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What Does Patriotism Mean?

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Etymology means the study of words origins, a better understanding of the history of words, also how words has shifted throughout the years. The Denotation of the word Patriotism is, the quality of being patriotic; love of or devotion to one's country. In French (1749) the word Patriotism was spelled patriotisme also in German (1761) it was spelled Patriotismus. A quote for the word Patriotism is, “Patriotism must be founded in great Principles, and supported by great Virtues.” Visct. Bolingbroke Idea Patriot King iv. 27 c1740.
But what does patriotism means to me? It means of course to have love for our homeland we should always respect our homeland because that’s where we come from, our country, if we living in a country we should respect

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