...The Aspects of Internal Hiring Vs. External Hiring: Pros and Cons Calvin Bowens WRTG 394 Advance Business Writing 1 October 2014 Professor John Ross Executive Summary This research provides an evaluation of the historic and current practices used to select internal employees for promotion in mid-level manager position versus selecting external candidates to fill those positions. Methods of this evaluation will include pros and cons, site managers and human resource team feedback, as well as, corporate leadership take on possible approaches. Results of this evaluation show that each hiring requirement is unique in nature when referring to positions of leadership. All members interviewed or who shared their insight stated having a clear understanding of what higher level leadership wants and demands must be established up front. Therefore, assumptions of these higher level expectations almost always end in failure of the newly hired external candidate or the internally hired employee. In addition, research finds current business practice being utilize in the company does not support selecting internally or externally. There are several areas requiring further attention and investigation, to include possible remedial training for human resource generalist and site managers for the sole purpose of building staff confidence and growing leaders from within. Corporate leaders have taken the hands-off approach to hiring mid-level managers. With that said, a clear and concise...
Words: 2536 - Pages: 11
...Form Review Highlights Pros: * "Great environment combined with a perfect work-life balance" in 49 reviews * "Great work environment/culture which makes it a fun place to work" in 45 reviews * "Good benefits; Good company to work for till profits started to slide off" in 36 reviews * "Lots of great people at the company, learned a lot and inspired my career in technology" in 33 reviews * "Good pay, great management, I felt like the work I was doing was important for the company" in 30 reviews Cons: * "No work life balance, limited career advancement, lack of good benefits of tech companies" in 20 reviews * "Senior management (C-Level) does no communicate down to employees well" in 27 reviews * "Poor management decision making processes - not innovative" in 18 reviews * "Upper management doesn't listen to people lower down that actually know what they're talking about" in 15 reviews * "Many bad/useless middle management built up over the years but the layoff did some clean up" in 13 reviews Reviews Dec 8, 2013 “Loved the company and the people.” Software Development Manager (Former Employee) Rolling Meadows, IL I worked at BlackBerry full-time for more than 5 years Pros – BlackBerry was a great company with great people. I still believe the technology is the best in the industry and is only lagging due to customer lack of appreciation of the importance of Mil grade security. Cons – Executive management...
Words: 90794 - Pages: 364
...the first affordable tablet computer worth owning, but it won't replace your laptop (yet). The Xoom's spec sheet is enough to make any tablet tremble, but the price is high and Google still has some work to do before its tablet software experience is as fleshed out and intuitive as Apple's. The Galaxy Tab is a beautiful product with features that will make iPad owners envious, but its in-between size and possible carrier commitments hold it back from broad appeal. The ViewPad 7 offers a solid platform for Android 2.2, but it comes off as an oversize, overpriced smartphone--not a Netbook alternative. Now there are two competitors that we want to note as their product has not hit the markets yet, but they are targeting our segment target as well, BlackBerry Playbook and the Vizio VIA tablet both are due to release their tablets in the next 3 to 6 months. But we also have to address what the competition is using as their key platform or landscape options for their tablets as this will affect the target market as well: Apple iPad - There's probably no explanation needed for this one. With a million iPads sold within the first month of its introduction, the iPad has quickly taken the lead position in the tablet category. Pros: Elegant hardware; vibrant App Store; ideal for media playback; large selection of games; fast processor; responsive multitouch screen; long battery life; priced as low as $499. Cons: Users must buy their software from Apple;...
Words: 1891 - Pages: 8
...ISTM5010 – Integration of Information Technology and Business -1 Outsource Insource Final Paper Capella University December 14, 2012 ISTM5010 – Integration of Information Technology and Business -2 ABSTRACT The company in topic is BAILEYpc, Inc. (www.baileypc.com) and their recent organizational structure change for cloud hosting services centered on maintaining a premium service while being agile to industry change for both customer and provider. BAILEYpc offers web hosting as a re-seller through (Site5) rather than owning and maintaining their own server. As a consulting service first the model is not primarily a hardware company. So all services like domain name sales, web hosting services and website development are all outsourced. Web hosting is offered as a compliment service to business development consulting services with servers being leased from a company specializing in hosting rather than inhouse. ISTM5010 – Integration of Information Technology and Business -3 TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................................................... 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................................................... 3 SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................................... 4 CLOUD COMPUTING TRANSITION .......
