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What Does One Vote Mean To Me

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One Vote, What does it Mean to You? So many Americans misunderstand the United States election process. When you turn 18 and hit the voting box for the first time it’s not the presidential candidates you’re voting for, but a panel of electors that cast the actual votes within each representative state; which ultimately elect the President. That individual vote is still very important because it’s the process to determine which candidate your state will vote for on Election Day. In a perfect world voting for the electoral vote should align with the outcome of the popular vote. There have been a few times in our nation’s history where that hasn’t been the case. Our founding fathers had the best intentions but fell short on predicting all the nuances surrounding our voting process. Based on the information available at the time they focused on isolating the electors at the state level thus mitigating the risk of corruption and ensuring a free and open election. Over the last 200 years we’ve seen several scenarios play out that have prompted much concern for the voting system we currently utilize today. …show more content…
However, I’m not confident that a constitutional amendment is required to address our voting issues nor do I think we’re capable of pushing one through today. For example, let’s say for the sake of argument we wanted to push a constitutional amendment through and enact new laws on voting in the United States. First, we would need a two thirds vote from Congress followed by ratification by three-quarters of the states. There is entirely too much at stake for some states to back a play like that since the current voting system works to their advantage. Bottom line, even though many disapprove of the voting system today, it by no means violates the

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