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What Does Entropy Mean In Laplace's Demon

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Pages 2
Laplace's demon, a mental experience stating that if a being was able to know the position, direction, and magnitude of all forces acting on every objects in the universe and could subject that knowledge to mathematical calculation then the past, present, and future of the entire universe would be able to be known with perfect, accuracy, and precision. Laplace's demon would imply that everything in the universe is in a state of fixation and deviation from the formulaic future it presented would be impossible. The causal determinism that is presented suggests that free will is not an option of any sentient being in the universe, and that one is destined to complete a certain decision regardless of any self awareness and cognitive ability.

This is why my favorite word is Entropy. Entropy, a state of falling into disorder accompanied with the rise of unpredictability. Entropy when to presented to the Laplace's demon, the causal determinism which the mental experience presents the daunting fear of destiny gives way to freedom of the unknown.

Entropy is my favorite word because it allows freedom from destiny, I affect my future based on my actions it take in the present and the past, that is what entropy allows. I am allowed to choose to go to UAH because i want to however at …show more content…
Cancer a random anomaly in a cell's genetic structure from its original form is one horrible side effect of entropy. However; coupled with that horrible tragedy comes the hope, “The universe is big, it's vast and complicated, and ridiculous. And sometimes, very rarely, impossible things just happen and we call them miracles” (Moffat). Entropy is the driving force of miracles it allows for the spontaneous to occur and to boggle the mind, from water to wine, a empty jar of oil becoming full, and survival when it shouldn’t seem

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