Words: 4860 - Pages: 20
...computing is what most companies today use, it is the way of the future. It will allow all of Riordan’s manufacturing facilities to work more cohesively and share services via a web server. Cloud computing will also allow Riordan to get all of their applications up and running faster and more smoothly. It will also reduce the environmental damage due to the decrease of power cloud computing requires. The unpredictable and sometimes fluctuating business demand will enable the IT department of Riordan to rapidly adjust resources. The system will improve the ability to manage the cloud computing services more easily. Although companies that provide the cloud service usually use a “pay as you go model” which in turn can have unexpectedly high and increasing charges if the administrators do not adapt to the prices of using the Cloud services. With the service, multiple users can access and edit their data without having to pay for licenses for certain applications they normally would have to use without the Cloud service. The implantation of the service requires less IT trained employees, so that would decrease the amount of training Riordan would have to spend to train their employees in IT. The maintenance aspect is easier due to the fact the service does not need to be installed on each user’s computers and it can be accessed from multiple locations. To access the service the user uses any web browser, no matter if they are accessing it through a pc or their mobile device, or wherever...
Words: 1726 - Pages: 7
...A controversial topic in the world today is having the right to take ones own life in certain conditions of pain an suffering of unbearable pain or an untreatable illness. The proper term for this act is called Euthanasia, which translates from Greek roots as “good death” (Kastenbaum 267). Having the right to die is a powerful right that if were made legal could create many dark roads, which there would be no turning back on once entered. On the other hand having the right to die when diagnosed with an untreatable illness and given the option to an ideal death as some might put it by passing away under euthanasia. I believe that living in a free society that allows citizens the right to their own death under the right circumstances decided by that one person and their condition that is either physically or mentally daunting. Having other people dictate when this time in life occurs or not occurs to me just does not make sense. Giving the power to someone to decide what is best for them is in all that one persons decision and should not be dictated by anyone else. The right to die first entered America in 1976 in a New Jersey courtroom. Before this the act of taking one’s life by euthanasia was thought only for animals or that of a sinner. During this time in the 1970’s religion had much more of an impact with more followers and believers in the everyday lives of the American people than compared todays society (Gallup). In 1975 Karen Ann Quinlan, 21 collapsed and stopped breathing...
Words: 1989 - Pages: 8
...the Hard Drive market, where competitors have 10x more revenue. HP was looking at the unit’s profitability and technical expertise that would allow it to compete with Seagate and IBM, wondering why “don’t we have 20% market share.” The organization believed in innovation fueling growth, as it was able to do with RISC based processors in the UNIX market while other companies preferred the status quo. Despite overall rising corporate and DMD revenues, DMD represented a decreasing percentage of HP sales (see linear trend line). [please note that DMD and corporate sales are scaled logarithmically , and the % DMD/Corporate is depicted on its own linear scale] [pic] Question 2. The Kittyhawk drive turned out to be a commercial failure. Never-the-less, HP did many things right in its planning and development. List and discuss what HP did right with Kittyhawk. HP did a number of things correctly in its planning and...
Words: 3424 - Pages: 14
...…………………………………………………………………………………34 Issue # 6 …………………………………………………………………………………36 References ……………………………………………………………………………….39 3 Exec. Summary-Alex Morrison Apple is the number one leader in innovation in the technology industry. They strive to create unique, high quality products. Over the next five years Apple faces a several strategic issues. The first issue is that Apple’s products are fairly expensive. We recommend that Apple create a secondary market with less expensive products. The second issue is the working conditions in the manufacturing plants. We recommend that Apple increase the wages of their manufacturing employees. The third issue is customer preference for Google applications. We recommend that Apple create a survey inquiring what features customers would like to have in their applications, as a result, Apple could base their applications on these requirements. The fourth issue is that Apple is not shareholder friendly. We recommend that...
