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What Caused Wwi


Submitted By ghidfg
Words 809
Pages 4
World War 1 was caused by many events and this is what makes it difficult to figure out what the main cause was. The acronym MAIN stands for Militarism, Alliance System, Imperialism and Nationalism. Europe can be seen as a bottle of Diet Coke and you can look at the assignation of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand as a piece of Mentos. We all know what happens when you bring those two harmless substances together. Though all four of these causes play a key part in WW1 I believe that the most important cause was Alliance System because if not for all the alliances the bottle of diet coke would be just be an empty bottle. Militarism is defined as the building of a nation’s army, navy, soldiers and military forces. From the year 1870 up until the start of World War 1 both France and Germany had doubled their armed forces. Britain and Germany were in competition to build the biggest and best navy. It was said that “Whichever country ruled the waves could rule the world”. This meant that the nation with the largest navy had the fastest and easiest form of transportation at the time and could get colonies more easily. This also caused technology to increase rapidly. Another event that pushed militarism was the conscription laws. During this time most of the countries in Europe except Great Britain had conscription laws. This meant that by law men that were 18 or older were forced to join the army. As all the armed forces of Europe were growing the empty bottle was starting getting filled with diet Coke. Imperialism is when a Country took over other countries to build their own empire. Before World War 1 started there was an increase in manufacturing and goods being produced. As technology was improving countries were forced to build bigger and better weapons. To build these weapons they needed natural resources that they did not have in their home lands. Africa was

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