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National Anthem Research Paper

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Why Should we Stand for the National Anthem? Why should we stand for that National Anthem? That’s a good question. Why should we stand? Now, as many know there was this big thing in the NFL about players taking a knee during the Anthem. They claimed that the were protesting against “discrimination,” but they were really just poking fun at Donald Trump. But you know what that doesn't matter at this point, the damage is done. And back to the original question. Why should we stand for the Anthem? Well it’s pretty simple, it shows respect and promotes unity. Respect, what's the big deal with it? Well in this case it mean a high regard for something. A high regard for something, respect. Standing for shows a lot of respect for those who have served. At least stand for them because they are most worthy of our respect. But standing for the flag also shows respect for our leaders, past or present, right or left. But more importantly it shows respect for the hope, “the hope to form a more perfect union.” (USA …show more content…
The first way it shows unity is pretty simple. Everybody is standing facing the same direction, looking at the same flag, and holding their hand over their heart. I’d call that unity. Standing also shows patriotism. What does patriotism have to do with unity? Patriotism means a love for one's country. And if everybody shows love for our great nation, wouldn’t that be considered unity? Lastly, we’re all looking toward the same goal, the same hope, the same flag. The American Flag represents a nation, but more importantly it represents an idea and a hope. An idea to create a nation that treats all creeds equally. And no this nation, this idea isn’t perfect, none are but this nation is one of the very few were you can have one neighbor that’s Christian, one that’s Muslim, one that’s black, and one that’s white. Try naming all the nations where you can do this, and where it actually

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