Words: 11050 - Pages: 45
...Московский государственный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова Физический факультет Кафедра английского языка Mass Media Составитель: Гариян А.А. Москва 2012 Part 1 Mass Media Different types of Mass Media There are different types of mass media that we are accustomed to in this day and age. Whether it's children, young people, or adults, we've all had our share of media-related exposure every day. Learn more about what the media comprises in our modern-day world. Mass media refers to communication devices, which can be used to communicate and interact with a large number of audiences in different languages. Be it the pictorial messages of the early ages, or the high-technology media that are available today, one thing that we all agree upon, is that mass media are an inseparable part of our lives. Entertainment and media always go hand in hand, but in addition to entertainment, mass media also remains to be an effective means of communication, spreading information, advertising, marketing, and in general, of expressing and sharing views, opinions, and ideas. There are several types of Mass Media: 1) Print Media: •Newspapers •Magazines •Booklets and Brochures •Billboards 2) Electronic Media: •Television •Radio 3) New Age Media: •Mobile Phones •Computers •Internet •Electronic Books Print media encompasses mass communication through printed material. It includes newspapers, magazines, booklets and brochures, house magazines, periodicals or newsletters, direct mailers, handbills...
Words: 8065 - Pages: 33
...Net" – Coping With Virtuality 12 Become An Effective Leader 12 Staying On Top Of Things 12 The Technical Needs of a Virtual Team 13 Learning and Technology 13 Selecting Technology 13 Examples of Real-Time Tools (Synchronous) 14 Examples of Asynchronous Tools 14 The Virtual Meeting 15 Planning Your Meeting 15 The Virtual Meeting, cont. 16 Facilitation Tips 16 Types of Virtual Meeting Software to Consider 16 Managing Issues In A Virtual Team 17 Conclusions and Closure for a Virtual Team 18 References 19 So, You Want a Virtual Team, Huh? An Instructional Manual for Virtual Teams Introduction John is so excited! He starts his new job on Monday. In his new job, John will take on a team for a Fortune 100 company. His new company is growing fast, and to keep up with the pressure of rapid growth, they have been expanding across the country. John is new to this matrix-type work culture and needs to adjust his style of work and leadership to accommodate. How will he setup technology and infrastructures to support his new team? What techniques can he use to build trust, agreement and purpose with his new team? How will he determine what type of team he will need? How can he be an effective team leader in the virtual environment? These are many questions the new virtual leader may have as they enter this new world. The focus of this manual is to explain how to function in a virtual team. Virtual teams don't just happen by having all team...
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...What Is the Internet of Things? Mike Loukides & Jon Bruner ISBN: 978-1-491-92180-7 THE O’REILLY INTERNET OF THINGS CONFERENCE “The future has a funny way of sneaking up on you. You don’t notice it until you’re soaking in it. That was the feeling at O’Reilly’s Solid Conference.” — Wired The traditional boundaries between hardware and software are falling. It’s a perfect storm of opportunity for a software-enhanced, networked physical world. The new products and services created from the melding of software, hardware, and data are built by people who work across disciplines and industries. A vibrant new community is emerging, made up of business and industry leaders, software developers, hardware engineers, designers, investors, startup founders, academics, artists, and policy makers—many of whom have never come together before. They gather at Solid to be inspired, to make connections and launch conversations, and to plug into the future for a few days. Will you be a part of it? Find out more at solidcon.com What Is the Internet of Things? Mike Loukides and Jon Bruner What Is the Internet of Things? by Mike Loukides and Jon Bruner Copyright © 2015 O’Reilly Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Published by O’Reilly Media, Inc., 1005 Gravenstein Highway North, Sebastopol, CA 95472. O’Reilly books may be purchased for educational, business, or sales promotional use. Online editions are also available for most titles (http://safaribooksonline...
