is $325.
● O1 Visa. $5,000 attorney’s fee. Filing fee is $325.
● Family-Based Petition filed by a U.S. Citizen. Attorney's fee of $2,500, filing fee is $420 and the department state fees is

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