Words: 9994 - Pages: 40
...Questions Chapter 1 1. What is organizational performance and what is its relationship with efficiency and effectiveness? Organizational performance: a measure of how efficiently and effectively managers use organizational resources to satisfy customers and achiever organizational goals. Efficiency: A measure of how well or productively resources are used to achieve a goal Effectiveness: A measure of the appropriateness of the goals an organization is pursuing and the degree to which the organization achieves those goals. 2. Explain the following terms: strategy, low-cost strategy, and differentiation strategy Strategy: A cluster of decisions about what goals to pursue, what actions to take, and how to use resources to achieve goals. Low cost strategy: a way of obtaining customers by making decision that allow an organization to produce goods or services more cheaply than its competitors so it can charge lower prices than they do Differentiation strategy: To deliver to customers new, exciting, and unique products 3. What does the managerial function of organizing involve? What is its outcome? Organizing: structuring working relationships so organization members interact and cooperate to achieve organization goals. Outcome: The outcome of organizing is the creation of organization structure Organization structure: a formal system of task and reporting relationships that coordinates and motivates organizational members so they work together to achieve organization...
Words: 3544 - Pages: 15
...field of techno self-studies. Social media are different from traditional or industrial media in many ways, including quality, reach, frequency, usability, immediacy, and permanence. There are many effects that stem from internet usage. According to Nielsen, internet users continue to spend more time with social media sites than any other type of site. At the same time, the total time spent on social media in the U.S. across PC and mobile devices increased by 99 percent to 121 billion minutes in July 2012 compared to 66 billion minutes in July 2011. For content contributors, the benefits of participating in social media have gone beyond simply social sharing to building reputation and bringing in career opportunities and monetary income, as discussed in Tang, Gu, and Whinston (2012). Facebook is the most popular free social networking website that allows registered users to create profiles, upload photos and video, send messages and keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues. It can also make it easy for you to connect and share with your family and friends...
Words: 1889 - Pages: 8
...Library1. As a humble gift to you, dear reader, we have now put together this Editor’s Choice eBook. It’s a little Smashing Library treat, featuring some of the most memorable and useful articles that have been published on Smashing Magazine in the last few years — all of them carefully selected and thoroughly edited. Ranging from heavily discussed topics such as responsive Web design, to ideas on UX, to trusty mainstays like nifty Photoshop tricks, to hands-on business advice and design inspiration, this eBook is a potpourri as diverse as your work as a Web designer. We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we do editing and creating each and every eBook page that finds a home in our Smashing Library. — Cosima Mielke, Smashing eBook Producer 1. http://smashed.by/library 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Designing For The Reading Experience ............................................................. 4 Logical Breakpoints For Your Responsive Design ........................................ 24 Sketching A New Mobile Web............................................................................. 35 Towards A Retina Web ........................................................................................... 47 Avoiding The...
Words: 39572 - Pages: 159
...Implementing Subway restaurants inside of Best Buy‟s instead of reducing the size of Best Buy stores by 10% may have the same financial underlining but not the same market impact. Subway is a restaurant chain that has (1) Brand Recognition (2) Good Public Image “healthy”, “fresh”, “Inexpensive” (3) Strong Independent Advertising Campaigns (4) Profitability within a Growing Industry. Subway restaurants promote and advertise timely events such as movies, athletic events, months, holidays, etc. to go along with Subway‟s existing promotional deals such as the “$5 Footlong” sandwich deals. Subway creates daily incentives for customers and provides a multitude of product offerings that allow Subway not to get stagnant or predictable to consumers. “Take your pick; eat a sandwich on a budget and lay out $5 for a 12‟inch submarine, or eat a fresh, healthy one to train like Michael Phelps, lose tons of weight like Jared Fogle (Subway spokesman), or eat a green avocado topped sandwich in commemoration of The Green Lantern motion picture. For any reason, or any cause, there is a Subway sandwich for you.” The possible cross-promotional functions of venturing with a strong commercialized corporation will have a large impact on future revenues in the long run. For example, when Subway promotes a movie in theatres, they hope to create an...
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